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Everything posted by ferreple

  1. VÁRIOS clipes! Nem preciso avisar que estão lotados de spoiler né?! http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip08_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip01_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip04_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip06_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip07_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip08_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip09_850k.wmv http://download.wire9.com/substance/atonement_clips/atonement_clip10_850k.wmv Só colar no media player
  2. Bêbado normal ( Bebe , fica alegre e pega mulher) Mas no caso eu fico com homens
  3. Eba! Várias coisas novas hahahaha. O trailer 3 é bem legal, gostei bastante! O tv spot tb, muito bom!
  4. Eu MORRIA de medo da propaganda quando passava na FOX. Ai ano passado eu resolvi assistir e gostei muito! História muito legal e filme é bem feito. Vale a pena assistir sim E isso vindo de uma pessoa que odeia esse estilo de filme.
  5. Quando eu tinha 6 anos eu roubei uma escova de dentes do Barney no supermercado. Minha mãe me fez devolver e foi terrivel, nunca mais roubei nada na minha vida! A história não é tão bizarra mas roubar uma escova de dentes do BARNEY sim
  6. Adorei Rike! E mal posso esperar por mais criticas e claro...para ver o filme
  7. Nossa assumo que no SBT só assisto A Ursupadora Espero que realmente eles consigam dar uma volta pro cima hahaha, estão precisando!
  8. Sem ordem: Muse U2 Joni Mitchell Cat Power My Morning Jacket The Mars Volta Loreena McKennitt Elton John Roxette Kiss
  9. Outros comentários: "I saw the film in Stratford yesterday and i thought it was absolutly brilliant - even better than what i expected. The way the story is told is breathtaking and so are the performances from all the cast. James McAvoy was incredible in his role and definalty deserves an Oscar nom but Keira Knightley definaly stole the show. She was completly mesmerising as Cecelia. Keira definaly deserves not only to be nominated but to actually win an oscar for this film. The film pulls together brilliantly with everyone in the ensemble cast performing brilliantly. The film was heart-breakin at the end as Briony tell how she couldnt appologise for what she did because Robbie and Cecelia died before she could. I honstely cried when Cecelia died. The way she looked up just as the water comes down was devistating. This film is an absolute masterpiece and deserves to be huge at the Oscars next year" Fonte: Aqui "Atonement is a technically and visually stunning film. The hues in the first act are almost overly saturated with richness, and this contrasts starkly to the second act, where cold hospital wards and mucky brown war dugouts fill the screen. The costumes are all realistic and accurate, though I personally favour the glamorous designs of the first half, which include a mesmerizing green dress that Cecelia wears. The cinematography, which encompasses long takes, tracking shots, lingering pans all attribute to the visual flair of the movie. But the key stylistic element that stood out for me, was the score. The piano theme is elegiac and melancholy, and the cello and violins also add to the sadness of the romance. Also, the use of a typewriter as an instrument, though started oddly, soon becomes infectious and it even forces its way into viewer’s minds, making Robbie’s note (and the consequences) unforgettable. Joe Wright and Working Title have made a film to be proud of. Amidst some incredible scenes (an extremely erotic library non-reading session between Robbie and Cecelia) as well as the fountain scene are amongst the many that will remain with viewers long after the credits have rolled. The quality and calibre of films that Working Title have turned out recently have been brilliant (Pride & Prejudice, Hot Fuzz, etc) and Atonement ranks up there along with my personal favourites Dead Man Walking and The Hudsucker Proxy. It is a wonderfully crafted, beautifully lush and immensely moving film that shows, above all, how storytelling can both destroy and heal. By the time the final surprise occurs (keep your eyes peeled for a cameo by a smug movie director), you may or may not have decided whether or not Briony has truly atoned for her mistake. But the film takes no sides, gives no easy answers. Perhaps the book was right, and, “the attempt was all.”" Fonte: Aqui Só comentários positivos até agora de quem viu o filme ontem
  10. Fiquei MUITO feliz com os comentários!!! Aehhh
  11. Achei o comentário muito estranho! hahahaha! Jeito é esperar! Hoje por exemplo haverá uma exibição do filme na Inglaterra se não me engano
  12. "His natural charm and utterly honest demeanour are a wonder to behold and are especially noteworthy in the film’s single best scene" lizzybennet2007-08-19 03:09:38
  13. Cena de Silk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIX5XudBeQ4 Alias, tem algum tópico próprio pro filme Silk? lizzybennet2007-08-17 15:45:30
  14. Realmente, livro é bem vai e vem! Mas ambas foram bem positivas e isso já me anima muito. Só achei estranho o primeiro menino comentar que Keira talvez tenha uma indicação por Atriz Coadjuvante. Mesmo a participação dela sendo bem maior na primeira parte do livro, ainda assim não creio que seja papel de atriz coadjuvante o dela.
  15. .House .Dexter .The Office .Lost (isso porque tenho blog de lost hehehe, fazendo propaganda: http://www.dudewearelost.blogspot.com) .Ugly Betty .Grey's Anatomy .Desperate Housewifes .Big Love .Skins .Eureka lizzybennet2007-08-16 18:32:44
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