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Everything posted by felipef

  1. AUSTIN -- In a political environment that can brew controversy out of allegorical children's fables or a documentary about penguins, it is hard to imagine the intensity of feeling that will greet "V for Vendetta," a movie whose heroes are terrorists. One foresees news talk shows in which red-faced pundits denounce the filmmakers and call for boycotts. Given a film as entertaining and solidly crafted as this one, such attention could turn into strong boxoffice. Of course, plenty of films -- particularly those set in dystopian futures like this one -- identify with revolutionaries. But most put heavy sci-fi clothing on their brave new worlds, while "V" takes pains to tie its reality to our own. Although based on a comic book, it isn't as heavily stylized as a superhero movie. Its score and production design, both rich and inviting, are heightened without suggesting that this near-future London is an outright fantasy, though the new government, a restrictive state led by John Hurt's Sutler, is draped in some awfully Nazi-ish iconography.If the film's look and feel refuse to flee from the real world, its dialogue takes every chance to connect to it. We are told about the recent past, that "America's war grew worse and worse, and eventually came to London." Hot-button terms like "rendition" are sprinkled about; dissidents are handled as in a third-world dictatorship; and our hero (who calls himself V) lectures citizens who have surrendered their liberties to a government that promised to protect them from terrorism.As V, Hugo Weaving has the unenviable task of playing the entire film behind an immobile mask. He rises to the challenge, bringing the character to life with body language and his sonorously nimble voice.V has a flair for the theatrical. He introduces himself to London on Guy Fawkes Day with fireworks and a symbolic bombing, then hijacks a television broadcast to announce that he will return a year later to destroy the Houses of Parliament. He suggests that citizens who feel oppressed by their rulers should join him there. And then he's gone, leaving some very anxious politicians in his wake.The viewer's proxy here is Evey (Natalie Portman), who accidentally becomes a part of V's plans. With her, we work through many of the expected reactions to V's approach -- and if she eventually comes around to his way of thinking, the film certainly doesn't present the choice as an uncomplicated one. The filmmakers (Andy and Larry Wachowski adapting the screenplay, James McTeigue at the helm) are clearly on the vigilante's side, but they give viewers room to question his motives and methods: Has he psychologically programd Evey? Is the city of London about to become a war zone simply because V has a personal grudge? The serious tone "Vendetta" takes encourages such moral nitpicking.Although some marketing materials aim to position this as an action film, viewers expecting a thrill ride might be disappointed. V engages in a couple of satisfying crime-fighting set pieces, but the story is more occupied with mystery and intrigue. Happily, it almost is entirely free of the hollow pomposity that marred the Wachowskis' last two "Matrix" films. Here, Alan Moore's graphic novel and the history of real-world oppressive governments is more than enough, leaving no need for the screenwriters to invent hokey mythologies and plenty of room to fantasize about revolution. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/reviews/review_display. jsp?vnu_content_id=1001701281 Já anotaram o que estou dizendo páginas atrás? Vai dar probRema... felipef38707.4786689815
  2. Olha' date=' erro de português é normal e tal. A maioria erra mesmo. Mas é a segunda vez que você escreve Brasil com Z.[/quote'] brazil com z é de proposito... eu gosto de escrever brazil com z, assim como escrevo é com h, eh... mas nisso de brazil eh o pq o pessoal fica irritado, os idiotas anti estrangeirismo, entao eu sinto praser de escrever brazil, o mundo todo escreve assim pq aqui tem q ser com s? é mais um prova da frescura de nossa lingua inutil... Depois dessa, eu entrego. Pessoal, pera aí que vou ali e já volto...
  3. Todo dia, eu e Big conversamos sobre este filme. SE foi 75% fiél ao quadrinhos, preparem-se porque vai dar muita merda. Faltam 3 meses para entrar em cartaz nos EUA, 4 aqui, e as discussões já começaram: http://www.aintitcool.com/tb_display.cgi?id=22020#1048527 Entre uma pessoa viu o filme, e fez uma breve crítica no AICN, e o pessoal que está comentando em cima. felipef38706.0886226852
  4. Olha' date=' erro de português é normal e tal. A maioria erra mesmo. Mas é a segunda vez que você escreve Brasil com Z. Já que você vai partir mesmo, seria lagal do fórum também e tal. Pessoal, na boa. De volta a PORRA DO FILME! E [iGNORE MODE'], por favor...
