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Everything posted by O_Imperador

  1. TDK ganhou o Prêmio de o filme mais esperado de 2008 no Scream Awards 2007. http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=FnXezhOcWIU&eurl=http://forums. superherohype.com/showthread.php?t=269815&page=20
  2. Tem fã do Homem-de-ferro que precisa urgentemente voltar a tomar seus remédios. A quantidade de merda falada por ele não é brincadeira!
  3. Uma curiosidade que vi no forum do SHH O teaser do morcego é o mais procurado na web. http://forums.superherohype.com/showthread.php?t=279965&page=39
  4. Aqui umas fotos do coringa no set de filamgem!!! O_Imperador2007-07-15 11:33:05
  5. alguns spoilers Citação: Man,I met all of them last night ... AGAIN. I was the only one who noticed Nathan Crowley. He stood and talked to me for awhile. Apparently he thaught I was working on the set. He asked me where he was supposed to go, lol. We talked about the bat-pod and things like that. And I gave him much respect. Then I ran into Buster Reeves (Batman's stunt double), talked about keysi and the manueverability of the new cowl. He also said he'll be taking a dive off the building as Batman in the coming days, and he told me to come back and see him. I managed to park my car next to 5 batmobiles. The fellas told me they are going to completely destroy two of them, and another one is used for driving, while two others are being used for a ramp jump. Met Cillian Murphy with my friend. We gave him kudos and said thanks for coming back. He replied with "cheers" and then signed an autograph for my friend. BTW, he had fear gas residue on his suit, and had a huge bruise on his cheek bone. I don't know if it was from the scene, or if it was real. Met the man himself, Christopher Nolan. And he gave virtually everyone the time of day, which was really appreciated. I asked him where his brother was, and he laughed and said he was busy out in L.A. We then all proceeded to throw out compliments on how he's restoring credibility to Batman, and how everyone loves his vision for the world. Other random news: There is apparently ethnic gangs being explored in Gotham. There is a Czech gang. They had the new bat-suits (TDK version) and the BEGINS suit in the costume trailer. Either parts of the movie take place during BEGINS which we didn't get to see, or he really does where the BEGINS suit for a brief period in the movie. A Scarecrow led mob squad. Quote: In other random news: The official photographer for the movie told us that first pic of the Joker was by someone named Wally, and it was for the first makeup test. He said he took WAY more of Joker after that, and they are better photos and we should start getting some in the coming months. The dude went onto absolutely PRAISE Ledger's characterization. Even went on record to say it will blow away Nicholson's. He said it is THAT memorable. Everyone on set was giddy when talking about Ledger. Said he's being truly innovative, and down right creepy with this role. They also mentioned how terrifying he looks on the set in costume. And he will have black eyes, this was confirmed. I talked to Graham, the co-producer of both bat-suits (BEGINS and TDK). He can be seen on the special features BEGINS dvd, on the section about the bat-suit. He told me how much more flexible the new suit is. How the cowl has FULL range of motion, and that the new suit is composed of black and grey swat armor type look which plays into various elements of the story. I also asked if the symbol was gold and he said no. It's black, and it is the official logo from the movie and bat symbol, etc. So they changed that. And since this gentleman was so nice, and he obviously felt appreciated because no one else recognized or knew who he was, and was so adimantaly praising his work, he divuldged with me that ... YES, Joker will be in a PURPLE SUIT during the movie. Apparently he even paints his car a sloppy shade of purple as well. As for a bit of personal news, I was asked by various crew members to be an extra ... and was given the according info to become one. Quote: Originally Posted by Darkest Knight View Post We are going to see so many rival gangs in this movie competing for control of the city now that Carmine Falcone is gone. Mobs: Maroni mob (his trailer was on the set) Czech mob David Banner (black guy) mob or hoods??? Freak Gangs: Scarecrow and the scarecrow gang Joker, and the J-men as they were called on their trailers... This movie is looking MIGHTY interesting. Probably one of the most pure comic book Batman stories. Should be great on screen. Looks like an even more serious and cool version of TLH. Quote: Originally Posted by Darkest Knight View Post The new cape btw is a bit shorter, with more pronounced bat fin cuts or whatever ... as opposed to the BEGINS cape which was really long and had longer, and less bat fins cut into it. Quote: It's a great