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Posts posted by Van-el

  1. Nunca vi, se vi não recordo, um filme com este ator, mas pelos comentários todos dizem que ele é talentoso...vamos torcer...Engraçado...todo domingo às seis da tarde acesso o omelete e tem anúncio do filme do Super. Foi assim com Cavill, com Lois e agora ZOD. Esperava o Aragon, mas vamos torcer...

  2. Producer Donald De Line Talks 'Green Lantern' & 'Justice League'.


    'Green Lantern' producer Donald De Line sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and talked about the movie, the panel at Wonder-Con, and where they stand with the movie right now...


    'Green Lantern' producer Donald De Line has sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and talks about the importance of the recent panel and footage after going so long with virtual silence from the movie besides some promo-art here and there and a whole whack of merchandise.




    Heat Vision: How important was the panel?




    Donald De Line: It was very important. We've had a very tight post- production schedule. We have over 1500 visual effects shots in this movie, which is a lot. And we have to convert to 3D. That pushes your schedule up even tighter so they can go through this painstaking conversion process. You want to do it with the right quality so you need a lot of lead time. Those things conspired to make what seemed like a decent amount of post feel like incredibly pressured.




    This was important because when we went to Comic-Con last summer, we were still shooting. We didn't have any shots or any visual effects to show. This was very important because we finally had something to put in front of people. We showed people what we have finished with visual effects, though only 80 percent was technically finished. Some of it is still work-in-progress.




    Heat Vision: So in the overall process of Green Lantern, where are you?




    De Line: We have 50 percent of our shots left to finish.




    Heat Vision: Was the silence making you been nervous at all?




    De Line: Of course. Any time you make a movie, you¹re nervous about every detail. And Warners is a great studio in terms of marketing and they know how to do it. But my frustration, and the nervous-making part of it, was that we literally didn¹t have enough of the finished effects footage to deliver to them so they could get materials out in front. But that's changing finally. We'll be on Thor with the new trailer. It was really thrilling to be in the room and feel it with the fans.




    Heat Vision: The footage seems to open up the comic book movie in a way that I don¹t think has been done before.




    De Line: That¹s what¹s been exciting to begin with. You have this superhero genre and you get to take it into space, go to the center of the universe where you have all these alien cultures represented. You get the best of superhero-meets-space opera, in a way. And you get to bring both of those elements together and it¹s the kind of thing that I think that makes it different.




    In a world that is becoming increasingly populated with superhero movies, and everyone is going "Gosh, there's a lot this summer" and "Is there room for all of us?" we all can say we offer something different. Thor stands on his own with one kind of world, we are an entirely different world. And Captain America is another kind of world. So I say were all very distinct.




    Heat Vision: The Green Lantern movie is to lay the foundation for a whole line of superhero movies from Warners. Will there be an connections to the future Superman movie or the Justice League movie?




    De Line: We didn¹t do that but there some little references to what could be outcroppings from the Green Lantern Corps, because as you know, the Green Lantern Corps went on to become a lot of different offshoots and have different aspects. And we're already working on s sequel script so we have a cool story idea that we think will go in a direction they don't expect.






    Van-el2011-04-03 12:27:31

  3. Esse filme da Liga teria sentido se fosse baseado na saga Reino do Amanhã, com personagens mais maduros e o John Hamn seria o Super e Russel Crowe o Batman...hahaha...Se bem que eu prefiria que a fonte fosse a saga JUSTICE de Alex Ross, a melhor da Liga, para mim.

  4. Pôxa! Tô triste com que tá acontecendo com o Lanterna, a divulgação deveria parecer com a do THOR que começaram no mesmo tempo. Só tem posteres e imagens de bonecos, gibis!? Só um trailerzinho meia boca com esse CGI páia! Sou DCnauta, mas tenho que admitir que a Marvel nos filmes tá melhor.

  5. Lanterna Verde | Trailer tem data e Michael Clarke Duncan pode dublar Kilowog


    Presidente de marketing da WB explica por que a divulgação do filme ainda não engrenou




    Marcelo Hessel


    29 de Março de 2011








    Michael Clarke Duncan


    O próximo trailer de Lanterna Verde já tem data para sair. Segundo o LA Times, será em 6 de maio, nos cinemas dos EUA, anexado às cópias de Thor.




