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  1. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Por favor comparem isso ! Ela naum é bonita. Mary é perfeita ! To até desanimando de assistir o filme .. se for mesmo este elenco vai ser uma droga !
  2. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Huahsuahsuahushausa ; e ela tá mostrando os braceletes ; que pose de mulher maravilha que nd ; haushaushaushuahsua
  3. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Jorge falou e disse ; ainda acho que ela naum será a mulher maravilha ; achei uma foto dela e ela é muito feia de rosto ; apesar do corpo dela ser muito bonito . Pra mim ganahndo ou naum a Mary é a melhor e é a atriz que merece o papel ...
  4. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Huasuaushausauhsua ; eu sei nehh (y) depois de tantos sites falando que a Teresa seria a wonder woman e era tudo rumores naum acredito em mais nd ! Tá demorando demais pra sair a confirmação da WB !
  5. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    como vcs tem tanta certeza que Megan Gale será a Wonder Woman ?! Eua cho que isso são apenas rumores (y)
  6. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Duvido ser ela (y) Ela é de 1976 muito velha pro papel .. E alem disso ela nem é bonita ... Não acredito em boatos enquanto a WB não confirmar.
  7. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Mary é bem melhor que isso .. e se vcs naum perceberam Mary está usando lente azul e isso pq ein ?! Do nd . Já vi materias dizendo q como a shanning sammon algo do tipo era a preferida pelos roteiristas ; a Mary é a preferida dos produtores tanto qnt é do diretor George Miller (y)
  8. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Leia você mesmo http://www.iesb.net/index.php?option=com_ezine&task=read&page=1&category=1&article=3735
  9. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    DC Comics fans have been on the edge of their seats for the last few days waiting for some official casting for the upcoming Justice League film, for now here is the Flash, the Green Lantern and Talia al Ghul. A few months ago the IESB brought you the news that both Justin Long and Adam Brody had been brought in to read for the role of the Flash, a few days later the Trades confirmed our scoop. Today I received a phone call from a source who has some pretty close ties to people involved in the production and gave us a tidbit, Wally West/The Flash will be played by Adam Brody. By the time that I received the tip, it was too late in the day to reach the anybody from the studio for comment, we had been hearing similar rumblings for the last few days but no confirmation from anybody at WB at this time. The other name we are hearing was pretty much locked as of a couple of weeks ago was Common as John Stewart/The Green Lantern. We confirmed this with multiple sources. Also, remember those rumors that claimed that Teresa Palmer has been cast as Wonder Woman? Not true, Ms. Palmer has not been cast as Princess Diana, our sources are telling us that she has been cast as Talia al Ghul, daughter of Ra’s al Ghul. One thing is for certain, actors have been sworn to secrecy and have been warned not to reveal their involvement even to their closest friends and relatives. One studio source, who has been asked not to be mentioned by name, told the IESB that several actors that starting talking early on were warned by the production that they could lose the role if they revealed their character or even the fact that they had been cast. We have our ears to the ground in Texas this weekend for Wizard World. There have been rumors for a good part of a month that announcements were being planned by WB during the Con. We have checked with couple people over at Wizard and they have not been able to confirm or deny if anything is planned this weekend. Stay tuned as we bring you Justice League news as it breaks. fonte: Iesb Adam brody como the flash Common como The Green Lantern Teresa Palmer como Talia al Ghu Os papeis mais esperados ainda naum foram revelados >.< Aeee ; Mary tem chances ; Acho que ela que fikou como WW !
  10. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Ela tem mais que isso ; pois em FD3 ela é qs do tamanho do Ryan Marriman que tem 1,85 ; Parece que ela tem 1,80 ou pouco menos ; ela é alta se perceberem .. tanto que nem tem muito seio ; Mais seu corpo é perfeito do mesmo jeito.
  11. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Melhor concorrente a WW ! Mary Elizabeth Winstead ; hees22007-11-15 03:26:22
  12. hees2

    Liga da Justiça

    Mary é a melhor para o papel de MM ! Ela é alta e tem um corpo super lindo
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