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Episódio VII: O Despertar da Força


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‘Star Wars 7′: Veja atriz de ‘Game of Thrones’ como Capitã Phasma
Publicado em 04/05/2015 por Diego Almeida

Neste dia de Star Wars, a revista Vanity Fair divulgou a primeira foto de Gwendoline Christie (a Brienne de ‘Game of Thrones’) como a Capitã Phasma, oficial da Primeira Ordem (o novo nome do Império).

Confira, com as fotos mais recentes do filme:


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Jar Jar Binks destrói trailer de ‘Star Wars 7′

Publicado em 03/05/2015 por Renato Marafon


Um dos personagens mais odiados do cinema e da franquia ‘Star Wars‘ é Jar Jar Binks, a criatura que George Lucas tentou usar como alívio cômico na saga e foi rejeitada por muitos fãs e críticos.

Um fã reeditou o trailer de ‘Star Wars: O Despertar da Força’ e adicionou o personagem em praticamente todas as cenas, fazendo-o destruir completamente o tom sombrio do vídeo e trazendo um aspecto infantil (assim como aconteceu com a última trilogia lançada nos cinemas).

A edição é bastante impecável, e parece que Binks se encaixa perfeitamente nas cenas, chegando até a ser um pouco assustador.

Assista e divirta-se:




J.J. Abrams quer matar Jar Jar Binks em ‘Star Wars 7′

Publicado em 04/05/2015 por Diego Almeida


J.J. Abrams pode atender o desejo de milhares de fãs de ‘Star Wars‘ e matar Jar Jar Binks, um dos personagens mais odiados da franquia, no próximo filme, ‘Star Wars: O Despertar da Força’.

O diretor afirmou que pode deixar uma referência escondida (easter egg), sugerindo a morte da rejeitada criatura.

“Eu tenho a ideia de colocar os ossos Jar Jar Binks no deserto do filme. Estou falando sério! Apenas três pessoas vão notar [a ausência dele], mas os fãs vão adorar”, disse Abrams.

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Diretor de ‘Star Wars 7′ diz que cortou referências a outros filmes

Publicado em 05/05/2015 por Diego Almeida




J.J. Abrams confirmou que ‘Star Wars: O Despertar da Força’ fará referências a filmes anteriores da saga. Porém, em entrevista à Vanity Fair, ele revelou que, por conta do excesso de referências, se sentiu obrigado a cortar algumas delas.

“Obviamente nós tivemos um monte de tempo [durante o desenvolvimento do filme] para falar sobre o que aconteceu fora das fronteiras da história que vocês verão. Então claro que haverá referências à coisas [de outros filmes], e algumas delas são bem oblíquas, por isso espero que o público consiga deduzir o que os personagens estão se referindo. Nós teríamos mais referências, mas retiramos algumas porque sentimos que os personagens estavam meio que forçando a barra, tentando mencionar coisas [dos filmes anteriores].”

O diretor não quis comentar quais seriam as referências, mas desabafou sobre a dificuldade de encontrar um equilíbrio entre apresentar um filme de ‘Star Wars’ para a nova geração e entregar o tipo de espetáculo que os fãs antigos da série esperam.

“Há algumas referências específicas, que são coisinhas estúpidas e secretas minhas. Mas o que eu percebi logo cedo é que tudo é questão de ponto de vista – você pode jogar todas as referências que quiser no filme, mas cada um vai ter uma experiência diferente. Você pode mostrar apenas um planeta deserto, mas ele pode se tornar no lugar mais desolador do mundo. Ou mostrar apenas uma nave voando, mas que pode ser o melhor momento ou o mais heróico da vida de alguém. Para mim, isso tem sido uma luta constante: ter certeza que nenhum desses momentos estão sendo tratados como peças de museu. Nós estamos tentando honrar esses momentos, ao invés de jogá-los de forma gratuita no filme porque, bem, é um filme de ‘
’ então você é obrigado a colocar essas coisas nele. Tudo tem que ser necessário para os personagens do filme.”





