Members Jack Ryan Posted February 5, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 5, 2013 Fresquinha do Next Movie, que tirou do Ain't it Cool News. Getting His Own Movie, Yoda Is? By Scott Harris | Feb 5, 2013 | 11:24 AM Lucasfilm Ever since Disney bought "Star Wars" and announced they would be putting out stand alone spinoffs in addition to continuing the main storyline, folks have been speculating just what those new films will be about. The origin of Salacious Crumb? The story of the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs? Jar Jar Binks: The Untold Story? All great ideas. But now, according to Ain't It Cool News, the real answer has been revealed — and the first "Star Wars" spinoff will actually be about Yoda. "To start with, they're going to focus on established characters and do solo films," AICN's Harry Knowles said about Disney's plans to expand their "Star Wars" empire. "The first Stand Alone film is going to center upon Yoda. At this stage specifics are sparse, but Kathleen Kennedy is putting together a 'Star Wars' slate." ""I've also heard tale of a Jabba story that Lucas has floated to some of his buddies," he added. "But word is Yoda is first." Of course, considering Yoda (who is voiced by puppeteer Frank Oz) was over 900 years old in the original trilogy, there seems to be plenty of room to expand upon what little we know of his history. So exactly what the film will be about is still pretty much a complete mystery (anyone else want to see a Mrs. Yoda?). But one thing is sure: With Disney in charge and going full steam ahead, this is likely just the first of many announcements to come. Good news, this is. Primeiro spin-off será sobre o Yoda. RuslankTwiday, AleksAdjuroeurore, IzraelMi and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted February 5, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted February 5, 2013 A mesma notícia, no Omelete: Star Wars | Primeiro filme derivado pode focar em Yoda [atualizado] George Lucas também teria sugerido um filme solo de Jabba the Hutt Natália Bridi05 de Fevereiro de 2013 O primeiro filme derivado de Star Wars seria centrado no mestre Yoda, de acordo com o AICN. Não há maiores informações sobre os planos e com o prazo de Star Wars: Episódio VII para 2015 (podendo ainda ser adiado), qualquer confirmação sobre filmesderivados deve demorar a sair. George Lucas também teria sugerido a LucasFilm um filme solo de Jabba the Hutt. [ATUALIZADO com o vídeo que relembra o que se sabe sobre o diminuto mestre jedi] Falamos sobre o futuro de Star Wars no último OmeleTV: J.J. Abrams dirige Star Wars VII e atualmente trabalha com o roteirista Michael Arndt(Pequena Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3) no desenvolvimento do roteiro. Lawrence Kasdan, roteirista principal de O Império Contra-Ataca e O Retorno de Jedi, e Simon Kinberg, de X-Men, são os produtores dos filmes e escreverão separadamente novas ideias para a franquia - leia mais. Zack Snyder planejaria uma versão Jedi de Os Sete Samurais, mas a informação foi negada pelos representantes do diretor - leia mais. Confira os detalhes da compra da LucasFilm pela DisneyComentamos em vídeo o futuro da saga Leia mais sobre Star Wars SamKat 1 Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted February 6, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted February 6, 2013 E mais uma notícia, agora do The Hollywood Reporter: It's Official: 'Star Wars' Stand-Alone Films From Lawrence Kasdan, Simon Kinberg in Development 2:20 PM PST 2/5/2013 by Jordan Zakarin SHARE Disney/ABC Television Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed for investors that his company has lined up the pair to work on stand-alone films centering on "Star Wars" characters. Disney CEO Bob Iger, whose company acquired Lucasfilm in a $4.05 billion transaction last year, confirmed for investors that his company has lined up Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg to work on stand-alone Star Wars movies. OUR EDITOR RECOMMENDS 'Star Wars' Responds to White House Death Star Rejection With Sneering Letter Star Wars: How Writers Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg Will Expand the Galaxy As THR first reported, Kasdan and Kinberg are working on separate films that will serve as spinoffs of the main new trilogy. Iger