city, period. With or w/o Batman being filmed here. Wish all you fans could be here, but thats why I was gathering news for you. Next time I run into Nolan, I'm gonna drop a quick question on when the teaser is coming out. Oh, and best believe I'll be posting pics when I get the pics with Bale and Ledger. Oh yeah, and a small cool little piece of info ... all the identity badges look like election employees. The walkie talkies, badges, etc. all say VOTE FOR HARVEY DENT ... with the American Flag in the background. Quote: Oh, in the costume trailer ... they had both Bat-suits. The new one, and the one from BEGINS. So either parts of this movie were either taking place during BEGINS, and will be seen as flashbacks. Or Batman does use the BEGINS suit for the intial part of the movie. Both looked so awesome. Oh and they had both the BEGINS cowl, and TDK cowl. Saw the costume guys carrying them to the sets. And the cape. Quote: I think it is plainly obvious in that pic from the IMAX scene his hair is bright green. Oh and Nolan told me, that the mirror in that pic isn't there to blue the Joker out to us. It is actually apart of the shot or scene. It has an actual use for something in that context. Haverão gangues étnicas em gotham. Entre elas uma Tcheca. Haverá os uniformes novos (TDK) e o antigo (Begins) no filme. Determinado momento do filme acontece durante Begins. Momento esse que não vimos. O espantalho comandará um esquadrão. O fotografo oficial do filme afirmou que a primeira foto do coringa foi de um primeiro teste de maquiagem. E que teremos melhores fotos nos próximos meses. Ele então relata que o uniforme será cinza e preto. E que o Capuz terá total movimento. O símbolo é preto e é igual ao logo do filme. A roupa do Coringa será Roxa ; e ele pinta o carro dele de roxo também. E teremos muitas gangues rivais no filme competindo o controle da cidade deixada pelo Falcone. As quadrinhas: Quadrilha de Moroni Quadrilha Tcheca David Banner (o sujeito negro) Espantalho e sua Gangue de Espantalhos Coringa e os J-Homens como foram denominados Este filme está parecendo MUITO INTERESSANTE. Provavelmente o filme que tem o mais puro quadrinhos do Batman. ________________________________________________ Ótimas notícias!!
  6. menos' date=' Keduardo, menos... espero q tb nao ache isso da continuacao. [/quote'] Já leste a história??? No mais... umas fotos do Tumbler em chicago. O_Imperador2007-06-19 23:35:34
  7. http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/Batpod/video/x2b3jr_the-dark-knight-batmoto-batpod-msn Nesse video podemos admirar melhor a moto.
  8. SPOILERS Citação: Ithas been confirmed that a major aspect of The Dark Knight plot will involve two barges full of Gothamites evacuating the city. Sources say the evacuation will stem from the Joker planning on destroying Gotham city. However, the evacuation won't go exactly as planned. Supposedly there will be bombs aboard each ship... and an insidious plan hatched by the Joker. What will the bombs be for? One hint involved Gotham city officials being forced to decide which barge to explode...if they don't choose the Joker will destroy each one... An added wrinkle: One boat houses the innocent of Gotham...and the other the convicted...seems to be an easy question...but who comes out clean? It has been verified that the location in Chicago previously identified as the Wayne Penthouse (which was ironically located at ground level on Wacker St.) will hold a major scene wherein the Joker and Batman get to face off. The scene will go something like this: By this point the Joker has given Gotham city an ultimatum: Give me Batman or I'll kill all the people on the "A-list" of Gotham's who's who. Including Comissioner Gordon, Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne...etc. Harvey Dent realizes that Batman will never come forward and thus takes the title upon himself. At some point before the party Harvey Dent declares himself Batman to help distract the Joker from his list of kills. Consequently, Joker crashes Bruce Wayne's party at his penthouse (since the party is full of such A-listers) looking for Harvey Dent. Dent is indeed at the Party and Bruce quickly hides Harvey in a kitchen closet and runs to his bedroom. While there Bruce enters a panic room where his suit and armor are equipped upon his body and then returns to the penthouse room (in a very elaborate entrance) and a fight ensues. At one point someone is thrown out of the penthouse window. http://forums.superherohype.com/showthread.php?t=275721 Uma tradução... Foi confirmado que no enredo de TDK envolverá dois barcos cheios de Gothamitas que evacuam a cidade. Fontes dizem que a evacuação se originará devido desejo do Coringa em destruir a cidade. Porém a evacuação não sairá como o planejado. Supostamento haverá bombas a bordo em cada navio... e um pérfido plano do Coringa. Os oficiais da cidade serão forçados a decidir qual dos barcos