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“referências, mas retiramos algumas porque sentimos que os personagens estavam meio que forçando a barra, tentando mencionar coisas [dos filmes anteriores].” (...) Para mim, isso tem sido uma luta constante: ter certeza que nenhum desses momentos estão sendo tratados como peças de museu. Nós estamos tentando honrar esses momentos, ao invés de jogá-los de forma gratuita no filme porque, bem, é um filme de 'Star Wars' então você é obrigado a colocar essas coisas nele. Tudo tem que ser necessário para os personagens do filme.”


Já disse que me amarro nesse cara? Não? Então... eu me amarro nesse cara. Tá certo que ele não inventa a roda ao dizer isso, mas é sempre bom ler algo assim.

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Acho que não...Pois ela nem precisaria de CGI, bastava vestir a "armadura". No vídeo postado acima, ela aparece com pontos de captura de movimentos no rosto. Porque ela precisaria de pontos no rosto se ela este robô não tem expressões faciais?

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Acho que não...Pois ela nem precisaria de CGI, bastava vestir a "armadura". No vídeo postado acima, ela aparece com pontos de captura de movimentos no rosto. Porque ela precisaria de pontos no rosto se ela este robô não tem expressões faciais?


Me refiro ao ser escondido atrás do robô. Essa personagem tem a mesma coloração da suposta personagem da lupita. 




Uma feluciana ?



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Será o Max von Sydow?  :huh:


Ou o próprio Adam Driver...


Segundo os boatos, o Max Von será atacado pela "Primeira ordem" nos minutos iniciais do filme :




A capitã phasma e Kylo Ren estarão a frente do império nesse momento, assim como o mais sinistro dos sith estava na liderança no início do episódio IV. Os 2 porém não vão se mostrar tão imponente quanto Vader se mostrava pros seus soldados. O Stromtropper Finn, que desobedecerá as suas ordens, será somente preso. 




Não é sabido se o personagem do Max Von aparecerá depois dessa cena. Mas os boatos dizem que haverá uma importante revelação sobre a sua história. 


Obs: Eu só espero que essa revelação seja algo mais profundo do que o boato que ele será uma espião da resistência encarregado de vigiar os passos da Rey. 

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Não é estranho o luke estar vestindo um manga desse calibre ( A manga jedi é bem folgadaos ) ? A galerinha norte americana já tá começando a especular . rsrs


I'm hoping most of the rumors on MVS are not accurate, and that he plays a more important role. I'm hoping he is Anakin Skywalker and that's who we see in both the scenes shown below! He's close to the age Anakin would be if he was still alive, and his appearance would be mostly covered with cybernetics, so he could be made to match Anakin as we see him at the end of ROTJ. And an actor of his caliber would be needed to have the stage presence to carry on such an important role in an unconventional costume. How cool would it be to have Anakin get burnt and left as a dead villain by Ben, only to survive and later be burnt and left as a dead hero by Luke, to still survive yet again and appear in this film in a fantastic twist! I think this scene with Artoo is shown near the beginning of the film, and it is the aftermath of Kylo Ren and his Flamertroopers' visit to the village. We see this hooded character and Artoo come upon the carnage and morn the loss of innocent life, but we do not see below the hood. I hope we see this same character appear again at a later point in the film, perhaps subtly helping Rey and/ or watching our heroes from a distance. We are tricked into thinking that it is Luke keeping his eye on things, until the rug is pulled out from under us at the very end of the film when our heroes finally meet Luke- and we see his cybernetic hand is still covered with skin, and Artoo is not with him. Then we realize we've been watching a dead man stalking throughout the film. A resurrected chosen one, pulled back into physical existence by the Force, until his destiny is fulfilled. More machine now than ever, holding together a scarred and charred remnant of crude matter that once served both the darkside... and the light. He is the Awakening mentioned in teaser one, in lines probably uttered toward the end of the film. Anakin has his own mask, and we see him in the shadows contemplating it, not some new Sith fanboy. I'm guessing the monk-like concept art of MVS is just something they created to throw everyone off the trail.



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Daniel Craig será um Stormtrooper no novo ‘Star Wars’


Depois de viver o agente secreto mais famoso do cinema e da literatura, Daniel Craig vai se unir ao lado negro da força. O intérprete de James Bond foi escalado para viver um Stormtrooper, os soldados que atuam para o Império Galáctico, em Star Wars: Episódio VII - O Despertar da Força, longa que retoma a franquia de ficção científica criada por George Lucas. A confirmação foi dada pelo ator Simon Pegg (deTodo Mundo Quase Morto), que deixou escapar a informação durante uma entrevista para o tabloide britânico The Daily Mail.