told CNBC that the pair are "working on films derived from great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga, so we still plan to make Star Wars VII, VIII and IX roughly over a six-year period of time starting in 2015. But there are going to be a few other films released in that period of time, too." STORY: Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy on 'Star Wars,' 'Lincoln' and Secret J.J. Abrams Meetings As previously announced, Oscar-winning screenwriter Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3, Little Miss Sunshine) is writing Episode VII, which will be the first Disney-produced installment of the Star Wars saga. Late last month, Disney announced that J.J. Abrams will direct that first film. New Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy toldTHR in a cover story last week, that Abrams was reluctant to take on the role, concerned about his myriad other responsibilities. Undaunted, she set up a meeting with the longtime Star Wars fan. "We spent a lot of time talking about how meaningful Star Wars is and the depth of the mythology thatGeorge [Lucas] has created and how we carry that into the next chapter," she said. A deal was closed Jan. 25. Disney has said Lucasfilm generated about $215 million in licensing revenue in 2012, without having released a Star Wars-related movie in five years. That includes profit from theme parks, merchandise, TV spinoffs and other sectors. Lawrence Kasdan e Simon Kinberg foram anunciados oficialmente como tendo sido contratados para trabalharem em filmes solo de personagens importantes do universo Star Wars. Quote Link to comment
Members Sith Posted February 6, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 6, 2013 O Ain't It Cool News furou os olhos do CNBC divulgando o filme do Yoda antes da entrevista oficial ir ao ar... hehehe Quote Link to comment
Members Jailcante Posted February 6, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 6, 2013 Nao queria um filme de origem (porque a origem do Darth não ficou tão boa assim...), então seria bom uma história com alguma aventura dele em algum canto do universo. História paralela total. Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted February 6, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted February 6, 2013 Agora a Entertainment Weekly afirma que a direção é outra: 'Star Wars' spin-offs: A young Han Solo movie, and a Boba Fett film -- EXCLUSIVEby Anthony Breznican Tags: Boba Fett, CapeTown: Movies, EW Exclusive, Star Wars, Young Han Solo Comments 193 Add comment Star Wars fans, admit it: you like scoundrels. And you’re about to get more of them in your life. Yesterday, The Walt Disney Co. unveiled plans to make a number of spin-off movies set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away — in addition to the post-Return of the Jedi trilogy that had already been announced. Entertainment Weekly has learned details on two of the spin-off projects: A young Han Solo saga, focusing on the wisecracking smuggler’s origin story, and a bounty hunter adventure with Boba Fett at the center of a rogue’s gallery of galactic scum. GET EW ON YOUR TABLET: Subscribe today and get instant access! Several sources close to the projects confirmed this was the direction the development was taking, although each cautioned it’s still very early in the process and, well, . Lucasfilm and Disney declined to comment on the information.The Han Solo story would take place in the time period between Revenge of the Sith and the first Star Wars (now known as A New Hope), so although it’s possible Harrison Ford could appear as a framing device, the movie would require a new actor for the lead — one presumably much younger than even the 35-year-old Ford when he appeared in the 1977 original. The Boba Fett film would take place either between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, or between Empire and Jedi, where the bounty hunter was last seen plunging unceremoniously into a sarlacc pit. Exactly who would play him isn’t much of a complication – in the original trilogy, he never took off his helmet. And in the prequels, we learned he was the son of the original stormtrooper clone, played by Temuera Morrison, who’s still the right age for the part if his services were required. In addition to bringing back two