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Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America

henrique felipe

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Cohen Sued Over Bruno Prank

3 June 2009 5:15 AM, PDT




British funnyman Sacha Baron Cohen is facing a lawsuit from an elderly woman following an altercation in a bingo hall during filming of his satirical movie Bruno.



Richelle Olson is suing Cohen and film company NBC Universal, along

others, over claims the star appeared as his outrageous alter-ego at a

charity game she organised in Palmdale, California in 2007.


Olson says she was surprised when Cohen arrived at the event

dressed as an "extreme, outrageous, offensive caricature of a gay man

dressed in sexually revealing clothing with an Austrian accent".


She accuses the star of using "vulgar and offensive language"

when he took the stage to call the numbers during the bingo game, and

when she tried to snatch the microphone from him she alleges a

"physical struggle ensued".



The legal papers allege Cohen "offensively touched, pushed and battered" Olson, causing her to fall to the ground.


She goes on to accuse several camera operators, who were filming

the event, of rushing on to the stage where "defendants attacked (her)

for a period of one to five minutes to intentionally create a dramatic

emotional response... while (they) recorded her humiliation and



Olson alleges she was so shaken by the incident she left the

room and passed out "falling forward onto the thinly covered concrete

slab causing her to hit her head". She claims she was subsequently

admitted to hospital with "diagnosis of two brain bleeds" and has been

confined to a wheelchair since the incident. She and her husband are

suing for unspecified damages, according to TMZ.com.


Cohen has faced a variety of legal troubles over his comic

creations in the past, including a string of lawsuits from members of

the public who alleged they were duped into appearing in his 2006 film Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan. Two of the cases were dismissed by the courts last year.


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Se alguém ainda duvidava:


Eminem on Bruno's MTV Movie Awards Prank

06-04-2009 (19:00:32)



week, during the MTV Movie Awards, Sacha Baron Cohen flew in on wires

as Bruno, landing upside-down directly onto Eminem's face. The rapper

was visibly upset and ended up storming out of the building.



weren't sure if Eminem was told ahead of time that this was going to

happen or was he just one of the victims of Cohen. Now, Eminem tells

RapRadar that he and Cohen planned the prank a while back.



[baron Cohen, who plays Bruno] called me when we were in Europe and he

had an idea to do something outrageous at the Movie Awards," he explained. "I'm a big fan of his work so I agreed to get involved."


"I'm thrilled that we pulled this off better than we rehearsed it," Eminem continued. "It had so many people going nuts so to speak. Everyone was blowing up at me."


He added: "After the ceremony I went back to me hotel and laughed uncontrollably for about three hours. Especially after I saw it on air."



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Three Hilarious "Bruno" TV Spots

06-10-2009 (09:00:32)



Pictures has released three new TV spots from the upcoming Sacha Baron

Cohen "Borat" follow-up, called "Bruno." The spots feature lots of new

footage from the movie, including shots of the former Republican

Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Check out the spots by clicking on the

link below.


"Bruno" revolves around a gay Austrian fashion correspondent. It is directed by Larry Charles, who recently brought "Borat" and Bill Maher's religion documentary "Religulous" to the big screen.


The new movie is scheduled to hit theaters on July 10th.


Click here to read our exclusive "Bruno" preview.




Click here to check out the TV spots (last three)


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15/06/09 - 18h26 - Atualizado em 15/06/09 - 18h26

Astro de 'Borat' faz performance gay em evento em Paris

Sacha Baron Cohen lançou a comédia 'Bruno' na capital francesa.
No longa, ator encarna repórter austríaco homossexual.

Do G1, com agências internacionais


 O ator Sacha Baron Cohen, de "Borat", protagonizou uma performance gay nesta segunda-feira (15) durante o lançamento de sua nova comédia, "Bruno", em Paris


No novo longa, o humorista encarna um repórter austríaco gay que viaja pelos EUA. Sacha Baron Cohen apareceu no evento vestido a caráter e dançou com modelos  

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15/06/2009 11h06

Novo filme de Sacha Baron Cohen divide opiniões de ativistas gays

Da Redação


Bruno, a nova comédia sarcástica de Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) ainda não estreou, mas já anda causando polêmica. Desta vez, a celeuma envolve os próprios ativistas gays.