    Em entrevista ao jornal, a presidente de marketing da Warner Bros., Sue Kroll, disse que os vídeos de divulgação estão saindo em cima do lançamento porque ainda há muito trabalho de pós-produção a ser feito. "O primeiro trailer foi recebido de forma morna, em parte, porque as grandes sequências de ação não estavam prontas para ser mostradas. Nós sofremos com isso, [é uma situação que] não podemos repetir."




    Paralelamente, o elenco de vozes dos integrantes da Tropa dos Lanternas Verdes começa a se definir. Segundo o Latino Review, Michael Clarke Duncan negocia para dublar Kilowog.




    O filme conta como Hal Jordan se tornou um dos Lanternas Verdes, integrantes de uma tropa que jurou manter a ordem no Universo, policiando galáxias - um equilíbrio que periga ruir com a ameaça do inimigo Parallax. Dirigido por Martin Campbell (007 - Cassino Royale), Lanterna Verde tem lançamento previsto para 17 de junho em 3-D e 2-D, nos EUA. No Brasil, chega em 19 de agosto.




    O Omelete esteve com exclusividade no set de filmagens e entrevistou o elenco de Lanterna Verde. Também conversamos com o quadrinista Ivan Reis sobre a adaptação.















    Member Since 7/10/2010






    What Man of Steel Needs To Do, To Be the Best CBM in 2012!


    Kristin Kreuk Says Sorry.... Sort Of


    Smallville; A death in the family?


    He's baaaaaaack, we hope...






    Zack Snyder talks Superman, again...


    Another interview with the Superman director has hit the web. He even hints at a Lois Lane appearance.


    In another interview for his new visually stunning movie 'Sucker Punch', Fred Topel of ScreenJunkies.com, like everyone else, has asked the upcoming Superman director about his plans for the upcoming flick.






    ScreenJunkies: It seemed like you’d done your comic book movies with 300 and Watchmen, but was Superman just too good to pass up?


    Snyder: Yeah, and in a lot of ways it’s a different thing for me. It’s a chance to do it for real. I think 300 and Watchmen are both particular in their graphic novels. I almost don’t even see them as superhero movies. I see them as they’re both novels. It’s all about the story and the way the story exists as a work of literature. For me, Superman is a whole other thing. He’s a character that we get to explore. I can make a movie that’s not an indictment but really a celebration of the character.




    ScreenJunkies: Are you working with DC or is it all you, Nolan and Goyer?


    Snyder: It’s all me, Nolan and Goyer. I mean, I meet with the DC guys but they don’t really [get involved.] It’s all us figuring it out.




    ScreenJunkies: I know you’re starting over, but did you like the Bryan Singer Superman Returns and the Richard Donner movies?


    Snyder: Yeah, I love the movie, I love the Superman character and I like the movie. It’s just we felt like we had to shed all that in order to start again and find the why of the character over.




    ScreenJunkies: Do you imagine doing slow motion flying and fighting?


    Snyder: I don’t know. I think the thing I’ve been thinking about with this movie is that it’s kind of its own thing in a lot of ways. I guess we’ll see how the action unfolds but the way I talk about Superman, the way I’ve been talking to everyone about shooting it is trying to get Superman to exist in the real world and be a character that lives in our world. So it’s a much more realistic, it’ll probably be the most realistic movie I’ve ever photographed.




    ScreenJunkies: And there’s no Lois in this version. Is that the reason to do it, to strip away the things we know?


    Snyder: Oh, there’s no Lois Lane? I didn’t know that. I don’t know what that means.




    ScreenJunkies: You’ve cast well known actors in the supporting cast, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane. Is that a different way to approach the cast?


    Snyder: I just felt like Kevin and Diane are both amazing talents and they’re serious. I think it just sets the tone of what we’re trying to do.




    ScreenJunkies: What is your schedule like the next few weeks, or year?