fan-favorite characters as the leads of their own films, the Han Solo and Boba Fett projects would also allow Darth Vader, in full-on black death-metal gear, to return as a villain, since placing the spin-offs within the original trilogy would mean he is still alive and hissing. That timeline would also open the door for a return from visit with everyone’s favorite degenerate slug-like gangster, Jabba the Hutt. Walt Disney Co. chairman and CEO Bob Iger announced the existence of spin-off plans yesterday as part of the company’s quarterly earnings report. He said the screenwriters working of the stand-alone films are Simon Kinberg (Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Sherlock Holmes) and Lawrence Kasdan (screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark and the filmmaker behind The Big Chill.) The pair are also involved in the drafting of the new trilogy, with Michael Arndt (Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3) penning the first of the series, which J. J. Abrams has agreed to direct. That film is scheduled to hit theaters in 2015. There is no indication who might direct the Boba Fett and Han Solo films if they end up coming to fruition. Joe Johnston, director of Captain America and The Rocketeer, originally designed the armor for Boba Fett and told Screenrant he would like to make a film based around the character. Recently, Robert Rodriguez told MTV he would jump at the chance to make a Han Solo film if it were offered to him — although that seemed more like casual interest than a serious proposal. The recent novel Scoundrels, by sci-fi author Timothy Zahn, focused on the exploits of Solo in the period between A New Hope and Empire as he set up an Ocean’s 11-type heist of a gangster’s fortune. But sources said it was not the basis for any film currently in the works. As for other spin-offs, Ain’t It Cool reported Monday that a Yoda-centric film may be in the works, and earlier last month Vulture reported Zack Snyder may create a Seven Samurai-inspired Star Wars spin-off, although the filmmaker later said that was untrue. Lucasfilm has ramped up its development in recent months under the new leadership of Kathleen Kennedy, who stepped in as co-chair of the company as Star Wars creator George Lucas stepped back and sold the company to the Walt Disney Co. Kennedy, who has her eighth nomination for the Best Picture Oscar this year as producer ofLincoln, has a long track record of making films that strike a nerve with the original Star Warsgeneration, among them E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and everything from Gremlins to The Goonies and the Back to the Future movies. The question now: If these films do happen, who would you cast as a young Han Solo – or should they cast someone as relatively unknown as Ford once was? Um filme sobre Han Solo, situado entre A Vingança dos Sith e Uma Nova Esperança; e um filme sobre Boba Fett, situado ou entre Uma Nova Esperança e Império ou entre Império e Retorno. Bate com a informação anterior, sobre a contratação de Kasdan e Kinberg, que falava em dois projetos. Quote Link to comment
Members Sith Posted February 6, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 6, 2013 O Han Solo jovem no cinema sim seria foda... ainda mais foda se o Harrison Ford fizer uma pontinha no filme... Para mim o elenco tem q ter a Jennifer Lawrence como interesse romantico do Solo.. seria mto sonho.. hehe :B Já um ator para fazer o Solo.. não penso em nenhum nome nome... mas o filme poderia ser centrado na formação academica dele na Marinha imperial, e resgatando o Chewie dos traficantes de escravos, q nem é a origem dele no Universo Expandido... Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted February 7, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted February 7, 2013 Jennifer Lawrence, candidata a todos os papéis, hehehe. Quote Link to comment
Members Dook Posted February 7, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 7, 2013 Star Wars finalmente vai virar carne de vaca... Plutão Orco 1 Quote Link to comment