Grosso modo, eles se dividem entre os que acreditam nos efeitos positivos do filme contra a intolerância e os que enxergam que o novo personagem de Baron Cohen vai reforçar a homofobia. “A boa intenção satírica pode causar problemas em muitos lugares e se mostrar ofensiva em outros”, afirmou ao The New York Times Rashad Robinson, diretor sênior do programa de mídia da Aliança dos Gays e Lésbicas Contra a Difamação.

Entre os que defendem o filme está Aaron Hicklin, editor da revista Out. “O filme tem a importante função de mostrar como a atitude das pessoas mudam quando elas descobrem que você é gay. A plateia de um multiplex geralmente não sentara para assistir duas horas de palestra sobre homofobia, mas é exatamente isso que o filme é”, defendeu.

Bruno traz Baron Cohen como um comentarista de moda austríaco que, à moda Borat, expõe a intolerância dos entrevistados, passando longe do humor politicamente correto. “Temos a convicção de que tanto Baron Cohen como a Universal Picutres [distribuidora nos Estados Unidos] têm a responsabilidade de relembrar ao público de que o que está na tela foi feito para escancarar a homofobia”, afirmou Brad Luna, o porta-voz da Campanha para os Direitos Humanos. O filme tem previsão de lançamento para 10 de julho.

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Saiu a primeira crítica:


16 June 2009 12:30 PM, PDT




The tabloid London Sun has jumped the gun and published the first review of Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno,

which is not due to be released until July 10. Critic Gordon Smart

wrote, "To say Brüno makes uncomfortable viewing is an understatement

of Battle of Britain proportions. When I wasn't giggling like a

14-year-old, I was cowering behind my hands." The film opens with Brüno

being fired from his Austrian TV fashion show after bringing a catwalk

show to a halt with an all-in-one outfit made of Velcro straps. "The

scene is utterly brilliant," Smart commented. When he's fired, his

pygmy boyfriend dumps him. "And here lies a warning," Smart notes. "The

pygmy sex scene is one of the most horrific incidents ever committed to

celluloid. ... Teenage boys should under no circumstances watch this

with their parents."


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19/06/2009 09h06

Brüno estiliza guarda real britânica e dá show em premirère

Da Redação


O comediante Sacha Baron Cohen já mostrou que não mede esforço para promover seu novo filme, Brüno. No MTV Movie Awards, ele deu um show com a brincadeira feito com o rapper Eninem.

Na première britânica, ocorrida na quarta-feira (17/06), não poderia ser diferente. Com sua versão particular de como a guarda real britânica deveria se vestir, ele deu um show de “estilo”.

Brüno desfilou ao som I Will Survive, numa versão de banda militar. No tapete vermelho, em plena Leicester Square, o repórter austríaco gay vestia-se quase como um típico guarda do Palácio de Buckingham: chapéu peludo altíssimo, farda vermelha e um mini shorts de couro preto.

No filme, o comentarista de moda austríaco Brüno leva seu programa de TV da para os Estados Unidos. Assim como fizera em Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen surpreende as pessoas e as coloca em situações desconfortáveis.

Nos Estados Unidos, o personagem de Sacha Baron Cohen tem criado polêmica entre os próprios ativistas gay, que se dividem entre favoráveis e contrários à sátira do humorista que quer expor a homofobia.

Brüno tem previsão de lançamento para 31 de julho no Brasil.

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Morte de Michael Jackson afeta comédia - 26/06/2009 15:33

Segundo o The Guardian, a morte de Michael Jackson afetou a comédia Bruno.

A tragédia forçou um corte de último minuto na produção para ela ser exibida em uma sessão ontem à noite. Trata-se de uma sequência protagonizada por LaToya Jackson, irmã do astro.

De acordo com a fonte, a Universal resolveu cortar o trecho em respeito à família.

Na cena em questão, Sasha Baron Cohen, na pele de Bruno, entrevista a irmã do rei do pop e tenta encontrar o número do telefone de Michael Jackson no BlackBerry de LaToya. Depois que lê em voz alta o que diz ser o telefone do cantor, uma aparentemente irritada LaToya termina a entrevista e se enfurece no cenário.

A fonte diz que a cena não vai retornar ao filme para sua estreia.

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