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É, mas as pessoas já tão se dividindo um monte, que nem houve com o "Crash"


Aqui uma crítica de quem não gostou ( lá do Imdb ) :


63rd Venice Film Festival: Bobby {Rough Cut}, 9 September 2006
agentmatheus from Brazil

Already back to the United States- more precisely Toronto, were I will be watching the movies of the Toronto Film Festival (lucky me!)- I feel like I should write a review of the last film I saw at Venice: the political drama about Robert Kennedy, ''Bobby''.

Sadly, I must say that there's no one as disappointed as I am right now. As someone looking forward to this, I was shocked in seeing the decadence of quality this movie suffered of. The film has no core, is at times all over the place, and has a dreadful screenplay. Emilio Estevez, you can't do it all by yourself...

The movie features 22 characters overall. It doesn't need a genius to realize there's something wrong there. With this over dosage of subplots and characters, ''Bobby'' feels like an amateurish movie. Many of this should be cut off, but sadly will not be.

Some characters are totally forgettable. Ashton Kutcher finds the worst role of his career as a drug-dealer acting in the Ambassador Hotel. He is dreadful and made me feel pity for him. Not the character, but the actor himself. Heather Graham and Emilio Estevez himself are also disposable as their roles add nothing substantial to the story.

The movie also has horrible quotes and painful repetitions. It is fully stereotyped and features scenes that will make you have some instant deja-vus.

However, it is not all bad. Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Fishburne, and William H. Macy really stand out in the male side of the cast. Elijah Wood is also worth remembering. However, two women really pull it off. Sharon Stone has found the role of her career as a cheated wife who can't stand no more. An Oscar deserving role, Sharon plays it to such perfection that it is impossible to think of another woman in that role. The biggest surprise, however, is Lindsay Lohan. As a woman who marries her best friend in order to save him from going to Vietnam, Lindsay gives the Academy something to look forward to. Kudos, Ms. Lohan.

With some memories of last year's Oscar winner, ''Crash''- a film that I didn't like as well- ''Bobby'' tries to pull of a story of various lives connecting by one major event. It didn't work this time. I have already gave up hope for a film like this that is genuinely great. I might not be the only one.---4/10

E aqui de um crítico que gostou :


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Véi eu olho o elenco deste filme e não sei o q esperar por um lado gosto(vejam eles tem Anthony Hopkins,Sharon Stone,Elijah Wood,Helen Hunt,Heather Graham e William H.Macy) e por outro me assombra(Joshua Jackson,Demi Moore,Ashton Kutcher e Lindsay Lohan).Realmente não sei o q pensar...Tomare q me surpreenda como Crash,q trazia justamente essa dicotomia e eu adorei o resultado final,q me perdoem os detratores do filme por aqui(Thandie Newton,Terrence Howard,Michael Pena,Don Cheadle X Sandra Bullock,Brendan Fraser,Ryan Phillippe,Matt  Damon)...

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Véi eu olho o elenco deste filme e não sei o q esperar por um lado gosto(vejam eles tem Anthony Hopkins' date='Sharon Stone,Elijah Wood,Helen Hunt,Heather Graham e William H.Macy) e por outro me assombra(Joshua Jackson,Demi Moore,Ashton Kutcher e Lindsay Lohan).[/quote']

Não tenho nada contra nenhum desses atores. É logico que um ou outro raramente faz filme bom, mas nesse caso acho que o filme já tem potencial pra ser bom independente de meia duzia de atores ruins. O mesmo caso de Flags of our fathers (com Paul Walker e Ryan Phillippe) ou de Dreamgirls. E mesmo os atores mais mediocres surpreendem as vezes...


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Exclusive Interview: Emilio Estevez



Posted:   Wednesday, November 8th 2006 1:13AM

Author:   Paul Fischer

Location: Toronto, ONAs

the saying goes, it's been a long time between drinks, metaphorically

speaking. The last major feature that placed him in the director's

chair was the little seen War at Home, and as an actor, despite some

brief appearances here and there, it was Mighty Ducks 2 over a decade

ago. One might assume that Estevez, 44, deliberately quit the business,

but sitting in a Toronto hotel room on the eve that his Bobby is set to

premiere, Estevez admits that his hiatus was not necessarily

self-imposed. "It's been a tough decade, as this is a very unforgiving

business," says a reflective Estevez. "I feel like I've been quietly

working on these little algorithms in my basement, and coming out with

them. In many ways Bobby is the first with four more stories that I

really want to tell which I'm going to dig in and make. I think on the

heels of Bobby it's going to prove to be easier to put funding together

and bring actors to the table."



Estevez concedes that

in some ways, Bobby, a multi-character drama centred around the night

of Bobby Kennedy's assassination, is his coming out party, but the road

to Toronto was paved with difficulty. "It's been very difficult and

I've been doing everything to make money and trying not to essentially

lose my house, from selling artwork, I had a wine collection which I

sold, I was signing trading cards to make a house payment, and

directing television to keep health insurance alive for me and my kids.

I was really doing whatever I needed to do short of pornography to not

keep the wolves at the door."




Estevez says that the experience has made him a stronger person but at

the same time, "it would be unfair for me to say that I wasn't grateful

for all of the wonderful things that happened to me in the early part

of my career because I certainly was grateful. I think that where we

end up in our lives is the sum total of our choices and I made some bad

ones, and for whatever reason I was made to walk the plank for those

choices more often than others who also made bad choices but for

whatever reason were forgiven. For instance, I was saddled with the

responsibility of the failure of a movie called Judgment Night, yet

Mighty Ducks succeeds and I wasn't given any credit for that."