Members Sith Posted February 9, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 9, 2013 Um artigo interessante sobre a escolha do ator para o han Solo.. na minha opinião, dos nomes citados, acho melhor opção o Zac efron... o Shia já atuou no Indy 4 e até poderia fazer.. mas ele não tem o porte como o Efron na minha opinião... REEL WOMEN: WHY JENNIFER LAWRENCE IS THE BEST CHOICE FOR YOUNG HAN SOLOby Britt Hayes Photo Illustration by ScreenCrush.comWith Lucasfilm and Disney making a standalone ‘Star Wars‘ film focusing on the adventures of young Han Solo, we started thinking about the young actors that could possibly fill those shoes, and only one name made sense: Jennifer Lawrence. Too bad she’s a woman. First off, I’m not ridiculous — I know Han Solo is/was/will always be a man. You can’t write a story about young Han Solo and make him into a woman unless one of his early adventures included a trip to a sterile hospital facility planet for gender reassignment surgery, and Disney probably never wants to go there. But here’s the thing, when I think about all the male actors under 30 who are aged appropriately to play a young Han Solo, none of them seem right for the part. Josh Hutcherson, Nicholas Hoult, Chris Hemsworth (or Liam, even) , Aaron Johnson, Zac Efron, Anton Yelchin, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Alex Pettyfer, et al. — none of these guys are right for a young Han Solo. Most of them are too feminine to play the part, and that’s not an accusation or a complaint, but it’s just how things have been shifting in recent years. We’ve been attracted to more sensitive leading men in recent years — tastes evolve over time. Some of the names on that list are the opposite of feminine, like Chris and Liam Hemsworth, but those Hemsworth fellas are a bit too gruff and one-dimensional. Han Solo has swagger. He’s witty, sarcastic, quick-thinking, and adventurous. He has a wry smile and he’s awfully full of himself for good reason. He’s mischievous and daring and masculine without being muscle-headed. Every lady wanted to be with him and every guy wanted to be him. There’s only one actor under 30 who I think could play Han Solo with the same je ne sais quois of Harrison Ford, and that’s Jennifer Lawrence. Not only is she athletic enough to run from bad guys, but she can convincingly wield weapons in a way that feels like someone might actually get hurt. Her roles are often women who are confident (bordering on cocky), determined, quick-witted, and smart, and she can lob one-liners like no one’s business. She has that mischievous twinkle in her eye, just like Harrison Ford’s Han Solo. Her resilience in ‘Winter’s Bone,’ her action heroine antics in ‘The Hunger Games,’ and her witty banter with Bradley Cooper in ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ combined could make for an excellent intergalactic hero in the vein of young Han Solo. It’s just too bad that Han is a man and history can’t be rewritten (no matter what that other intergalactic traveler ‘Doctor Who’ tells us). Lawrence’s demeanor combines both feminine and masculine traits, most likely owing to her Kentucky upbringing. She’s no-nonsense in interviews and has quickly become one of America’s favorite young actors, saying what’s on her mind and being honest to what most of us (or at least most publicists) would consider a fault. The woman has swagger — there’s just no other word for it. And swagger is a term we strongly identify with men, yet this young woman clearly possesses that masculine quality in a way that’s uniquely feminine. But her male peers don’t have that same appeal — the only other actors close to her age group that have swagger are Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, and neither of them could play a young Han Solo because they’re just a little too old and a little too Aryan. Can we throw a Rule 63 down here? If you’re not aware, Rule 63 is an internet rule that states that for every fictional character there exists an equal, opposite-gender counterpart. This is why it’s cool to see guys cosplay as male versions of female comic book characters and vice-versa. It would be amazing if Disney and Lucasfilm decided to gender-swap Han Solo — and yeah, we all know Han was a guy in the old ‘Star Wars’ movies, but wouldn’t it be cool if they could just make Han a woman without having to address the fans like they’re talking to children? In an ideal world, young Han Solo could be a woman, and we wouldn’t say anything about it because we’d just accept that it was really, really f—ing cool. Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted February 9, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted February 9, 2013 Ok, quando eu escrevi "candidata a todos os papeis", eu não previ alguém defendendo essa idéia, hahaha. Quote Link to comment