ele explodirá. Se não escolherem nenhum ele explodirá os dois. Detalhe: Um dos barcos é formado por Cidadãos inocentes e o outro contém os presidiários. Foi confirmado também que na Waynepenthouse acontecerá uma cena muito importante do filme. O coringa deu um ultimato à cidade: Ou dê o Batman para ele, ou ele matará todas as pessoas presentes na lista dele. Entre essas pessoas estão Gordon, Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne, etc...Dent percebe que o Batman nunca se entregará, e em determinado ponto antes de uma festa Dent se declara o Batman para ajudar a distrair o Coringa da lista de matança. Coringa então invade a festa de Bruce Wayne, (já que está cheia de possíveis alvos da lista) e procura pelo Harvey Dent. Dent realmente está na festa e Bruce o esconde e depois corre para o seu quarto; entra em um quarto de pânico e veste seu uniforme e retorna para a sala da casa (em uma entrada muito elaborada) e resulta numa briga. Em um certo ponto alguém é jogado para fora da janela. __________________________ Muito promissor!!! E gostei muito do uniforme. Os do Burton continuam sendo os melhores visualmente, mas, pelo jeito, esse do DK vai ser o melhor em quesito habilidade. E achei o Coringo muito bom também nesse action figure. Ameaçador!! Muito bom!!
  9. Mas que pasmaceira isso aqui hein?? Vou colocar umas notícias novas para alegrar ou enfrecer vocês!! "My man “AP” is back with some interesting info for BOF and all the Bat-fans. Here goes: * There is a “Batcycle,” but there has not be 10 built as previously rumored. * This “Batcycle” WILL NOT emerge from The Tumbler and CGI will not be used either. * If you were holding out hope for a new Batmobile, sorry, it ain’t happening. “Too expensive,” says our guy. "AP" has been on the mark so far, so believe what he's telling us... Unless there is some sort of unexpected glitch, BOF will be covering this press conference in Chicago today -- and it's sort of an exclusive. Stay tuned! Bem...algumas informações do filme: - Há um Batciclo (moto) e não 10 com haviam noticiado!! - E a moto não emergirá do Acrobata como haviam notificado. E não será usado nenhum tipo de CGI. - E quem estiver com a esperança de ver um novo batmóvel, sinto, mas não haverá um novo!! Será o Acrobata mesmo!! ___________________________________________ Mais algumas informações Citação: My"dawg" (hehehehe -- that makes me laugh every time!) "The Goon" is back yet again with some more info (And yes, it's blacked out for you total "Non-Spoiler" folks!): * Bruce lives as a downtown Gotham penthouse because Wayne Manor is being rebuilt. * There's at least part of the film set in the Fall/Autumn and will involve this mass evacuation. And we've got a little something else from yet another insider: BATMAN's COWL. And it ain't changed... I was told by someone "I know who knows" (really, I promise!) that according to the TDK script, The Joker "...is very, very cruel to The Batman, the people of Gotham, and the Mafia. Should be fun!" Yes is should! Can't wait... Bruce vive em um sótão no centro da cidade de gotham porque a mansã wayne está sendo recnstruída!! Parte do filme começa no outono e envolverá esta vacuação em massa. Não mudaram o capuz do Batman E que de acordo com o script o Cringa é mesmo muito cruel para O Batman, para a população de Gotham e para a Máfia!!! _________________________ Bem....aí fala que não mudaram capuz, mas acho que tiraram aqUele "protetor de pescoço" que ficava acoplado na máscara e diminuiram ainda mais os chifres!! Só pra comparar!! A FONTE É DO BATMAN-ON-FILM
  10. Espião fala de Bátima... Por: Hell - quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2007 - 17h00 Nerds amaldiçoados, lembram que há alguns posts atrás mostramos as declarações de um cabra que supostamente viu o roteiro de Dark Knight e comentou sobre a participação de Anthony Michael Hall no filme? Pois bem, agora apareceu uma OUTRA VERSÃO pra bagaça... o Filmick conversou com OUTRO espião que trabalha no filem, e ele disse que presenciou uma conversa entre Chris Nolan (o diretor) e Anthony Michael Hall (o ator) nos sets de filmagem... Segundo o espião, o ator será uma espécie de wannabe do Bátima, ou seja um Batman imitação... Nolan se referia a ele como "Imitation Hero", e pelo papo dos dois, a morte de Hall no filme será causada pelo verdadeiro Batman , mas ele (o espião, porra!!!) não sabe dizer em que circunstância isso aconteceria... Vale lembrar que o outro espião dizia que Michael Hall seria um paparazzi que descobre a identidade do Morcego e tenta chantagear o cara, depois tenta vender o segredo pro Coringa e acabava morrendo... O que eu acho? Hum... Esses os "espiões" devem ser apenas dois nerds safados que inventaram tudo pra aparecer na mídia... Mas esse papo de Batman Imitação pode gerar mais boatos, principalmente da parcela de fofoqueiros que diziam que Anthony Michael Hall seria o ARQUEIRO VERDE nesse filme...
