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Droga' date=' só vou poder ler amanha a noite0406


Mas quase naum tem Spoilers! ahuhauhua05050505



Tem algum spoiler do episodio do Desmond?06 Os tres primeiros eu li o resumão e o quarto eu tinha lido a descrição detalhada no Dude, mas o quinto eu to limpo ate agora, só sei que é do Desmond e mais nada06
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Volteiiiiiii pra falar oi rapidão pois tenho que voltar para os livros de Marketing jaja 12


Oi Fê!!!!! 05 Manda esses professores darem uma folga1106


Mais 3 anos e alguns varios meses assim 0612


Só isso?06 Passa voando06 Mas que é chato se matar nos livros em pleno domingo é06


Sobre Adão e Eva Lostinianoa?05 Vc sabe o pq daquela bolsinha que tinha junto deles com duas pedrinhas igual as pedrinhas que o Locke mostra pro Walt no começo? Isso me intrigou, o pq das pedras serem semelhantes1706


Oi Cla!!!!!!!!!!!!05
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Rafa' date=' to traduzindo uma teoria interessante...ja mostro 05



Sobre o q ,fê!?


Adão e Eva e Lost 06


Eu tenho uma teoria sobre isso! Tá postada no Dark Ufo! Qer ver?!


Postei aqui http://www.cinemaemcena.com.br/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12382&PID=1110494#1110494

Veja 05



Eu não acho q sejam referÊncias bibilcas, mas sim científicas.. se forem eles, tem mais haver com a teoria da bolha temporal...


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Eu não acho q sejam referÊncias bibilcas' date=' mas sim científicas.. se forem eles, tem mais haver com a teoria da bolha temporal...



Mas não da pra ignorar a quantidade de referencias biblicas, até mesmo os produtores disseram "as referencias biblicas não estão aparecendo a toa"


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Eu não acho q sejam referências bíblicas' date=' mas sim científicas.. se forem eles, tem mais haver com a teoria da bolha temporal...



Mas não da pra ignorar a quantidade de referencias bíblicas, até mesmo os produtores disseram "as referencias bíblicas não estão aparecendo a toa"


Com certeza, mas como disse à baixo sobre os nomes de cientistas e filósofos, servem pra nos situar quanto as fontes de inspiração dos roteiristas... assim, pra mim as referencias bíblicas são válidas quando se compara atitudes ou personalidades.. não uma referencia "fato" propriamente dita. Adão e Eva estão mortos à 50 anos.... certo!? Até entendemos o espaço temporal da ilha, não saberemos de certo se eles são eles. Pra mim, hj, pode sim ser Jack e Kate, como se eles tivessem modificado a linha temporal e criado um paradoxo. Esse paradoxo são eles no passado... é muito complexo. nem sei explicar...

 ma há outra teoria super plausível referente à Amélia Earhart. Vc deve saber sobre os fatos expostos sobre ela na ARG, certo!?


Vou postar um breve resumo em Ingles, pra vc recordar: 

In 1937, as Earhart neared her 40th birthday, she was ready for a monumental, and final, challenge. She wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. Despite a botched attempt in March that severely damaged her plane, a determined Earhart had the twin engine Lockheed Electra rebuilt. "I have a feeling that there is just about one more good flight left in my system, and I hope this trip is it," she said. On June 1st, Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan departed from Miami and began the 29,000-mile journey. By June 29, when they landed in Lae, New Guinea, all but 7,000 miles had been completed. Frequently inaccurate maps had made navigation difficult for Noonan, and their next hop--to Howland Island--was by far the most challenging. Located 2,556 miles from Lae in the mid-Pacific, Howland Island is a mile and a half long and a half mile wide. Every unessential item was removed from the plane to make room for additional fuel, which gave Earhart approximately 274 extra miles. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Itasca, their radio contact, was stationed just offshore. Three other U.S. ships, ordered to burn every light on board, were positioned along the flight route as markers. "Howland is such a small spot in the Pacific that every aid to locating it must be available," Earhart said.