Members Plutão Orco Posted February 14, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 14, 2013 Sem papas no teclado vou direto ao ponto. Além de estas ideias serem péssimas para não dizer uma porcaria nem é verdade os Spin-off. Aleluia! E que assim seja. Pensei que como fãs aqui já teriam se tocado da noticia ser falsa. Olha ai a informação: Star Wars: Filmes solo de Han Solo e Boba Fett confirmados? Falso!quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2013, por Stephan Martins Ainda ontem, você ficou sabendo pelo JNN o audacioso plano da Disney, de além de lançar a 3ª trilogia de Star Wars, lançar outros 3 filmes independentes entre si, sobre personagens específicos. Na mesma hora, os rumores começaram a voar. E agora, eles estão soltos. Tão soltos que a Disney veio para jogar um balde de água fria na galera. Na publicação da notícia, especulava-se que Yoda seria uma das estrelas. Depois, surgiram “confirmações” de que dois dos filmes estrelariam um jovem Han Solo e outro Boba Fett. Uma fonte do Deadline Hollywood disse o seguinte: “Ninguém sabe nem quando esses filmes vão sair. No momento, as pessoas estão jogando ideias por aí. Por isso que você escuta que é sobre Yoda num dia, e sobre um jovem Han Solo em outro. Tudo está no pré-início do desenvolvimento no momento.” Ou seja: não serão sobre Yoda, Han Solo ou Boba Fett — pelo menos não ainda. Podem ser? Podem, mas existe muito a ponderar, e espalhar rumores como verdade não vai nos ajudar a descobrir sobre o que e quem os filmes serão. Em vez de, talvez, centrar um filme apenas em Boba Fett, eles poderiam contar a história de um determinado círculo de personagens, como um filme todo apenas com os grandes caçadores de recompensa da Galáxia — e aí não só aproveitar Fett, como outros favoritos como Bossk e Aurra Sing. Outra ideia: abordar a Academia Imperial pré-rebelião, dando a chance não só de mostrar o jovem Han Solo, mas também uma aparição de Kyle Katarn.Explorar pontos que só o Universo Expandido teve coragem de explorar. Quem sabe? A Disney está tomando cuidado onde pisa. Via Deadline Link.: Quote Link to comment
Members Sith Posted February 14, 2013 Members Report Share Posted February 14, 2013 Em nenhuma notícia q eu tenha lido, vi a confirmação q a Disney já tinha fechado qual seria o primeiro spin-off... COmo bem diz a reportagem do Deadline, a Disney está estudando ainda quais personagem elas pode levar a fazer o filme,, ja q a prioridade é o ep. 7, como deve ser... mas q os spin-off irão existir é fato... Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted February 15, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2013 Em nenhuma notícia q eu tenha lido, vi a confirmação q a Disney já tinha fechado qual seria o primeiro spin-off... COmo bem diz a reportagem do Deadline, a Disney está estudando ainda quais personagem elas pode levar a fazer o filme,, ja q a prioridade é o ep. 7, como deve ser... mas q os spin-off irão existir é fato... Exato, Sith. O pessoal se deixa levar por preferências pessoais e sai tentado dar carteiraço por aí. Quote Link to comment
Members Jailcante Posted December 17, 2014 Members Report Share Posted December 17, 2014 Cruzes! Que monte de spam tem esse tópico. Ele tá sugando todos spams do mundo? rsrsrs Quote Link to comment
Members Dentinho Posted June 3, 2015 Members Report Share Posted June 3, 2015 Rumor: Segundo derivado da franquia será focado na rivalidade entre Boba Fett e Han Solo. Publicado em junho 3, 2015 Como já sabemos, a Disney confirmou há muito tempo atrás que, além da nova trilogia, lançariam também filmes derivados da franquia, focados em novos e conhecidos personagens. O segundo spinoff da saga será lançado em 2018 e recentemente perdeu seu diretor, Josh Trank, que alega ter deixado o projeto por querer focar no ramo independente. Hoje, o site Schmoes Know postou uma notícia alegando que o segundo filme se tratará da rivalidade entre Boba Fett e Han Solo. Segundo sua fonte, esta rivalidade, que até então só foi vista na Trilogia Clássica e no Antigo Universo Expandido, será vista nas telonas e personagens como Chewbacca, Bossk e Lando Calrissian aparecerão durante o filme. Também de acordo com a fonte, a Disney quer mergulhar fundo nesse “covil de escória e vilania” que Star Wars é conhecido. E assim como Rogue One parece estar tomando inspirações de filmes de Guerra como O Resgate do Soldado Ryan e A Hora Mais Escura, essa Antologia seria inspirada nos filmes de Faroeste e de Caçadores de Recompensas. Eles também afirmam que Jon Faverau(Iron Man 1 e 2) e Mattew Vaughan(Kingsman, Kick-Ass), são os favoritos para pegar o lugar que pertencia a Josh Trank. Fonte: Schmoes Know SHARE THIS: Quote Link to comment