    Snyder: I go take the movie to Europe tomorrow. I fly out to Paris tomorrow. Then I go to London and Copenhagen. Then I come home and I just dig into Superman and we start shooting at the end of the summer.




    ScreenJunkies: Do you do storyboards and drawings yourself?


    Snyder: Yeah, I’m drawing like crazy.

  7. Snyder Not Sure About Superman Release Date?


    Director Zack Snyder talks about working with Nolan, Shooting Dates, and Release Date


    In an exclusive interview with ComingSoon.net,Snyder reveals what it is like to work with Director Christopher Nolan,and how the filming experience will be different with another effects team working with him this time.




    Here are some of the interesting parts.




    CS: One thing that's really intriguing is to see you work with Christopher Nolan, because I feel like you have very different sensibilities. I was curious how that would work especially with him doing another movie at the same time. Are you guys finding out that you have similar approaches to thing?


    SNYDER: Yeah, I feel like Chris and I, we actually get along really well and Chris is a really interesting guy and he's been incredibly helpful and incredibly supportive. I think he just treats me the way he would want to be treated as far as he just has a lot of respect for other filmmakers. He's an incredible resource on the other hand and he's super-busy but we see each other quite a bit, and it's kind of fun and I think we have a pretty good time.




    CS: Obviously, it's early to tell and I don't know what your time frame is, but do you have a date when you're shooting for or is that up in the air until you actually start filming?


    SNYDER: For "Superman"? No, we're going to shoot it at the beginning of August.




    CS: But do you have a release date yet? Because at one point, it was going to be released during Christmas time 2012 which is getting pretty crowded.


    SNYDER: Oh, for the release? Well, I don't know to be quite honest with you. They're just screwing around with the release. I'm just going to make the movie and let them determine when they're going to put it out. It is Superman after all.






    To Read the Rest of the Article, Click on the Link Below.

  8. Zack Snyder On Superman Pre-Production, May Drop Stylized Direction For Movie!


    In yet another interview about Sucker Punch, the director comments briefly on whether the script is completed and when shooting will begin as well as more hints that he'll adapt a whole new directing style for the movie...






    On Possibly Changing His Unique Style For Superman:




    You know, I think Superman...because Superman takes place in a more realistic world, I think it will be a slight departure for me just visually because I think you're going to go to a more real world. I've never made a movie that wasn't stylized. All the movies I've made have been stylized worlds. Who knows? I mean, we haven't started shooting it yet.






    On The Current Pre-Production Status Of The Movie:




    We are supposed to shoot at the end of Summer.






    On Whether The Script Is Completed And Ready To Be Shot:




    Oh yeah, all that's all sorted.





  9. Sobre o uniforme, acredito que eles escolheram o antigo para os testes foi pq se o cara ficar bem nele, ficará bem em QUALQUER OUTRO! tb é mais barato e fácil de se vestir...




    Sobre a questão do vilão ser terraqueo ou alienígena, acredito que não fará muita diferença, ou melhor, acho até que alien é mais adequado, pois o personagem principal é tb um extraterrestre! e Nolan adora colocar mais de 1 inimigo nos seus filmes, portanto, teremos os dois...

  10. Ryan Reynolds Talks About The Green Lantern's Costume


    EmpireOnline has given us a preview of their on-set interview with Ryan Reynolds and Martin Campbell in which Reynolds defends the films suit and says “The suit is powered specifically on his will, his emotion, his creativity and his imagination. I love that.”...


    Empire Magazine this month features an article on 'Green Lantern' and the Empire website offers us a small glimpse of their on-set interview with Ryan Reynolds and director Martin Campbell in which they defend the different direction the movie has decided to go with Hal's suit.








    “It has to be virtual rather than spandex,” says Reynolds, wearing his grey sensor suit. “This is a suit from an alien planet.”




    “It’s not The Dark Knight – I don’t put the suit on and my voice drops several octaves,” adds Reynolds, unfazed by the absence of green tights. “The suit is powered specifically on his will, his emotion, his creativity and his imagination. I love that.”




