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Posts posted by begins

  1. vo tentar responder:


    1- Ra's não morre.se vcs leem hqs frenquentemente como eu,sabem q ra's

    tem o poço de lázaro,q o mantem imortal.Ali no caso ele fico super

    ultra mega ferido,mas nao morreu por causa do poço, e ai se ele for

    levado novamente para ele,o seu corpo se regenera e ra's esta novo.


    e outra coisa q eu li em um dos gibis,q nao sei se eh frenquente

    mesmo,eh q ra's tem o poder de mudar de corpo,ou seja,sua alma sai de

    um corpo e entra em outro.


    Isso se for verdade faz sentido,ja q na minha concepção,ra's eh Ken

    Watanabe,mas ele ao morre na luta contra Bruce,sai do seu corpo e entra

    em Ducard q esta desacordado.e eu acho q eh o q acontece mermo,pq senao

    porra Ken num fez merda nenhuma no filme.segundo meu tio ele eh so um

    farçante e Ra's desde o começo eh Ducard,mas se for assim,entaum ra's

    no filme num ta nd haver com o do gibi.


    entaum fica minha duvida


    Ra's eh ducard sempre,ou era Ken Watanabe e foi pro corpo de Ducard??




    2.A trilha de Elfman já disse e repito q eh super infantil,e eh TEMA ta

    lgd.A nova nao eh épica eh envolvente,por isso muitooo melhor pa mim.




    3.Achei super bacana o fato dele PLANAR no filme.pq pare pa pensar,o

    cara eh o homem morcego.morcego voa,e ele nunca se quer plano no gibi,o

    q eh errado,pq se o cara eh homem morcego ele tenque pelo menos planar

    neh veio.gostei ele plana mermo cool








  2. no forum do superherohype diz q batman ja fez 205 milhoes ao redor do mundo.


     e isso mermo


    perae minha gente


    a bilheteria dos paises do mundo sem o EUA ta 40 milhoes desde a semana

    passada eh,quer dizer q ngm foi mais pro cinema,ca porra









  3. Tenho novidades em relaçao a Batman 2,q sairam na revisa MovieX.São três:


    -Sean Penn está mesmo sendo cogitado para Coringa.Nolan já andou convesando com ele, e ele disse q aceita se gostar do roteiro.


    -O uniforme e o batmovel provavelmente continuaram os mesmos.


    -Já estao sendo pensandos os viloes secundarios do filme.Provavelmente

    serão 2 entre: Victor Zsassz(novamente e axoo q ele sera melhor

    desenvolvido), Estripador(se for escolhido sera interpretado por Billy Crudup-de Peixe Grande- e nao usara uniforme), Ventriloquo e Scarface,Cabeça de Metal e Ceifador.




    aguardemos entaum




    meus votos vao para Ventri e Scar    e    Zsassz




  4. Eu axo q a carta ali eh meio q uma coincidencia para o publico,ou

    seja,quem esta agindo nas ruas eh Jack Napier,q tem um baralho da

    sorte,ai em um de seus crimes,a carta do coringa caiu e foi a unica

    pista axada pela policia.ai gordon esta com ela.moral da historia- a

    carta ali eh so para o publico ve q vai ser coringa e pah,mas nao q ele

    ja seja o coringa,entenderam??


  5. nao pow


    o desempenho nao esta tao ruim


    comparem cmg--




    Star Wars:


    estreou num quinta com 15 milhoes ja(a sessao da meia noite da quarta)


    e chego ao final se semana e acumulou 56 = 71 nos primeiros 4 dias




    Batman Begins:


    estreou quarta com 15,chegou na sexta com 39(em tres dias), e somo com 32 do fim de semana= 71 nos primeiros 5 dias




    ou seja batman nao esta tao ruim,e vcs tem q contar tbm com o mercado mundial




    ao todo a bilheteira mundial dele em 4 dias(q eh o meio termo ja q em

    alguns paises ele estreou na quarta,outros na sexta)  eh de 113

    milhoes de dolares!!


    e ele custou 115 milhoes( ou foi 150,nao lembro) ou seja,daqui a duas

    semanas no max,ele se paga tranquilo,e ai tem continuaçoes.relaxem


    vo ver pela terceira vez essa semana.