  11. Bem...vi isso num site de cinema e é um boato sobre o destino de Anthony Michael Hall!!! Mas se for confirmado é um spoiler brabo!!! Entretanto, entra em conflito com outro boato sobre esse mesmo personagem!!! Por isso acho que é fake Citação: The second prettiest online blogger Brendon has posted an EXPLOSIVE blog on his site about Batman The Dark Knight Sequel. I am going to warn you right now DO NOT read any further then HERE.... spoiler bigtime! So first off we dont know if the spoiler is legit but according to a reader who wrote in in Batman Begins The Dark Knight, Batman becomes a killer! While listening to Chrisopher Nolan in a local restaurant near the set the reader says, Quote: They stayed about two hours and didn't talk much about the film, until about 10 minutes before they left. Chris Nolan referenced Anthony Michael Halls DEATH in the film. I listened much closer, and I heard a little more. From what I heard, it sounds like Anthony Michael Hall is indeed a wannabe batman, or a "Imitation Hero" as Chris nolan put it. I also heard Nolan reference the scene in which Batman beats the "Imitation hero" to DEATH...... The new Dark Knight is definitely VERY dark, but will be be a cold blooded killer? I dont know. There is certainly now way to say for sure. Go read the entire article, there is some other goodies to be had! http://www.moviesonline.ca/movienews_12137.html Bem...aí fala sobre um possível spoiler explosivo do filme!! Onde o Anthony Michael Hall realmente é uma pessoa obcecada pelo batman ou uma imitação de herói como Nolan deixou claro!! E que o Batman espanca o Anthony Michael Hall até a morte (A MORTHY!!!) E finaliza dizendo que o TDK é definitivamente muito sombrio!!
  12. o Jóker gigante! Por: Hell - terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2007 - 11h27 Pois é, macacada, o USA Today trouxe uma materiazinha reveladora sobre o novo filme do Bátima, Dark Knight... Eles conversaram como Christopher Nolan, e ele disse que estão filmando a primeira aparição do Coringa no filme em IMAX (aquelas telas de cinema gigantescas e de alta definição), ele disse que queria que o Coringa tivesse uma entrada tão grandiosa quanto o personagem é... Disse também que gostou tanto da experiência que gostaria de fazer o filme todo assim. Além disso o site ainda traz duas fotos do filme que mostram um pouco mais do Coringa, o Palhaço, o Bobo, o Palhaço, o Jóker!!! Confiram: O que eu acho? Bão, ele tá de terno roxo... a cara tá branca, os cabelos verdes, e a boca vermelha... Igualzinho o maior Coringa de todos os tempos: Será que ainda terão reclamações?
