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Oscar 2006


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Pessoal' date='

Romance & Cigarettes será exibido dia 06/09 em Veneza. Depois vai a Toronto e estréia nos cinemas americanos dia 23 de Setembro.


Que bom que voce já sabe da programação - não recebi nada, por alguns motivos que não vêem ao caso (briga ... rsssss...)

Posta aí pra geral a programação, Fe!!!

E eu estou com uma foto belíssima de Juliet Binoche em MARY. Será que devo postar???


* Aliás, Binoche está em três projetos bem oscarizáveis este ano, mas ninguém a coloca como favorita a nada. CHOCOLATE provou que a Academia gosta dela. Eu já começo a considerá-la!!!

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Valeu ' date=' Ronny !!!! Foto maravilhosa com a linda e excelente Juliette Binoche ...Mary , dirigido por Abel Ferrara , esse filme também é muito promissor.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Vai gerar polêmica!!!

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Valeu ' date=' Ronny !!!! Foto maravilhosa com a linda e excelente Juliette Binoche ...Mary , dirigido por Abel Ferrara , esse filme também é muito promissor.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Vai gerar polêmica!!!

Com certeza ...

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Qual é a história?

Binoche interpreta uma atriz que vive Maria Madalena num filme. Até aí, tudo bem. O problema surge quando ela fica obcecada pela figura de Madalena, achando ser ela uma reencarnação da mesma!!!

Vai dá polêmica!!! smiley2.gif

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Nossa' date=' extremamente interessante, Binoche deve tá maravilhosasmiley32.gif[/quote']

Também acho!!!

Ela ainda está, somente este ano, no já mega-elogiado CACHÉ (vencedor do prêmio de melhor Diretor em Cannes) e em BEE SEASON, onde faz par com Richard Geere. Será que ela tem chance no Oscar???

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Ronny´s News (smiley36.gif)



Separate Lies

By Kirk Honeycutt


"Separate Lies" is a chamber piece for movies -- a few crucial characters, soothing locations and precise storytelling with nary a shot nor line of dialogue wasted. For his directorial debut, actor-turned-screenwriter Julian Fellowes ("Gosford Park") has chosen to concentrate on his strengths, which are, of course, actors and writing. The focus is steady and intense, the theme clearly delineated and subtexts well thought out. The story presents a moral morass involving betrayal, illicit sex, hypocrisy and a crime, yet the film feels tidy. Only one punch gets thrown, and you sense the perpetrator regrets his action immediately. It is all very British.

The theme and the acting -- with one exception -- are strong enough to spark art house interest. It probably would need to generate award-consideration buzz to move beyond such venues, but the film seems perhaps too muted to pull that off.

In "Separate Lies" -- the title evokes both Noel Coward and Harold Pinter -- Fellowes takes an obscure 1951 novel by Nigel Balchin, "A Way Through the Wood," contemporizes its story of a romantic triangle, then adds a criminal investigation. The latter certainly adds a fascinating layer of complexity and moral ambiguity to an already tense situation.

James and Anne Manning lead a seemingly dream life as an upper-middle-class couple, though casting Tom Wilkinson and Emily Watson adds a considerable age gap between the two. James is a highly respected and successful international lawyer, while Anne is his loving and seemingly happy companion. You'll notice how often the word "seemingly" creeps into this description.

Trouble starts when James suspects a neighbor, Bill Bule (Rupert Everett), the indolent son of a peer, is to blame for a hit-and-run accident that claimed the life of the husband of the Mannings' cleaning lady (Linda Bassett). Being British, James takes the chap out to lunch and politely informs him of his suspicions. Bill initially denies his involvement but, sandwiched between ordering a change in wine, casually admits to the crime.

What he doesn't say, but James' wife that evening does, is that there is more to the incident. Anne not only was also involved, but she is carrying on an affair with Bill. What Fellowes accomplishes with this neat plot twist is to pull the ever-so-righteous James into a web of lies and deceit with the very man making him a cuckold; James is at once on the same and opposite side with his dark rival. This devilish twist gives "Separate Lies" not only its dramatic juice but also turns it into an intriguing study in morality.

As the couple in distress, Wilkinson and Watson are pitch perfect. Each captures the subtle nuances of people with wholly different ideas about wedded bliss. Where James sees an orderly and upright life, Anne sees impossible demands and standards to which she will always, somehow, fail. Which makes her highly susceptible to Bill's bad-boy sexuality and complete disdain for appearances that only the upper class -- or the very lowest -- can afford.

The film's major problem is Everett's lazy performance. Slouched on a chair or couch with an inevitable sneer curling his lips, Everett projects grumpiness more than sexiness. Even when he is supposed to be quite ill, the actor doesn't bother to convey with body language or makeup his acute distress.

Cinematographer Tony Pierce-Roberts, who has worked on several Merchant Ivory films, supplies lovely, pristine images of London, Paris, Wales and the bucolic Buckinghamshire countryside. Alison Riva's sets and Michele Clapton's costumes give the film a well-upholstered though lived-in look. Alex Mackie and Martin Walsh's editing is unusually crisp, starting scenes at the crucial moment and ending with a pithy phrase or meaningful moment. All very tidy indeed.

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Pessoal' date='

Romance & Cigarettes será exibido dia 06/09 em Veneza. Depois vai a Toronto e estréia nos cinemas americanos dia 23 de Setembro.


òtima notocia fecamargo...

vc sabe se tem alguma previsão da data em que o filme estreia aki no Brasil ?

Cara, nada ainda!!!

Em breve noticias (mas pode ser que o Fe saiba de algo)

Quem sabe os festivais do Rio e SP não o trazem??


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