  6. Atores e viloes-




    Larry Schulme- Coringa


    hulme6qo.jpg   joker5nk.jpg




    Mulher gato- Jessica Biel




    mulhergato6cw.jpg  jessicabiel1qy.jpg




    Mr Freeze- Noah Wyle




    srfrio1yd.jpg  noahwyle5su.jpg




    Hera Venenosa- Carmem Electra




    carmenelectra168ck.jpg   hera1cn.jpg




    Duas Caras/Dent-




     timepre64le0kh.jpg  duascaras5yi.jpg


    Charada- Ryan Gosling




    ryangosling013gl.jpg  charada0tt.jpg







  7. BeLL


    O Q DISSE do batman ser o verdadeiro Cavaleiro das trevas


    eh pq o bixo eh sombrio,rapido,astuto uma maquina humana


    ta lgd


    mas nao vou desmintir se essa passagem de Cavleiro das trevas,vai ter ou nao.vo ficar calado






  8. fELIPEF


    defeitos tem,agora confesso a vc q são muitooooooooooo poucos


    quase nada


    o unico q lembro aqui agora


    eh a parte do filme


    onde bruce esta prestes a viajar


    que eu axei meio morgada e cansativa


    mas ai quando ele viaja


    tudo muda meu brother


    lpz.achoq  so tem esse defeito,alem da falta do cabelinho em ciam do ouvido do Ra's,mai eh ninhuma.


    e Bell, 17 eh sexta,num vou dizer nada,pq se eu nego,vc morga um

    pouco,se eu confirmo vc vira uma pilha,entaum espere,falta pouco.smiley2.gif


    e adam,Batman eh cruel com os bandidos,demais,deu ate pena de um

    deles,onde Batman joga o cara la embaixo e depois puxa com a corda,ai

    começa a interrogar ele , da esporro nele,e solta ele denovo kkkkkkkkkk.









    Bale esta perfeito como Batman e Bruce,bem sombrio,sinistro e implacavel com um,playboy,milionario e


    mulherengo com o outro.achei duca


    Oldman,sem comentarios.ele eh o melhor coadjuvante do filme.os dialogos dele com o Batman são de arrepiar


    .pqp,teve um q eu nao vou dizer qual cena e pa,mas eh um q ele ta de

    costas so ouvindo a voz do Batman(aparece ate no making of da HBO)


    mermaum,naquele ali eu vibrei velho,os dois são uma parceiria ducaralho.


    Freeman como Fox- ta muito bom tambem,na principalmente quando ele esta paresentando os equipamentos


    para Bruce,sempre tentanto pegar o verdadeiro interesse do playboy,nos objetos.mt bom


    Holmes como Rachel-uma gata.a atuação dela eh legal,num eh nada q mude o filme nao,


    mas uma presença feminina ja ajuda neh.


    Caine como Alfred-Impecavel.Engraçado.Simpático.Pai.Tudo isso resume quem eh alfred no filme.Adorei a atuação de Caine


    Cillian Murphy como Crane/Espantalho-UMA PALAVRA.ASSUSTADORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!


    Neeson como Ducard-Mentor muito bom,inteligente.eh um segundo pai pa Bruce no começo do filme


    ensinando-le coisas q serão uteis para a transformada do homem,em morcego.


    Watanabe como Ra's Al Ghul- ..... esperem ate de 17 e vcs verão




    Bem,agora sobre o fator tecnico do filme


    Efeitos-Muito bons,nada de muito anormal,ja q se trata de um filme com um heroi sem poderes não é mesmo.


    Lutas-Rápidas porém prazerosas.É so vc pensar q elas tão sendo

    rápidas,pq Batman é foda,e briga pra caraleo.A parte contra os

    ninjas(bem aquilo eu chamo de


    ninja) no topo de um predio na Gotham mais sombria,eh

    ducaralho.primeiro q Batman chega voando, para,troca duas palavrinhas e

    voa em ciam do cara,ai meu vei


    o pau come,ele quebrea tudinho.São uns 6 caras eu acho, e ele quebra tudo.


    Batmovel-Ducacete,porra,que carro vei.Vou pedir para papai noel um desse de natal.Eh uma bala,destroça tudo e é interessante.




    Outra coisa q gostei paca no filme,foi o fato de Batman ser O Cavaleiro

    das Trevas mesmo no filme(falando em Cavaleiro da tRevas,tem umas duas

    cenas eu acho q foram


    tiradas do classico,pelo menos a ideia principal da cena,foi tirada de

    la).Digo isso pq,na parte do Porto,no primeiro encontro com os capangas

    de Falcone,mermaooo,eh bom demias.


    vou contar em detalhes.Os capangas tao fugindo dele.ai o

    mroceguinho(estrelinha ninja) de batman quebra as lampadas.ai um dos

    capangas se abaixa pa pegar,quando levanta e olha pa cima


    .... 17 eh sexta.