"Eu não interpretei um Stormtrooper. Daniel Craig, sim, foi um Stormtrooper", disse ele, respondendo aos rumores de que teria participado do sétimo filme da franquia lançada por Lucas em 1977. Pegg logo percebeu que tinha falado demais. "Eu não devia ter dito isso."


No entanto, Craig dificilmente será identificado, já que os Stormtroopers usam uniformes e capacetes e, de acordo com o site do The Daily Mail, o ator não deve aparecer no filme sem o figurino dos soldados. "Daniel pediu uma participação secreta - e ficou feliz por não ter seu nome nos pôsteres do filme", disse uma fonte ao site do tabloide.


Star Wars: Episódio VII estreia no Brasil em 17 de dezembro, pouco mais de um mês depois da nova aventura de James Bond, 007 Contra Spectre, que chega por aqui em 6 de novembro.

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Perdão pelo post triplo, mas ontem A Vingança dos Sith fez aniversário, hein. Dez anos já.


Meu. Deus.


Sim, dez anos... parece que foi ontem. Ainda me lembro vividamente do dia de estréia e dos comentários aqui no tópico do filme... 

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A Compiled Synopsis of Star Wars: The Force Awakens



A lightsaber tumbles out of space. It enters the atmosphere of a desert planet and plunges to the ground. This is the planet of Jakku. The lightsaber is retrieved by a mysterious hand. It finds its way to a village elder, codenamed the Vicar, played by Max Von Sydow. The Vicar contacts the Resistance (the good guys). An X-wing pilot, Poe Dameron–played by Oscar Isaac–arrives with his droid, BB-8, to collect the lightsaber from the Vicar. The exchange happens in his hut. Suddenly, the sound of ships are heard in the night. The First Order (the bad guys) are onto them! Poe Dameron places the lightsaber inside BB-8 and orders him to flee. Run, BB-8! Run!
The perspective now shifts to a stormtrooper on a transport ship, headed for the planet Jakku at night. This stormtrooper is Finn, played by John Boyega. He is shorter than the others. They land, the hatch opens, and they immediately start taking fire from the villagers. The stormtroopers proceed to burn the village to the ground. They also torch Poe Dameron’s X-wing. They are ordered to round up the remaining villagers and massacre them. The short stormtrooper Finn lets some villagers go out of compassion. Finn’s stormtrooper friend is killed in the assault, and he leaves a bloody handprint on Finn’s helmet.
A huge shuttle lands, and out of it emerges a evil dark lord in hooded robes and a helmet, wielding a red, cross-guarded lightsaber. This is Kylo Ren, played by Adam Driver. Kylo Ren proceeds to make mincemeat of some of the villagers who dare attack him. He confronts the Vicar about the lightsaber. Kylo essentially asks “WHAT have you DONE with that lightsaber?” Kylo Ren is unsatisfied with the conversation. He kills the Vicar in cold blood.
Poe Dameron (the X-wing pilot who is now without an X-wing) is captured by Kylo Ren’s stormtroopers. He is taken aboard a transport and flown back to a First Order Star Destroyer. Finn, the short stormtrooper, also flies back to the Star Destroyer. But he is disturbed by his experience on the ground. Upon arrival, Finn feels ill. He takes off his helmet, and vomits. A superior arrives and tells him that another superior wishes to see him. They are displeased with his conduct in the village. His sentimental weakness. This likely means death (or worse) for Finn.
The perspective now shifts to a young woman on the desert planet of Jakku. This is Rey (who may also be called Kira) played by Daisy Ridley. She flies her speeder across the desert, and approaches a great ruin in the desert: a crashed Star Destroyer from a titanic battle between the Empire and the Rebellion, 30 years earlier. Rey enters the Destroyer, and proceeds to explore it, expertly hopping over huge chasms–some of which house the remains of old TIE fighters. She is a scavenger, on a planet that was once uninhabited, but is now populated by opportunists scavenging the wreckage of war. She also seems to be something of a skilled gymnast, as she hops from precipice to precipice in the Star Destroyer’s great husk. She scavenges a bit, and then decides to return home. In a rather evocative shot, she flies her speeder into a ONE SUN sunset.