Yet outside of the business, Estevez reflects on a life outside of

movies that keeps him strong. "I've got two extraordinary children. My

son is 22, my daughter is 20, they're functioning human beings in the

world and so that was part of my life's work. I planted a vineyard on

my property and I grow pinot noir. So I make wine and I grow

vegetables. My fiancé and I were in Venice and I mean we were literally

overwhelmed by the response there of Bobby and not three days earlier

we were picking caterpillars off our tomatoes, you know? So I have a

life outside of this and I think that's part of my strength."



Estevez is proud of Bobby, that attracted quite the A-list cast,

including former brat packer Demi Moore, who has a great time as

Estevez's alcoholic, lounge singing wife. She joins a cast including

Sharon Stone, William H. Macy and Anthony Hopkins in this tale of a

disparate group of characters dealing with their own foibles on that

fateful night in the New York hotel that was the setting for Kennedy's

tragic assassination. "A lot of people in this movie are known for

saying no as opposed to saying yes and Demi and Sharon certainly says

no more often than she says yes, as does Hopkins, so it was great

having them on board."




Estevez says he sees Bobby as a film "influenced by the likes of Grand

Hotel, The Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno, Meteor, and Cassandra

Crossing - any of those big sort of yearbook movies. I remember one day

going to the movie theatres in Westwood in California and watching The

Poseidon Adventure three times in a row without leaving the theatre.

So, I see this as an Irwin Allen movie without Irwin Allen, a disaster

of the heart, an emotional disaster. We take this hotel taking the

whole country and capsize it."



It is hard to imagine that Estevez made his feature debut some 26

years ago, before establishing himself in such classics as Repo Man and

Breakfast Club, both seminal works of the 80s. Brat Packer or not,

Estevez still looks back at that period of his career with consistent

affection. "I mean there were some terrific movies that came out of

that period, movies that are still thought of and regarded 20 years

later, and how often do you get an opportunity to do a Repo Man,

Breakfast Club or something that people still talk about."



With Bobby now receiving attention, Estevez says he is back at work

putting together four different t projects one of which he hopes to

shoot soon. "It is a family film about competitive harness racing,

which is a sport that not many people know about it and maybe not many

people care about it, but it's an inspirational sports film which I

think is kind of interesting, so we'll see."



Yet, what is interesting about Estevez is that he sees directing as "a

means to an end. Danny DeVito describes directing as death by a

thousand questions and he couldn't be more right. Not that I don't love

the process, which I do, but it takes its toll." For that reason, he

says, he wants to continue playing the game as an actor. "I mean, the

movies that I'm developing now as a filmmaker all have parts in it for

me to play so that I keep my hand in all of it."


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Sei lá porque mas decidiram passar no cimema.

Anthony Hopkins' date=' Demi Moore, Elijah Wood, Lindsay Lohan, Sharon Stone, Ashton Kutcher...

E esse A guide to recoguinizing your saints Beckin? Já viu/é bom?


Ah mas sei lá, ja lançaram tantos filmes com esses mesmos atores direto em dvd hehe


Vi sim, adorei. Um dos meus favoritos do ano até agora 02
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Estréia dia 20 de agosto, segundo site CeC. Até agora todos os comentários que li foram os mesmos: uma constelação de estrelas num material pobre e medíocre.




E não sei que idéia foi essa do Emilio Estevez em escalar o insuportável do Shia LaBeouf em um filme que conta com atores exímios como Anthony Hopkins e Helen Hunt.




Pra mim parece um daqueles filmes que você já viu, mas que querem se sobressair em função do elenco (por deveras, diga-se de passagem).

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Estréia dia 20 de agosto, segundo site CeC. Até agora todos os comentários que li foram os mesmos: uma constelação de estrelas num material pobre e medíocre.




E não sei que idéia foi essa do Emilio Estevez em escalar o insuportável do Shia LaBeouf em um filme que conta com atores exímios como Anthony Hopkins e Helen Hunt.




Pra mim parece um daqueles filmes que você já viu, mas que querem se sobressair em função do elenco (por deveras, diga-se de passagem).

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gostei bastante do filme, me surpreendeu, apesar de não ser mais novidade a utilização de tantos personagens em cena q se entrecruzam na estória, ele tem um clima atípico, um toque diferente, ótima realmente essa estréia na direção de emílio estevez, o filme é conduzido de forma bem leve, com alguns toques de humor q só termina no final é claro (o q não poderia deixar de ser diferente), o roteiro tb é ótimo em alguns momentos, principalmente nas cenas c/ laurence fishburne, q tb está ótimo como sempre (fazendo o papel do cozinheiro do hotel), assim com hopkins e pasmem: demi moore! sim, ela está muito bem em cena!!! (nem lembrava mais q ela atuava 06) o resto do elenco está todo bom, até mesmo alguns atores q não vou muito com a cara, estão dignos aqui nesse filme


nota 8,5
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do filme, apesar de estar claramente aquém do filmaço que parecia a

princípio. Algumas histórias são mal aproveitadas ficando apenas

superficiais enquanto outras são completamente dispensáveis, mas no

geral achei interessante e leve. No entanto quando vi todas aquelas

fotos de RFK durante os créditos finais fiquei me perguntando se a

intenção de Estevez era realmente fazer um filme sobre ele pq o que eu

vi foi um filme sobre 22 pessoas onde ele é usado quase que como pano

de fundo apenas. 4/5


Ps.: Assisti o

trailer depois de ver o filme e achei péssimo. Sorte que não tinha

visto antes senão ia ter até perdido a vontade de assistir o filme.06


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