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Nine, de Rob Marshall


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Mas daí tb é demais minha gente... A Judi Dench e a Sophia Loren tb naum estiveram no programa da Oprah, nem na Vanity Fair e ninguém comentou...rsrsrsrsrsrrs

Acho q preferiram reduzir os entrevistados, afinal ia ser muita gente, sei lá...

By the way, achei q a mais bem vestida foi a Nicole a despeito da onda a favor da Penélope.
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Mas daí tb é demais minha gente... A Judi Dench e a Sophia Loren tb naum estiveram no programa da Oprah' date=' nem na Vanity Fair e ninguém comentou...rsrsrsrsrsrrs[/quote']

Mas acho que não estão dando tanto destaque pra Dench e Loren pelo simples fato de que o público médio não vai se interessar tanto por elas. Mas fico imaginando se estão com medo de que o pessoal fique com preconceito por causa da Fergie... Engraçado pois achei que seria justamente o contrário, que a colocariam em destaque para chamar a atenção, como fizeram com a Beyoncé em dreamgirls.


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Primeira sessão de imprensa de Nine, de Rob Marshall, ontem à noite. Sala lotada em LA. Imagino que a outra sessão simultânea, em Nova York, esteja do mesmo jeito. Primeira coisa, logo na entrada: todo mundo tem que assinar um documento jurando não resenhar o filme antes do dia 15 de dezembro ( gosto da data!) – a estréia oficial em LA e NY é dia 18 de dezembro, no Brasil, 15 de janeiro.

Portanto, caras e caros, não posso dizer mais além disto, por enquanto: que aplausos pontuaram a sessão e coroaram seu final; que fiquei feliz ao ver o nome querido e saudoso de Anthony Minghella nos créditos finais (ele é um dos autores do roteiro, estupendo); e que há muito tempo não vejo mulheres tão espetacularmente belas numa tela, e não sabia que Daniel Day Lewis sabia cantar e fazer acrobacia.

Num ano paupérrimo é um prazer ver um tributo a um cinema feito com a alma, num tempo em que cinema valia a pena.

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Vindo da Bahiana não me empolga em nada, é esperar os críticos "de verdade". Mas interessante os aplausos, apesar de que em uma sala como essa, como sempre, não se sabe a quantidade de puxa sacos presentes, pessoal do estúdio, muito cedo ainda, mas espero que vingue. Sobre a Fergie, pois é, o Black Eyed Peas é a banda de maior sucesso nos EUA, vendem feito água, deveriam associá-la para atrair o público jovem, não entendo.

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Entrevista de Kidman para o La Republica:


Surprise for Nicole Kidman: “In my next movie I will be a man”
After Nine she will be a man for Danish Girl. “I have to understand how to change myself in a man but I was moved by this real story”

NEW YORK. “In my next movie I will play the part of a transexual, a man who became a woman”, says Nicole Kidman, came back to her natural red colour, we met her in New York for the promotion of Nine, a movie insipired by the Broadway musical Nine (inspired itself by Fellini's movie 8 ½). And she adds laughing: “I don't know what means being a man, I don't start my training for Danish Girl but as Claudia said to Guido in the movie 'Men have always the better roles'”.

In Nine all the protagonists sing. Nicole Kidman (she shooted Nine breast-feeding her daughter Sunday Rose); Daniel Day-Lewis at his first experience as a singer; Sophia Loren (Guido's mother); Marion Cotillard (the beautiful Guido's wife); Judy Dench (Guido's best friend); Penelope Cruz who brings a lot of erotism in the movie with her dance and voice. “The original movie was set in the 60s, the time of great glamour, and Claudia was one of those divas that nowadays don't exsist anymore. Guido and Claudia love eachother but in a creative way, their relationship can't be real, she has to remain a muse for him. Like Penelope with Pedro, they have a love story that exsists only in a cretive way, or probably like Fellini and Eckberg.”

How was the experience of shooting in Cinecittà, Fellini's world?
“It was an incredible emotion, when I entered for the first time in the studios and saw those walls, rich of history, of people who made the movies in the past! I became an actress thanks to Italian Cinema mostly, expecially thanks to Fellini. I saw 8 ½ when I was very young and I didn't understand it very much, but I saw it again recently and it touched me in a complete different way.”

What about Loren?
“I've been with her for a while, I asked her a lot of things about her life and her career and she always answered me 'All this it's not real. What is real is love, family, children, being a mother'. And that's true for Guido, because he's succefull, has love stories with beautiful women and then arrives a moment when he had to ask himself “who am I?'. And from this point he has to find his identity”

What does it me for you this?
I'm very lucky to have a husband that loves me, a 16 months daughter, a 17 years old daughter and a 15 years old son who's even making a movie now. And I feel complete as an actress. So, I have everything.

Do you think you have to change a lot of Danish Girl?
The movie will made next year I still think about how to change myself in a man, at least for the first part of the movie, but it's too early to think about it. It's a wonderful story, based on the real story of the danish painter Einar Wegner and his Californian wife Greta played by Gwineth Paltrow. I think Tomas Alfredson is a great director I found spectacular his movie about the children vampires, he convinced me even more to make this movie and accept the part

You decided to produce this movie, why?
As I did in the past, I try to help the little movies that, on the contrary, will be never made in a period full of bluckbusters and big movies. Danish Girl is a strange movie, very difficult. Some little movies would never see the light without a big name. They say audience don't see them, I don't think it's true, and I will show it
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