We now cut back to the First Order Star Destroyer, hovering above the planet. The villain Kylo Ren is torturing Poe Dameron. Ren is confident he will get the information he needs. He emerges from the interrogation knowing that the lightsaber is now carried by a droid, BB-8. Kylo Ren delivers this information to his superior, codenamed “The General,” who is played by Domhnall Gleeson.
The stormtrooper Finn decides to flee. But he can’t fly. He needs a pilot. He sees Poe Dameron being escorted to the brig, and decides to act. He breaks Poe free. They steal a TIE fighter from the hangar bay, and stormtroopers try to stop them. The TIE lifts away from its moorings, firing at troopers as it makes its way out and into space. TIE fighters follow, screaming behind them. After a short chase, Finn and Poe are shot down. Poe is unconscious at the controls. But before they crash, Finn manages to eject himself from craft. He wakes up in the sand, back on Jakku. He looks around in a panic, and sees the crashed TIE fighter not so far away. He tries to get into it, but can’t. Finn sheds his stormtrooper armor and puts on a jacket that seemingly belongs to Poe Dameron. It’s not clear what happened to Poe. Finn, now disguised as a Resistance pilot, heads away from the wreckage. A speeder zooms by him, blasting sand into his face. Finn follows it, in the hope that it will lead him to the nearest settlement on this barren planet.
Kylo Ren and the General watch Finn’s hologram aboard the Star Destroyer. The General suggests to a Chrome Stormtrooper named Captain Phasma (played by Gwendoline Christie) that she focus on hunting down the droid and retrieving the lightsaber. Forget Finn, who is useless anyway. The lightsaber is the important objective.
The perspective shifts again to the female scavenger, Rey. She eats alone, in a makeshift dwelling in the belly of an old AT-AT walker. Living among the bones of the old Empire. She hears a commotion outside, and finds that a droid is in some trouble. She helps the droid, who turns out to be BB-8. After doing so, she decides to sell BB-8 at the nearest salvage station, along with the rest of her loot. After some haggling, she is not able to part with the droid. She decides to keep it.
Later on the street, Rey is confronted by ruffians. Finn, emerging from his trek through the desert, enters the settlement. He quickly sees that Rey is trouble. Being the compassionate type, he intervenes to help her. She doesn’t need his help, of course, and doesn’t trust Finn’s intentions. She also doesn’t believe that he is a Resistance pilot. Rey and Finn make a run for it, with BB-8 in tow. They are pursued by ruffians again, who are perhaps fulfilling a bounty for the First Order. TIE fighters scream overhead, and begin firing laser blasts at them. They frantically look for a ship, and ultimately choose one that’s sitting there with its door open. It’s the Millennium Falcon.
Finn and Rey board the Falcon, and get it off the ground. Rey flies expertly, while Finn settles in at the guns. A few TIEs are in pursuit. Rey shouts at Finn to fire back at them! Rey flies the Falcon back towards a crashed Super Star Destroyer. In order to throw the TIEs off her back, she flies INTO the Destroyer from its rear rocket boosters. Into the belly of a beast. She and the TIEs slalom through the crashed Destroyer. But Rey knows these ruins, and she leaves the TIEs behind. The Falcon jets off into space, and loses its pursuers, probably by jumping to hyperspace.
We now cut to Kylo Ren, alone in his “padded room” aboard the orbiting Star Destroyer. He has received the news of the failed retrieval of the lightsaber. He speaks to himself. Rather, he speaks to the burned and twisted husk of a helmet. The helmet of Darth Vader.
We return to Rey and Finn on the Millennium Falcon. Either via tractor beam or their own choice, they are swallowed up by a Giant Freighter in space. Into the belly of another beast. The ship lands in a cavernous hangar bay. They open the door, and there at the bottom of the ramp is Han Solo and Chewbacca! Han orders the kids off his ship. They refuse. Han and Chewie enter the ship, and confront Finn and Rey. BB-8 hides in the back. Suddenly, an alert pops up in hologram form. Two competing gangs of ruffians approach the Falcon and they are temporarily united! Han asks the kids to hide in the storage bay. The gangs confront Han and Chewie, and they seem to be in trouble. Rey tries to help by releasing the ship’s cargo (which appears to be livestock, potentially giant space pigs). This provides a distraction. But the released creatures grab Finn and Rey is forced to chase them down and free Finn from the beasts’ clutches. A fight ensues between the heroes and the gangs. Rey almost single-handedly takes on the gangs using her skills with a staff. Han fires back, but Chewie is wounded in the fight. Finn helps Chewie, and wins some respect from Han Solo in the process. They all rush back into the Falcon. Han gets behind the controls, with Rey in the copilot seat. When the Falcon won’t start, Rey manages to tinker with it and the fix the ship, earning the stowaways more respect from Captain Solo. As Chewie recovers in the back, they jet out of the freighter, crashing into some of the livestock on the way out but still managing to escape from the gangs.