  13. All directors promise that their sequels will be bigger and flashier than the predecessors'. But Christopher Nolan doesn't mess around. The director's sequel to Batman Begins -- The Dark Knight -- will become the first feature film to be partly shot in the IMAX format, an expensive and cumbersome process that typically is the province of documentaries and short films. Nolan will shoot four action sequences — including the introduction of The Joker, played by Heath Ledger — on IMAX. The move is one of Hollywood's most pronounced steps yet in its embrace of IMAX theaters, which are increasingly showing commercial fare on their giant screens. 'There's simply nothing like seeing a movie that way,' Nolan says. 'It's more immersive for the audience. I wish I could shoot the entire thing this way.' 'Batman has some of the most extraordinary characters in pop culture. We wanted The Joker to have the grandest entrance possible.'" Now that's kick-ass! "Batman has some of the most extraordinary characters in pop culture." And Mr. Nolan doesn't "get" Batman. Yeah right. Check out these pictures (click to enlarge): As you can see in that second pic -- showing Nolan at work directing Heath Ledger as The Joker -- The Joker's look clearly is in line with the pic released during the "I Believe in Harvey Dent Too" campaign. And he's wearing PURPLE -- so stop freaking out. Thanks to ALL the BOF'ers (too many to name) who sent in the links... OK, I've got more! This comes from scooper "Remy" who claims to have some TDK vehicle news (POSSIBLE SPOILERS): * The Bat-cycle WILL be in the film, and will look similar to the Tumbler style-wise. They have build ten of these for various purposes. * They are planning on having the Bat-cycle "emerge" from the Tumbler. The use of CGI may be incorporated to make it happen. * Two Lamborginis were provided for the film and will be completely destroyed during filming. * "Whether official or not, The Joker's get-away vehicle is always referred to as 'The Clown Car,' and there are several of these built...it may have a few tricks up its sleave." * Nothing yet about a "new" Batmobile. Bem...aí fala que o filme terá quatro sucessões de ação, incluindo a introdução do Coringa no formato IMAX!! De acodo com os diretores As sequências serão maiores e mais flamejantes. Mas Cristopher Nolan não Desarruma ao redor Quanto à foto do Coringa, podes perceber que o olhar do Coringa está igual à foto do site Ibelieveinharveytoo. Ele está com vestimentas púrpuras! Então parem de se apavorar! Agora, Possíveis Spoilers!! - O Bat-Ciclo estará no filme! E será semelhante ao Tumbler!! - Estão planejando fazer com que o Bat-ciclo surja do Tumbler! O uso do CGI pode ser incorporado para fazer isso acontecer!! - Foram providenciados dois Lamborgnis, que serão destruídos! - O carro do Coringa será chamado de Palhaçomóvel, e há vários deste. - Mas nada ainda sobre um novo Batmóvel.
  14. É, eu sei... Mas só traduzi o que estava no texto!!!
  15. Heath Ledger Joker Image: Update He’ll see us in December… 22 May 2007 10:50am It’s still not official – but only a victim of the Joker’s idiot-gas would continue to claim the Heath Ledger Joker picture’s a fake. Instead, it’s become clear that the shot is part of one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns we’ve seen in a long time. Last night, the Joker image was taken down, replaced with a ‘Page not found’ error, which, usually, would be confirmation that the image wasn’t supposed to be there. But closer inspection revealed that the page was covered in hidden ‘Ha Ha Has’ – with the phrase ‘I’ll see you in December,’ buried in the text. That, and the fact that the domain name seeyouindecember was registered yesterday by a marketing company - 42 Entertainment - notorious for its edgy campaigns, seems to suggest that the page is part of the Dark Knight hype machine; which is already looking to eclipse Begins' low-key effort. We take our Bat-hats off to 42 Entertainment - this stunt is so perfectly in-tune with the Joker’s character, it fooled even us. And hey, Joker’s tricked Bats himself on more than one occasion, so we don’t feel too bad. Anyway, we don’t know about you, but we can’t wait for December, when we’ll surely get to see Heath Ledger’s Joker, for real, in what will be one of the most eagerly anticipated teaser trailers of the decade. It's rumoured to be attached to either The Golden Compass, or I Am Legend, both big Warner Brothers flicks out in December. Either way, we'll be first in the queue. http://www.totalfilm.com/movie_news/heath_ledger_joker_image_update O Totalfilm que dizia que a imagem era falsa, agora fala que só uma pessoa sob o "gás-idiota" do coringa continuaria duvidando da veracidade da foto! E diz que o site faz parte de uma campanha de marketing mais brilhante que eles já tinham visto a muito tempo. Aí ele fala sobre o caso do page not found, que indicaria da foto ser falsa; mas após uma minuciosa inspeção encontraram os HAHAHA com a palavra "eu os verei em Dezembro" escondida entre eles!! E constataram que seeyourindecember já está registrada pela 42 Entertainment; que é uma companhia de Marketing. Eles tiraram os Bat-chapéus para a 42 Entertainment, pois a jogada entrou em uma melodia tão perfeita com o caráter do Coringa que enganou até mesmo a eles! E que mal podem esperar por dezembro, onde o Coringa deverá aparecer num dos teaser trailers mais esperados da Década!
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