At 12:30 p.m. on July 2, the pair took off. Despite favorable weather reports, they flew into overcast skies and intermittent rain showers. This made Noonan's premier method of tracking, celestial navigation, impossible. As dawn neared, Earhart called chief radioman Leo G. Bellarts and asked for Itasca's location. She failed to report at the next scheduled time, and afterward her radio transmissions, irregular through most of the flight, were faint or interrupted with static. At 7:42 A.M. the Itasca picked up the message, "We must be on you, but we cannot see you. Fuel is running low. Been unable to reach you by radio. We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship tried to reply, but the plane seemed not to hear. At 8:45 Earhart reported, "We are running north and south." Nothing further was heard from Earhart.


A rescue attempt commenced immediately and became the most extensive air and sea search in naval history thus far. On July 19, after spending $4 million and scouring 250,000 square miles of ocean, the United States government reluctantly called off the operation. In 1938, a lighthouse was constructed on Howland Island in her memory. Today, though many theories exist, there is no proof of her fate. There is no doubt, however, that the world will always remember Amelia Earhart for her courage, vision, and groundbreaking achievements, both in aviation and for women. In a letter to her husband, written in case a dangerous flight proved to be her last, this brave spirit was evident. "Please know I am quite aware of the hazards," she said. "I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge

to others.""                                                                                           



Bem, Amélia e seu copiloto e amigo "intimo" Noonan desapareceram completamente.. sem vestígios do avião .. nada...

isso aconteceu por volta de 1923.. Bem antes da Dahrma Iniciative chegar a ilha...


Agora vamos à comentários sobre  os esqueletos feitos pelos produtores:



They said:

"What is the meaning or significance of the two skeletons that Jack and Kate found in the cave of season 1?"


CUSE: The answer to that question goes to the nature of the timeline of the island. We don't want to say too much about it, but there are a couple Easter eggs embedded in " Not in Portland", one of which is an anagram that actually sheds some light on the skeletons and hints at a larger mythological mystery that will start to unfold later in the season.


LINDELOF: There were certain things we knew from the very beginning. Independent of ever knowing when the end was going to be, we knew what it was going to be, and we wanted to start setting it up as early as season 1, or else people would think that we were making it up as we were going along. So the skeletons are the living—or, I guess, slowly decomposing—proof of that. When all is said and done, people are going to point to the skeletons and say, "That is proof that from the very beginning, they always knew that they were going to do this.

In the episode Not in Portland there is a Anagram with her´s last name ( Herarat Aviation )





Resumindo... pra mim , existe uma larga possibilidade dos corpos serem de Ampelia e Nooman... que ainda ficaram vivos durante algum tempo na ilha.. e morreram juntos...


Ou naum.....


Postei em branco pra naum ter prpblema pra wum não quer saber de nada....




Rafaella BBB2008-03-02 16:31:56

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Bem pessoal, como o Bauer está viajando, o "Domingão do Bolão" acabou sendo adiado, certo?


Certo. Porém, vou apresentar de forma compacta os 3 quadros do programa: "Máquina da Verdade", "Pinga do Inferno" e "Lavando Roupa Suja".


Fiquem de olho. 

Enxak2008-03-02 18:40:35
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Ô loco, meu... Começa aqui o "Domingão do Bolão", hoje, já na estréia, sem a presença do nosso ilustre apresentador (o que já demonstra o quanto ele é um vagabundo sem responsabilidade alguma com porra nenhuma).


O BBBCeC tá pegando fogo! Em véspera de paredão isso aqui fica parecendo a casa da sogra, ô loco meu...


Pra abrir o programa então, vou chamar ao tópico, uma figura que, tanto no pessoal quanto no profissional, demonstra ser um cara muito pessoal e profissional: Rubysun!!!!!
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Começa aqui então, o nosso primeiro quadro: O Pinga do Inferno! Uma homenagem aos nossos gloriosos Moviolavideo e Nacka.




Grande Rubysun! Como andam as coisas? Tá de olho nesse jogo ou acha essa porra toda uma merda acéfala muito abaixo da sua inteligência e de todos os cCc members?
Enxak2008-03-02 18:56:31
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Guerra nenhuma, isso era brincadeira de início, só pra manter um clima de rivalidade de mentirinha - mesmo que tenham uns que tenham contribuído, o PAto Inútil, o Troy e etc.

Não tenho paciência pra colar aqui todo dia não, mas volta e meia dou uma espiadinha, olho mais a parte dos esportes, cinema lá no outro fórum mesmo.
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