Han asks Rey and Finn what the devil they are up to. BB-8 determines that the time is right, and reveals what he is carrying: a lightsaber. Han Solo recognizes it as belonging to Luke Skywalker! It’s the one Luke lost on Bespin, in his battle against his father. Han suggests they go to see “her.” “Who’s that?” Maz Kanata. She’s a pirate. At a secret location on Yavin IV, a jungle planet that was once the home of the Rebel Alliance, and is now the main headquarters of the Resistance. She’ll know what to do. They fly there, and Rey is awed by the lush jungle, after so many years on a barren planet. They arrive at Maz Kanata’s castle. It is a pirate hideout. A range of strange and unsavory characters, alien and human, lounge about inside. Han asks for Maz Kanata. An alien escorts them into a catacomb below the pirate castle. There they meet the diminutive and wise pirate alien, Maz Kanata, played as a mo-cap character by Lupita Nyong’o.
They show Maz the lightsaber, and she recognizes it immediately. She offers to show them a vision. Maz seemingly has Force powers of some kind, and may have once been a Jedi (or a Jedi apprentice). They all hold hands, and a vision washes over them.
VISION: There is what looks to be a Jedi Academy, and the dead bodies of padawans are on the ground. Luke Skywalker shows up, too late. He sits by a funeral pyre with R2-D2. The droid is saddened by his master’s departure. Cut to the hand that takes the lightsaber at the start of the film. It is now revealed to be the hand of “Naka.” Naka accidentally starts a grass fire after igniting the saber. Cut to a local trader making a sale to a wealthy man. Cut to a fierce battle! The lightsaber is being used by the CLAN against THE SEVEN. The last man is down and Kylo Ren approaches Rey. THE SEVEN are looting and we see Maz Kanata in the foreground taking an object. END OF VISION.
Then, Maz Kanata says something very heavy to Han, Rey, and Finn. It is possible, though unconfirmed, that Rey may learn that she is the lost daughter of Han Solo. Maz Kanata presents the blue lightsaber to them again. Rey is revolted by it, while Finn is attracted to it. He takes it in his hands. Maz Kanata knows why the saber came to her. Rey is deeply troubled, rejecting both the lightsaber and the information Maz has given them. She flees the pirate castle, and runs into the nearby jungle.
We then cut to what seems to be a spy in the pirate castle. This is an emissary, Kor Sella (played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers) that has been sent by Queen Leia, the leader of the Resistance, to track down the lightsaber. The mission is secret, and she is in clandestine garb.
Cut to BB-8, who finds Rey in the jungle. But suddenly, First Order ships are overhead! They have been tracked.
The perspective shifts to the villain, Kylo Ren. But this time, he is in communication with a mysterious superior codenamed “Uber” (played as a mo-cap character by Andy Serkis). Uber orders that a superweapon, codenamed “The Catapult,” be used against the castle. Uber suggests to Kylo Ren that he “not get sentimental,” as Kylo hesitates to fire. This suggests that Kylo Ren may have some relationship with Han Solo, Rey, or both. Perhaps Kylo Ren is Han Solo’s lost son, and Rey is his sister…
Kylo Ren orders the pirate castle destroyed, but the heroes, including Maz Kanata, get out in time. The pirate castle blows up, and Leia’s emissary Kor Sella is killed. Leia, Admiral Ackbar, and her staff fear the worst. This alerts the Resistance that something is wrong.
Enemy fighters are flying overhead and landing. Captain Phasma, on Kylo Ren’s orders, seizes Rey and takes her captive. BB-8 flees. Rey is escorted away from the planet on a First Order shuttle. A Resistance fighter arrives, piloted by Poe Dameron. He is now flying either a black, commandeered Special Ops TIE, or a black X-wing. He “makes all the difference” in driving the First Order villains away! A shuttle lands, and it is Queen Leia with C-3PO in tow. She meets with Han, and the meeting is awkward. It seems they haven’t seen each other in a long while.
