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Posts posted by felipef

  1. BTS_095.jpg

    Quando ele fizer a primeira vez isso no filme, ou na última vez com o tema de Williams ao fundo, num mix de saudade do Reeve com a emoção de estar vendo Superman pela 1ª vez no cinema, a chance de me emocionar estará acima do nível: alto. 

  2. Achei a foto bonita.

    A cara tá muito: "Pega um, pega geral" Rs...

    E pela primeira vez falarei do que não gostei no uniforme. Acho que o símbolo, a bota e braceletes médios poderiam ter um LEVE toque mais escuro que o restante da roupa. Mas BEM LEVE mesmo... Nada do contraste do uniforme da HQ.

    Mas tá valendo! O que importa é o filme.

  3. adam, acho que esse cara está cofundindo um pouco as coisas. Aparição em tela X performance. As notas baixas são para os personagens ou para a atuação? Confuso...

    Acho que não me decepcionarei com BB. Pelo roteiro que já li e tudo que saiu até agora. Vamos ver como ficará na tela...

    Eu acho... Eu quero acreditar...

  4. Adam, também achei forçado ele ter dado 7 para Caine. Será que ele não confundiu como tempo de apararição? Só pode...

    Regis, essa foto nova é daonde?! Está lindíssima!





    Ahn! Então vão usar a Mulher-Gato na continuação. Será aquela da página anterior.


  5. EXTRA:



    First BEGINS review - sort of, Part 2
    Author: Jett
    Thursday, May 5, 2005 - 8:30 PM:
    OK, our dude got back to us with my questions and I'll give some of the answers now. I really had to edit these because I don't want to include any spoilers. But just in case...



    Regarding "The Look" of the film--

    "The overall feel of the film is very moody and atmospheric. I seem to remember reading something where Christopher Nolan actually said he wanted the film to look like BLADE RUNNER. Well, he certainly achieved that....I was so impressed at the way they made everything look so grande, despite the fact that Gotham is now a run down city with little hope. Gotham could be any city in the world which is what makes it so realistic....Of course we also travel to China where we see Bruce join up with the League of Shadows. This again looks very realistic."

    Regarding Christian Bale's Batman--

    "Bale makes a fantastic Batman, the best yet!! He not only gets the characters of Batman and Wayne spot on but he also surprises you with both roles. As Wayne, he plays the cold hearted toy boy who only cares for his wealth and not much else. Of course this is just an act and we see the real Bruce Wayne immerge when he is talking to Rachel. Batman is the character we all know and love from the comic books. He plays him like Batman is some kind of animal."

    Regarding Gary Oldman's Jim Gordon--

    "...in my opinion Gary Oldman as Gordon steals the show from everyone else. You feel he is very much the 'human' in this story and because Batman trust’s him implicitly, as the audience you feel the same way. I get the impression they won’t need Robin if they go on to make any sequels as Gordon and Batman make a fantastic pairing!"

    Regarding the score--

    "I can confirm that the music in the new trailer is in fact the music used in the film. It is the main Batman theme and is played throughout the movie."

    Regarding The Scarecrow--

    "When I first heard they where using Scarecrow as the villain in the new film I was a little worried how he may look. I can tell you that I wasn’t disappointed in anyway. THE SCARECROW is truly terrifying!! They use some very clever editing techniques to freak you out even more!"

    How long is Batman in the film I asked (*SPOILER*)--

    "The Batman first appears in the film about half way through. The first time you see him is very memorable. Again, I don’t want to spoil anything for you so I won’t describe in too much detail. There is a lot of fast editing involved when he’s fighting the bad guys and whenever we see Batman just talking to either Rachel or Gordon he stands in the dark so you never really see him fully until...."


    "The cut I saw was [over 2 hours - Jett]. It may leave some people feeling a bit restless as there is a lot of back story but when the film really gets going the time goes by so quickly!! I have to say I enjoyed every minute of it, I really hope Nolan does the sequels as it would be nice to keep the same style as in this film."

    Our source's grades--

    Batman - 10/10
    Bruce Wayne - 8/10
    Rachel - 8/10
    Gordon - 10/10
    Alfred - 7/10
    Ducard - 8/10
    Falcone - 7/10
    Scarecrow - 9/10

    So there y'all go. And let me tell you all this: this dude is MORE than legit. Oh one more thing, it is the Bat-logo that bursts into a cloud of bats, not the Warner Bros. logo - my bad. Late.

  6. Fala Bell, um otário no SHH disse ter um pedaço do tema do filme. Mas o pessoal descobriu que era falso. Acredito que a trilha sonora seja liberada numa loja ali do Paraguai, hum, nos útlimos dias deste mês. Vão me avisar de qualquer novidade...smiley2.gif

  7. Galerinha, desculpem-me o off-topic. Mas adoro me divertir...




    De volta ao morcego,

    "Snap Judgment: Hot damn, I can’t wait! Batman purists who were turned off by the day-glo direction of the last two Batman movies should be happy to know that this movie will get back to the Bat’s darker, detective roots. The stellar cast points to a more dramatic turn. I just hope “Memento” director doesn’t get too caught up on the mental and delivers some kick-ass action.

    Value: Full Price"


  8. Fico imaginando como vc seja' date=' e chego a duas opções:

    Se for casado mesmo vc é aquele estilo 'tiozinho da sukita', baixinho, com aquele barrigão de chop, meio calvo (bem ao estilão Peter Jackson mas sem a barba)....

    Se ñ for casado (opção mais provável) imagino um rapaz meio nerds, magrelo e corcunda (bem ao estilo do Rafael da MTV) geek e freek mesmo, cheio de espinhas...



  9. Minha esposa não pode ter culote. ou então...

    "Rua! Sua porca gorda!"

    E acreditar, ou não, que sou casado, é problema exclusivo seu. Olha essa fralda mental aí...



    Uma mulher mais em forma seria perfeito para a roupa acima.

  10. Já q tanta gente "exige" fidelidade total aos quadrinhos' date=' a gatinha acima não ficou nada mal...



    Nah... Essa mulher ficou gorda para a roupa.



  11. Opa clark!!! O pessoal lá fora disse que não tem nada de novo. Mas tá valendo/valeu!

    Editado: O pessoal tá viajando mesmo nos epsódios de Smallville...smiley12.gif


  12. Mas a coisa pegou porque o pessoal lá disse que perguntas serão feitas. Vamos ver nos dias a se seguir...

    O filme deverá ser maravilhoso. Mas barrar grandes clássicos?! Quase impossível...

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