    A cena do trem é fantástica,e não ta nada de imitando Homem Aranha 2.E o melhor é batman pendurado nos predios.smiley4.gif




    bem e pa finalizar vo confirmar alguns spoiler,e deixar outros pa vcs confirmarem dia 17

    -A mansão Wayne é mesmo incediada.Bruce eh ferido com uma pilastra q cai em cima dele.alfred o pega,e leva-o para a Caverna.

    detalhe.eu me emocionei no dialogo no elevador.

    -aQUELE homem no bat sinal,eh mesmo falcone.

    -prestem atençao para uma ponta de Christopher Nolan,na parte do clube

    q tem um restaurante com piscina.Bruce leva duas gatas pra la.e la

    dentro quando ele passa em uam das mesas,Nolan está sentado.

    -Batcaverna e Batmovel nao são mensionados hora alguma.E sim caverna e The Trumbler,q estava traduzido como o Acrobata.




    bem vo la


    ta ai minha pequena e singela impreesão


    mas q eu axo q vai ser util pa vcs ja q somos todos do mesmo time










  10. Gente,to aqui em Sp ainda.vi Batman Begins ontem,e estou decepcionado,o

    filme eh do mermo nivel de batman 1.os trailers e tal,e tudo propagando

    enganosa.eh uma bosta o filme.sai mt puto do cinema...


  11. Galerinha


    ja to aqui em São Paulo


    na ksa do meu tio


    so perando pa da 8 horas,pa eu ir pa sessão de Batman


    to uma pilha veio


    to no pc do meu tio,muito bom por sinal


    li essa critica do rubens


    so digo uam coisa


    esse cara eh gay(para pa reparar o nariz do cara eh foda velho,porra)


    vo la









    vc eh engraçado Darth


    num quer ler nao leia.to cagando e andando pa vc


    agora eu vo parar pa escrever certinho pq o titio Darth q le bonitinho.


    a vai se lasca porra






  13. Galera,acabei de pensar numa hsitoria da porra pa Batman Continues(ou Year TWO,ou Begins 2):


        Batman continua na sua intensa luta contra o crime

    em Gotham City.Eis q surge  um novo vilãochamado Jack Snipr,q

    ameaça explodir um fábrica de produtos quimicos.Batman vai na

    fabrica,enfrenta seus capangas e encurrala Jack.Numa atitude

    desesperada,ele pula do primeiro andar d afabrica,porem acaba caindo em

    uma poça ácida.A fabrica explode,e Batman csg fugir,salvando Jack.


        Dois meses depois,Jack sai novamente para o crime em

    Gotham,desta vez denominado Coringa,e com sede de vingança contra

    Batman,no qual,julga ter sido culpado pelo q lhe aconteceu.Depois do

    desenrola do filme,Coringa resolve da uma surra em Batman.Ja q ele nao

    tem fisico e porte para o Homem Morcego,contrata os serviços do matador

    criminoso Bane.Bane tem 2 encontros com Batman de arrepiar.O Pau

    come.Porém Batman consegue digamos,vencer.Bane não morre,mas se afasta

    para se recuperar da surra q levou no segundo embate.


    No final Batman prende o  Coringa,porem no julgamento.o vilão se

    revolta e diz q tem q fazer com alguem,o q Batman fez com ele.ELe tira

    um pote acido do bolso e atira em direçao de Bruce Wayne.Porem Harvey

    Dent,grande amigo de Bruce,se joga na frente,ja q v Bruce

    desatencioso,procurando algo no bolso.Dent acaba sendo atingido,sendo

    levado para o hospital.


    As ultimas duas cenas do filme mostram,Dent acordando e olhando para o espelho,fazendo com q a enfermeira desmai.ele diz


              -Coringa,Batman,ohh,Gotham City.Todos me pagam!!


    w a ultima,mostra o morcegao observando a cidade,quando ve uam loja eh

    assaltada,e de longe ele ve,O Chapeleiro Maluco.E da um salto em

    direção ao bandido.desce,quebra todos os capangas.pega o Chapaleiro e



    - Quem é voce?


    O Maluco responde:


    - sou a mais nova mente criminosa de Gothm e vc?