Han, Chewie, Finn, Poe, and BB-8 go with Leia to the Resistance Base, which seems to be on the other side of the jungle planet of Yavin IV. There, Leia plies Finn for information about the First Order, likely probing for weaknesses. She may learn something very valuable from Finn, including the location of their base and superweapon. This puts Resistance plans into motion to assault the First Order planet, and “The Catapult” superweapon they have housed there. Leia expresses pride in a new Resistance superweapon, codenamed “The Sledgehammer.” She seems to be quite militant. Leia also meets with Maz Kanata and receives Luke’s blue lightsaber. She suggests that for the time being, the lightsaber go to Finn and Leia complies. Maz knows if it is in Finn’s hands, it will find its way back to Rey, when she is ready to accept her destiny. Han meets with Leia, and they seem to have an intimate scene. Before leaving, presumably to go after Rey, Han tells Leia that he will “hurry back.”
We cut to Rey, who is being interrogated by Kylo Ren in a First Order “Evil Castle” on their snowy, forested base planet (with a name still unknown). Kylo uses his force powers during the interrogation. Rey seems to reverse the probe, and learns something about Kylo and/or his plans. Rey informs Kylo he will never be as powerful as Darth Vader. This infuriates Kylo, and he leaves the chamber to report his findings. Was this a sibling duel? But the interrogation was not fruitless for Kylo Ren. He learns that he no longer needs the lightsaber to fulfill his purpose. His purpose remains mysterious, but it may have something to do with finding Luke Skywalker. Kylo Ren reports to Uber with this new information. Rey then somehow uses her Force powers (likely mind tricks) to distract the snowtroopers guarding her cell. She escapes through a ventilation shaft, and emerges out in the open. It’s snowing.
Han, Chewie, and Finn leave for the snowy, forested First Order planet on the Falcon, while Leia and Poe (with BB-8) prepare to assault the planet from space. Han crashes the Falcon on the planet by taking the ship into the atmosphere of the snow planet at very high speeds to jump past the First Order defenses. The crew of the Falcon comes out of hyperspace screaming as the ship cuts through trees before setting down. Han Solo hasn’t had a good day and Finn learned about Kylo Ren’s past from Maz. Finn consoles Han Solo about the past. On their way to the First Order castle, Finn talks about his past to Han Solo and reveals a lot about himself from before he was stormtrooper and why he became one. In the distance they spot a figure and it is Rey. Rey is moved. As an orphan, to have friends come back for her means a lot. Han, Finn, and Chewie came to rescue her, and this makes her reconsider her angry feelings at Maz Kanata’s castle.
During her interrogation, Rey may have retrieved vital information from Kylo Ren, which she may share with Han and the gang at this point. Armed with this information, the company then heads to the First Order Castle. Han has a plan! They will destroy “The Catapult” superweapon (or the shield that protects it), which is controlled from within the Castle.
We then cut to Kylo Ren, who walks into the cockpit of the crashed Falcon. He sits in the pilot’s seat, and has a moment. Is this his father’s ship? Does he remember it? Are those memories fond?
We then cut to the beginning of a great, climactic space battle above the snowy, forested First Order planet. The Resistance is throwing everything it has at the home base of the enemy. X-wings and TIE Fighters face off in space and in the atmosphere of the planet, where the First Order superweapon is located. Queen Leia uses the Resistance superweapon, “the Sledgehammer,” to crush through Star Destroyers as if they were tinker toys. She wields an awesome power against the First Order! Down on the planet, the General of the First Order orders the firing of “The Array,” a defensive superweapon that will take out all fighters in space around the planet. The General’s subordinates refuse to carry out his order, because the weapon would also destroy their own fleet. And so, the General fires the superweapon himself. In that moment, projectiles are fired and all the ships in space are destroyed. Every single one. The General is practical and coldhearted. He obliterates his own men in their TIE fighters to take out the Resistance ships, and secure the safety of their Catapult superweapon.