    “Everything Hal creates are images from his childhood,” he goes on. “Or things fuelled specifically from his own mind.”






    I'm still on the fence about the costume, I hate it but I love it. I don't think there's anything wrong with changing the costume, Nolan did it with Batman and that turned out great, I just don't know if this way is the right way to change it.




    'Green Lantern' Hits Theaters June 17th



  11. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Zack Snyder On the Challenges & Joy of Superman


    When the subject of a Superman movie comes up, there’s usually two contingencies responding: fans of the character who can’t hide their anticipation for the next adventure, and the detractors who proclaim the character to be too retro or passé. Director Zack Snyder seems to believe that the gap between the two can be bridged.


    Interview conducted by and © Edward Gross


    For the full Zack Snyder interview, check out issue #52 of SciFi Now Magazine, on sale soon.










    "You’ve got to keep in mind that they look at Superman as passé because that is the way he’s been approached in the movies,” says Snyder. “It’s not like the movies have done anything to fight that, so all I can say is that Chris [Nolan] and David [Goyer] address that in their story. I think the challenge is to make him relevant – figure out how we can make them care about him. That is the challenge.”




    He believes a good part of meeting that challenge is the casting of Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel. “He just did a great job with the material that we had him try out, so it was a win-win situation,” he notes. “He’s definitely – without saying what our Superman is – it. He knows how to do what we needed him to do.”




    As to the appeal of taking on the character, Snyder enthuses, “Superman’s the king daddy; he’s the shit. If you can make him work, in the end there’s nobody else in the superhero world. For me, Watchmen was the exact opposite of Superman in that now that I’ve deconstructed the superhero world — I tore the curtain down — maybe I’m the right guy to put it back up.”




    Exciting and daunting as well is the notion that with this film he will become a part of a much bigger legacy.




    “It’s like participating in the Olympics,” he smiles. “I know that’s a weird metaphor, but, you know, there is definitely a historical aspect that is beyond you. The character is bigger than you and you have to keep that in mind. And the character will continue when you’re done. I feel pretty good about that now.”







  12. Christopher Nolan Comments Briefly On Henry Cavill's Superman Audition!


    The Dark Knight Rises director briefly comments on how impressive Henry Cavill was in his tests for the role of the Man of Steel and reveals what he thinks about how the actor will do...


    In an interview in the latest issue of Empire Magazine, the critically acclaimed director of the Batman franchise and producer of Zack Snyder's Superman: The Man of Steel was quizzed on Henry Cavill's test for the role and how he think he'll do come 2012.








    "Henry's a terrific choice as Superman. Other than having the look, he gave an incredible performance in the test we did and I think he's going to be something really extraordinary in the role."






    Although Christopher Nolan has stated in recent interviews that he'll now be taking a step back from this movie to let Snyder do his thing, this does at least make it clear that he was involved in the casting process. Guess that explains why Tom Welling didn't get it, huh?




    Superman: The Man of Steel is set to be released sometime during the Winter of 2012!





  13. RUMOR: Possible Spoilers Revealed For The Dark Knight Rises!




    Some possible plot spoilers regarding Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises have found their way online, revealing Catwoman's role in the movie and some other intersting tidbits. Check it out!






    First off, if you don't want to know what could possibly happen in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises then stop reading this. Everything that follows are mostly spoilers from the movie.




    OK, so below you can read some interesting plot spoilers regarding the new Batmanmovie. Catwoman's role is revealed and some other cool stuff.




    From Badassdigest:




    "I just talked to a good source near the Batcamp and have come away with information about The Dark Knight Rises that confirms lots of speculation from recent months.




    Here goes nothing:




    As she herself confirmed, Anne Hathaway will be Catwoman in the movie. I can’t tell you what role she has in the beginning, but by the end of the story Catwoman isn’t a villain but rather an ally of Batman. And who are they teaming up to take out?




    The League of Shadows.




    Headed by Talia Al’Ghul. With Bane, who is her muscle/possible love interest. And with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in tow. Is he playing Black Mask? My source didn’t know, but did know that Levitt is certainly an antagonist and involved with the League of Shadows."