    Uma musica de fundo surgi


    e O cAVALEIRO das trevas,desfere a frase.


    -I'm Batman!!!


    e faz gesto como se fosse suspender o vilao,a capa do heroi cobre a cena.e aparece a frase














    digam se nao seria massa






  14. <i>BATMAN BEGINS</i> 2005REVIEW:

    BATMAN BEGINS (2005)

    Source:David Server - DV-H! Staff
    6th June 2005 05:05 PM

    many of you know, summer movie season is upon us, and here to kick it
    off is the Caped Crusader himself, in director Chris Nolan’s Batman Begins.
    Many fans and casual filmgoers alike will be curious to see this latest
    entry in the bat-franchise, as the last series of Bat-flicks started
    with a bang under the genius direction of famed wacko Tim Burton, but
    fizzled to a mind-numbingly terrible close with Joel Schumacher’s
    dreadful Batman & Robin (the infamous ‘bat-nipples’ are now a thing of legend, so let’s not beleaguer them here…).

    Suffice to say, it was time for a reboot, and DC and Warner Brothers
    made a series of increasingly clever moves in their attempt to relaunch
    the dead franchise. They hired screenwriter (and consummate fanboy)
    David Goyer to pen the script. They brought on talented newcomer Chris
    Nolan (Memento)
    to direct. And last but not least, in a practically unprecedented nod
    of approval to fanboy dreamcasting, they selected actor Christian Bale (American Psycho)
    to portray the Dark Knight himself, and proceeded to surround him with
    A-list actors in the supporting parts. Seems to me there’s no way this
    could go wrong. Well, sadly, that’s not entirely true. While Batman Begins
    is ambitious in its attempt to create a complex, dark, and realistic
    new take on the Batman-mythos, the final product is hit-or-miss, with
    enough problems to prevent it from being the definitive take on the
    Dark Knight.

    The film begins with Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) traveling abroad as
    an enraged adult, blindly seeking vengeance for his parents’ murder
    when he was a child. After being freed from a derelict prison in the
    Far East, Bruce is recruited by Ducard (Liam Neeson) to join the League
    of Shadows, an elite ninja crime-fighting organization headed by the
    mysterious Ra’s Al Ghul (Ken Watanabe). After training with the League
    and learning the importance of fear, varied combat, and of course,
    theatricality, Bruce discovers that the League’s next plan is to
    destroy Wayne’s home, Gotham City, as punishment for its unparalleled
    corruption. After refusing to join their plot, Bruce quite literally
    blows the coop, and returns to Gotham to restore justice and order with
    his newfound skills.

    Upon arriving, Bruce is greeted by his longtime butler and faithful
    servant Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine), who resituates Bruce to the
    corruption that has flourished in Gotham during his time abroad. We
    then begin to meet the remaining cast of characters: Rachel Dawes
    (Katie Holmes), assistant DA and Bruce’s former flirtation, Lt. James
    Gordon (Gary Oldman), the only good cop left in Gotham, Carmine Falcone
    (Tom Wilkinson), the deadly crime-boss who owns most of Gotham, Lucius
    Fox (Morgan Freeman), head of the R&D division at Wayne
    Enterprises, and Dr. Jonathan Crane (Cillian Murphy), head of
    psychiatrics at Arkham Asylum, who is more than he appears to be.

    The film is clearly the work of talented craftsmen, but it tries so
    hard to squeeze in so much backstory and realism that it squeezes out a
    lot of the fun. Batman’s new origin with Ra’s Al Ghul seems rushed, but
    at the same time, we already take at least an hour to get to the first
    appearance of the Dark Knight in his full costume (it’s worth noting
    that Batman himself is in surprisingly little of the film). Some of the
    ideas here are great, and deserve more time, such as the emotionally
    compelling conflict between Bruce and the sleazy Carmine Falcone, or
    the sinister experiments being done behind closed doors at Arkham by
    Dr. Crane. Meanwhile, other plots (that later expand to take over the
    film), such as the continuing conflict with the League of Shadows,
    which de-evolves into a very standard-fare doomsday device cliché, seem
    silly and over-the-top by comparison. Ultimately, only half of the
    ideas present seem to coalesce within the Batman mythology, while
    others seem at best tangential, and at worst, forced and far-fetched. I
    imagine a much better, leaner film could have been made with only half
    the ideas present in this movie. As it stands, you’re so busy trying to
    keep up that the film rarely stops to relish the bits that are meant to
    be heart-pounding and entertaining. The film could have retained its
    dark and respectful tone without sacrificing the excitement the genre
    is known for.