  5. Tudo que sei é que é mais ou menos um filme de fantasia moderna. Ou algo assim...
  6. Moça... É difícil saber já que eles mudaram algumas coisas. Mas posso lhe adiantar que homosexualismo, de certa forma, está presente na história. Não falo mais nada. felipef38707.8240856482
  7. Olha cara, Tenho quase certeza que não...
  8. A música que usam no trailer é do Begins e do Equilibrium (nada mais apropriado).
  9. "Evey: I wish I wasn't afraid all the time but... I am V: People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Sutler: Those caught in violation of curfew will be prosecuted without ... or exception Fingerman: It is past curfew ms,eh? Evey: HELP ME! Fingerman: Have mercy! V: Oh, not tonight. Evey: who are you? Congressman: gentleman, I want this terrorist ... And I want him to understand what terror really means Finch: we're working on several leads Someone at the nose: her parents were detained when she was 12 Evey: ..... erased them from the face of the Earth Young evey: MOMMY!! Misterious man: you have one chance (...) you must tell us the whereabouts of codename V Finch: if our own government is responsible for the death of a hundred thousand people would you realy want to know? V: Those who are responsible will be held account for (...) The time has come for you to live without fear Evey: I'm ready. Sutler: This country stands from the edge of oblivion (...) I want everyone to remember why they need us! Creedy: Kill him. V: My turn. Someone (Finch?): Does someone have this feeling that everything was connected. (...) We're all part of it. Finch: Now we are ready for it. V: The only Verdict is Vengeance." Esse trailer está... Está... Ahhh! Minha cabeça!!! e . Tudo ao mesmo tempo.
  10. A partir de hoje me volto para cá. Aqui vai uma notícia triste: Saturday, December 17, 2005 V for Vendetta cinematographer passes I've just read that Adrian Biddle, the Director Of Photography on V for Vendetta died last week. Biddle was an accomplished director of photography, first working on the classic Alien, as well as movies like The Princess Bride, Thelma and Louise (which earned him the Academy Award for Best Cinematographer in 1992), and The World is Not Enough. You can see his full list of credits here. Ain't It Cool News has a well-written obituary for him written by "Moriarty", which you can read here. Vendetta is the last film Riddle worked on before his death. http://www.shadowgalaxy.net/Vendetta/blog/vblog.html
  11. December 16, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Teni Melidonian — (310) 247-3000 [email protected] Academy Announces Visual Effects Competitors Beverly Hills, CA — The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced the seven films in consideration for Achievement in Visual Effects for the 78th Academy Awards®. The films are listed below in alphabetical order: "Batman Begins" "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" "King Kong" "Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith" "War of the Worlds" Fifteen-minute clip reels from each of the seven films will be screened for the Visual Effects Award Nominating Committee on Wednesday, January 25. At this screening the members will vote to nominate three of the seven films for Oscar® consideration. All nominations for the 78th Academy Awards will be announced on Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at 5:30 a.m. PST, in the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater. Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements for 2005 will be presented on March 5, 2006, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland®, and televised live by the ABC Television Network beginning at 5 p.m. PST. http://www.oscars.org/press/pressreleases/2005/05.12.16b.htm l
  12. Ainda bem que vai sair tudo em DVD. Remasterizado e etc... Uma pena que DiGlauber seja travado pela família do Cavalcante....
  13. Pode ser que entre como 3º. Porque dois já estão certos: EIII e KK.
  14. Batman Begins in the Running for the FX Oscar Source: ComingSoon.net December 16, 2005 ComingSoon.net reports that Batman Begins is one of the seven films in consideration by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for Achievement in Visual Effects for the 78th Academy Awards. Only three films will be nominated for the Oscar. http://www.superherohype.com/news/batmannews.php?id=3706
  15. Estou sentido que esse pode ser o melhor filme dele para a minha pessoa. Vamvê...
  16. Para o pessoal que for baixar, é necessário um bom computa para ver o trailer de alta definição. Vi e revi mais de 10 vezes... E continuo na mesma.
  17. Pelo trailer já dá pra ver as mudanças. Eu disse desde o início seria caxias com o filme. A não ser que eles tenham feita O filme. Vamvê né, moça... felipef38702.5101388889
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