Members Dentinho Posted June 3, 2015 Members Report Share Posted June 3, 2015 Qual nome esse filme poderia receber, Smuggler ou Hunter ? Quote Link to comment
Members Mozts Posted June 3, 2015 Members Report Share Posted June 3, 2015 Qual nome esse filme poderia receber, Smuggler ou Hunter ? "Solo film" Quote Link to comment
Members Dentinho Posted June 6, 2015 Members Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 "Solo film" Mas e se o Boba Fett também for protagonista ? Quote Link to comment
Members Mozts Posted July 7, 2015 Members Report Share Posted July 7, 2015 Confirmado o filme solo do Solo. Diretores: Phill Lord e Chris Miller, de The Lego Movie e 21/22 Jump Street. O roteiro terá partes do Lawrence Kasdan e Jon Kasdan e focará no jovem Han Solo. Lançamento está previsto para Maio de 2018. Pessoalmente não gosto da ideia. Acho que esse tipo de história poderia ser contada nos livros/quadrinhos, e que há melhores premissas para se colocar num filme. Também tem fato que há um elemento do personagem que o "mistério" ajuda a construir. Saber os detalhes do passado do Han Solo pode mudar o personagem pra pior tanto quanto pra melhor. Também não invejo o trabalho do ator que terá o papel. Ainda to guardando o champagne pra spin off de The Old Republic. Quote Link to comment
Members Dentinho Posted July 23, 2015 Members Report Share Posted July 23, 2015 Será que o harrison ford aceitaria ceder a sua imagem para fazerem o mesmo que fizeram Schwarzenegger nesse último exterminador ? RuslankTwiday and AleksAdjuroeurore 2 Quote Link to comment
Members Mozts Posted July 24, 2015 Members Report Share Posted July 24, 2015 Será que o harrison ford aceitaria ceder a sua imagem para fazerem o mesmo que fizeram Schwarzenegger nesse último exterminador ? Não gosto nem um pouco dessa ideia. Ainda tenho que ver uma recriação desse tipo que seja convincente. O Terminator agente até engole pois é um ser robótico por natureza, agora o Han Solo e pra liderar um filme? Quote Link to comment
Members Dentinho Posted July 30, 2015 Members Report Share Posted July 30, 2015 Não gosto nem um pouco dessa ideia. Ainda tenho que ver uma recriação desse tipo que seja convincente. O Terminator agente até engole pois é um ser robótico por natureza, agora o Han Solo e pra liderar um filme? Também penso dessa mesma forma. Mas eu revi o exterminador hoje e me reveio essa duvida. Será que a tecnologia não já chegou a esse ponto ? Penso que o próprio Ford poderia ser usado como modelo. Quote Link to comment
Members Mozts Posted July 31, 2015 Members Report Share Posted July 31, 2015 Também penso dessa mesma forma. Mas eu revi o exterminador hoje e me reveio essa duvida. Será que a tecnologia não já chegou a esse ponto ? Penso que o próprio Ford poderia ser usado como modelo. Mas isso aí é um cameo, liderar um filme dessa forma, precisndo de uma performance que mostre um espectro de emoções, com nuances... Dúvido muito, só olhar os exemplso recentes desse recurso no Ant-man e Captain America 2. Ainda não cruzamos o "vale da estranheza" pra esse tipo de coisa. Se a Disney ou ILM disser que reconhecem a dificuldade e vão usar alguma tecnologia nova ou esforço extravagante pra fazer isso, fico excitado pra ver, mas teria que ser algo na vanguarda como mocap foi alguns anos atrás em LoTR. A tecnologia no estado existente, acho que tá longe ainda. Acho que pra uma cena isso pode funcionar. Dentinho 1 Quote Link to comment
Members Mozts Posted August 13, 2015 Members Report Share Posted August 13, 2015 Kennedy, chefia da LucasFilm, diz que idade de Han Solo será em torno de 20 anos. Quote Link to comment
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