    The performances are largely not at fault, as the cast is, as
    previously mentioned, top notch. No one is poor in the film, only
    underused. Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne is solid, if somewhat
    underwhelming. Personally, I found that in a movie insisting that Bruce
    Wayne is the façade and Batman the true underlying personality, Bruce
    seemed awfully emotionally balanced and in control. That quibble aside
    (one I find to be largely significant to their problematic
    characterization), which is admittedly more against the script than the
    actor, Bale’s performance as Wayne is heartfelt and well performed. His
    Batman is appropriately menacing, despite his brief amount of
    screentime. The true strength here comes from the supporting cast.
    Michael Caine is great as Alfred Pennyworth, imbuing the famed Butler
    with an emotional core rarely seen in other interpretations of the
    character. Morgan Freeman also makes a strong impression with his small
    role as Lucius Fox, both wry and entertaining in his appearances.
    Cillian Murphy is a diabolical delight as the villainous Dr. Crane,
    alias The Scarecrow. Truly, his reduced role is the largest crime in
    the overstuffed film, as his villain deserved far more time to shine,
    be it as his crisp yet slippery Doctor persona, or as the drug-induced
    horror that is The Scarecrow himself.

    Not everyone is so engaging, however. Gary Oldman sleepwalks his way
    through the movie as Lt. Gordon, who basically exists just so he can
    become Commissioner in later films. His relationship with Batman is by
    the books, and never anything more than standard. Katie Holmes’ Rachel
    Dawes is an obviously unnecessary studio-induced love-interest, and she
    never feels like anything more. And Liam Neeson’s role is so fragmented
    that it’s difficult to appreciate the full weight that it’s meant to

    The movie struggles to place everything in the real world, so much so
    that it sometimes forgets to have any fun. While each bat-gadget is
    scientifically proven to the point of practically reading you the
    instruction manual, they are rarely put to use in scenes that truly get
    your blood pumping. In this desperate attempt to situate this new
    Batman in the real world, we lose some of the gothic mystery that is
    supposed to make Batman such an intriguing character, essentially
    demystifying the hero every step of the way. Perhaps Batman was meant
    to remain in the shadows, because seeing all the secrets feels like
    revealing all of a magician’s tricks.

    That’s not to say that the film is completely devoid of enjoyable
    moments (such as the revved up Batmobile chase sequence), or even
    without one or two truly great ones. In a scene that I can only
    describe as superb, Batman takes down his first group of thugs. But
    here’s the genius twist: it’s shot from the thugs’ perspective. As
    though watching a scene from a horror movie, we see terrified crooks
    being yanked into the darkness with a yelp by an unseen force, as
    though they are being stalked by some monster, some deadly creature of
    the night. This scene is scary, which makes it inspired. With this
    scene, we finally understand how crooks in Gotham could ever believe
    that they’re being chased by some kind of animal, instead of just some
    guy in a bat costume. For a brief moment, the film achieves perfection.
    The unfortunate downside to this is that when the fighting finally does
    emerge from the shadows for the rest of the movie, it’s overly edited
    and largely unsatisfying. While the previous bat-films may have
    suffered stiff fight sequences from a restrictive bat-suit, at least we
    could see them. Here, the fights are choppy, disappointing, and

    Batman Begins is not a bad film by any stretch, nor is it a bad entry into the Batman
    series. While it suffers from some basic structural problems, it has
    the potential to kick off an exciting new branch of the franchise,
    placing some very talented people in some very key roles for the
    planned sequels. And in spite of all my gripes, just the fact that
    those involved have so much respect for the material that they’re
    working on places it miles ahead of the ghastly Joel Schumacher
    atrocities. Some will say that this is the best Batman film to
    date, the definitive celluloid take on the Dark Knight. But personally,
    I’ll take the distant glances of Michael Keaton’s Bruce Wayne, and the
    grimy streets of Burton’s exquisitely gothic Gotham City any day. Of
    course, I have no doubt there will be a new threat in this slick new
    Gotham before too long, and my interest is certainly piqued enough to
    return for the next go-‘round, and another chance to steal the crown
    away from the Burton flicks. Have they done it yet? I say they haven’t.
    But I’m still eagerly awaiting the next dark night with this new Dark
    Knight to prove me wrong.