Queen Leia’s own superweapon, the Sledgehammer, is destroyed. It falls into the atmosphere of the planet and it breaks apart. At this moment, Queen Leia feels all is lost and calls for a total retreat of Resistance forces. Han Solo and the others are presumed dead. Meanwhile on the ground, Han Solo and his crew witness the Sledgehammer’s destruction and know they have to take matters into their own hands.
Thankfully Poe Dameron, BB-8, and his X-wing squadron survive the attack from the defensive Array weapon because they were low enough in the planet’s atmosphere to evade it. Moments later, Poe from the sky discovers Han Solo and the gang on the planet’s surface. They’re alive!
Han, Finn, Rey, and Chewie enter the First Order Castle. The security codes have changed. Finn feels defeated. Han Solo encourages Finn to take the lightsaber and use it to destroy a generator of some kind (likely a shield) for the Catapult superweapon. Finn runs off to do so. Han and the gang place charges around the Castle.
Kylo Ren arrives. The gang is on the ramparts of the Castle, and they are cornered. There’s no way out. Han Solo decides to personally confront Kylo Ren, as a means of protecting the others. Finn, Rey, and Chewbacca stop in their tracks. They watch as Han Solo speaks to Kylo Ren, who is most likely his son. Han may try to reason with him. Talk him off the ledge. Suddenly, Kylo Ren silences the conversation with Han Solo forever. He murders Han, his likely father, in cold blood. Leia senses his death through the Force. Chewbacca lets out a barrage of angry roars and laser blasts. At that point, things start to collapse and explode around them, presumably as the charges set earlier do their job. There is an explosion, and the rest of the gang is forced to flee, leaving Han’s body behind as it is immolated in the blasts.
It seems that the explosions take out whatever shield may have been protecting the Catapult superweapon. This allows Poe Dameron, BB-8 and their X-wing squadron to swoop in and destroy the superweapon. The General watches in horror as it all collapses. He checks in one last time with his mysterious superior Uber to tell him the mission has failed and all is lost.
Kylo Ren flees into the forest. It is night-time, and snowing. Finn and Rey follow him, while Chewbacca runs back to the Falcon. Finn confronts Kylo Ren and holds his own in a lightsaber fight, however, over time he is bested by Kylo’s experience with a lightsaber. Finn is on the ground, and preparing to die. Rey arrives, and Finn tosses her the Skywalker lightsaber, which she has been reluctant to accept up until this point. To save her friend and avenge Han Solo’s death, she takes the weapon and attacks Kylo. But on a cliff edge, the ground falls away behind Rey and Finn as all the charges they set on the castle have made the area unstable. The heroes find themselves hanging from a precipice. Kylo Ren exits the scene. Just as their doom seems imminent, Chewbacca arrives on a repaired Millennium Falcon! He collects Rey and Finn, and jets off into space.
The First Order has been defeated, but Kylo Ren and Uber retreat to lick their wounds, and plot their next move.
Finn, Rey, Chewie, Poe, and BB-8 all return to the Resistance base on Yavin IV as heroes, but the tragic loss of Han Solo makes the celebration bittersweet. Leia tells Poe Dameron his squadron is all that survived the assault. We follow Rey, as she says goodbye to the important players. Rey makes a special stop to say goodbye to Finn in the medical bay. Meanwhile BB-8, R2-D2, and C-3PO decode a puzzle of some kind, seemingly revealing Luke Skywalker’s location: a watery planet of rocky islands. Leia is elated that her long-lost brother is found, and suggests that Rey be the first to meet him. Leia and Rey have a special goodbye in which she bids Rey “a fond farewell.” Rey, Chewbacca, and BB-8 get into the Falcon and take off. Chewbacca playfully messes up Rey’s hair in an endearing gesture. They fly away to find Luke.
The Falcon lands on a rocky island in the middle of the sea. Rey walks up a set of old stone steps carved into the mountain. She comes up to a hooded figure in a stone hut, and puts the lightsaber in his hand.
It’s Luke Skywalker.
The End.
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