    Remember, nothing is confirmed, so take this with a grain of salt for now.




    The Dark Knight Rises is set to hit theatres on July 20, 2012!






    Esse filme vai "massa véio"Van-el2011-03-02 19:48:22





    Rumor: Daniel Day Lewis Being Looked At For Superman


    Hot on the heels of the news that Viggo Mortenson is a "person of interest" for WB and Zack Snyder's Supermanreboot, the rumor mill has churned out Daniel Day Lewis' name. Click for the details..


    So we hear Viggo Mortenson is being looked at to star as the villain(probably General Zod) in the Superman reboot. But who else might Snyder and WB have their eye on? Well, it could well be the most brilliant of actors, Mr Daniel Day Lewis.




    Moviehole mention that they heard Warner Bros. is considering Lewis for “an unspecified role in this film.” They offer this information almost in passing as they discuss Mortenson's possible involvement so don't give this as much credence as the Mortenson rumor for now.




    But still, how cool would this be if it was true? Don't get me wrong. Mortenson is one of my favourite actors but I have always wanted to see what Lewis would do with a CBM role. And the potential to have him play a Superman villain? It may not even be Zod. Check out the pic, could Lewis make a good Lex Luthor? But of course, even if Nolan, Snyder and co ARE looking at Lewis and indeed Mortenson, that doesn't for one moment suggest that THEY will be interested. Mortenson is said to be a contender for a role in Snow White And The Huntsman so that may be the road he goes down. And although Lewis has signed on for Stephen Spielberg's Abraham Lincoln biopic, that may not film until next year as Spielberg has his hands full with other projects.




    Anyway, more info on all of this as we get it.







  15. Vendo o trailer muito "massa véio" do Thor, digo que é melhor utilizar pouquíssimo CGI. Mesmo sendo extraterrestre ou deuses deve-se utilizar paisagens, personagens(maquiagem)reais. O planeta OA todo CGI, ficou páia viu! Dia 25/03/2011 veremos o 2º trailer, no lançamento de Sucker Punch

  16. All Star Superman "comic book escritor Grant Morrison deu ao LA Times o seu pensamento sobre o filme Superman up-coming estrelado por Henry Cavill e sendo dirigido por Zack Snyder.


    "Eu não posso esperar para ver o que eles fazem. Existem muitas maneiras de contar histórias do Superman que possam ressoar com um público moderno, e eu estou ansioso para ver como Zack Snyder se aproxima. Coisas que eu pessoalmente gostaria de vê são Luthor não em campo, alguns outros vilões como Metallo, ou Brainiac e Superman mais vigorosa, vá-começando. As tentativas nobres de retratá-lo como uma figura semelhante à de Cristo Redentor, o americano em 'Superman Returns' teve o efeito perverso fazendo dele um saco de pancada mole e fracote. Superman é um herói muito íntegro, mas ele não é pacifista, ele é um brigão que não dá até que ele está morto ou derrotado o bandido, e eu gostaria de ver um pouco mais do que coragem "








    Van-el2011-02-26 12:13:56

  17. Only days before the role of Batman was cast, eight actors were asked to audition for the part. The actors were Christian Bale, Joshua Jackson, Eion Bailey, Hugh Dancy, Billy Crudup, Cillian Murphy, Henry Cavill and Jake Gyllenhaal. While Bale won the part, Christopher Nolan liked Murphy's audition so much, he cast him as Dr. Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow.




    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0372784/triviaVan-el2011-02-26 09:34:30

  18. Se a Malin Ackerman levar a parada, foi o Zack que impôs. Pois, pra mim, Cavil é imposição do Nolan. lembram que o Nolan falou que o super seria um astro de tv e o Cavil quase leva o Batman Begins. o Nolan deve ter pensado: esse Cavil é bom, mas não tem cara de Bat, tá mais para...Além disso, se fosse pelo o Snyder aquele Magiello levaria. Mas penso que Nolan tem grande força e vai escolher a atriz e falar pro Snyder baixar a bola com o CGI e o Slow.

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