    BATMAN BEGINS , USA , 2005, MPAA Rating : PG-13 for intense action

    violence, disturbing images and some thematic elements




    say much about the culture that spawned them, and so it is with the

    various incarnations of Batman. In the 60s, he was a pop icon with more

    than a little camp fluttering around his satin go-go boots. In the 80s

    and 90s, it was a wallow in excess with sets that duked it out with the

    actors for attention and villains that out-cartooned the cartoons on

    which they were based. For the millennium, there is BATMAN BEGINS,

    wherein the Dark Knight is re-imagined as a ninja warrior going on an

    inner journey from the darkness to the, well, if not light exactly, at

    least enlightenment, though even that proves to be a murky sort of

    place for Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale).



    darkness is brought on by two traumas to the young Bruce, a rich kid

    whose best friend is the maid’s daughter, Rachel (Katie Holmes as the

    grown up version), and whose parents are not just the perfect couple

    and the perfect parents, they’re also socially responsible. It’s a

    quality Bruce has trouble clinging to after falling down a well where

    he’s terrified by the bats he’s riled up, and later, when he sees his

    parents gunned down in a classic senseless street crime. Fortunately,

    Bruce still has the family’s faithful butler, Alfred (Michael Caine as

    a dryly witty Jiminy Cricket) to play surrogate father, but it’s not

    enough to counter his inner demons. Bruce drifts emotionally and

    spatially, eventually ending up in an Asian prison, from which he’s

    sprung by a mysterious, and surprisingly nattily attired Brit (Liam

    Neeson), who, with the help of a traditionally black-clad ninja troop,

    challenges him to confront his fears and turn them to his advantage.



    a film that is a frank meditation on the difference between anger and

    fear, and between justice and revenge, there is refreshingly little

    speechifying once Bruce leaves the secret fortress of the League of

    Shadows, where he’s trained in the kinds of martial arts designed to

    dazzle, debilitate, and defeat any number of enemies. Actually, there’s

    refreshingly little there, either. Christopher Nolan, director and

    co-writer David S. Goyer, remains true to the action component of the

    story, but that doesn’t stop him from elevating it, turning the action

    sequences into credible externalizations of Bruce’s inner turmoil. In

    fact, using a palette suffused with shadows and a chronology that is

    emotionally, if not temporally, true, traversing the inner emotional

    landscape rife is a far more dangerous proposition than doing battle

    with Gotham’s crime lord, played by Tom Wilkinson as satisfied and sleek as a prosperous sewer rat.



    and Goyer have also, while not eschewing the fantasy elements involved,

    put a sense of the real world into this Batman. Bruce may have the

    reflexes of a warrior god, but he hasn’t thought about what happens

    when his run-ins with the bad guys lead to a fall from a very high

    place. That’s when the cape that doubles as a parachute is added to the

    light body armor and other golly gee whiz gadgets dreamed up by Lucius

    Fox (Morgan Freeman in self-deprecating Buddha mode), Wayne Enterprises

    R&D guy.



    are a few clunks. It’s virtually impossible to see Neeson training Bale

    in the niceties of using a samurai sword and not flash onto his

    character in THE PHANTOM MENACE. The evil psychiatrist, Dr. Crane

    (Cillian Murphy), who runs the deliciously monikered Arkham Asylum,

    looks to be all of 20, and Gary Oldman, decked out in nerd finery circa

    1975, is wasted as the essentially bland Sgt Gordon, the one good cop

    in Gotham’s otherwise rancid police department.



    fortunately, is not a clunk. Suitably brawny and with the lips to carry

    off the mask, he isn’t asked to chew the scenery with his angst.

    Instead, subtlety is the key here and Nolan has Bale make a credible

    transition from narcissistic grief to a troubled introspection that

    stops just short or actual happiness. Gimlet-eyed behind the mask, with

    a voice pitched low into a menacing rasp that his as intimidating as

    the ninja star Bruce has modified into a bat shape, or any of the other

    weapons in his utility belt. And there is a nice rapport with Caine,

    who never coddles his charge, but does fret about things such as coming

    up with a credible explanation for the injuries Bruce suffers after a

    night of crime fighting.



    of the fun of BATMAN BEGINS is watching the pieces fall into place: the

    bat cave that becomes the Bat Cave, and the way Bruce’s eyes light up

    when he first sees what will become the Batmobile. But along with the

    fun, and there's plenty of that, there's a level of sophistication not

    seen before in this film franchise, a willingness to ponder the big

    questions and to respond to some of them with an answer that is



      My rating:








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