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Terror Em Silent Hill


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O jogo é bem bacana ... Mil vezes melhor que qualquer jogo da série Resident Evil (que aliás' date=' está nos devendo uma continuação nos cinemas, né?). Enfim, levei uns baita sustos jogando essa birosca, mas o CD estava riscado lá no finalzinho e não pude finalizá-lo. smiley19.gif[/quote']

Eu tambem Engracador! levei muitos susto jogando Silent Hill, e depois que finalizei o jogo eu nem dormi, pois tem um final muito macabro. aah.gif

É EngraXador, com X, mas pode me chamar de Graxa, Graxinha, Engraxa, Engraxate, Gra-gra, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Mr. Handsome, Mestre Gandalf, enfim ... Você quem sabe ...

Por favor, me conte o final do jogo, pois tenho medo de morrer sem descobrir o final desta jossa !!! smiley36.gif

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Silent Hill vai ser o FILME!' date=' ele vai estreiar junto com Todo Mundo em Pânico 4, ams acho que Sielnt Hill que vai ficar em 1° lugar ans bilheterias, Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 pareçe bem ruizinho.





Má notícia para os fãs de Silent Hill. Ruim ou não, acho que Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 irá ficar em primeiro lugar (ultimamente, os americanos andam com um mal-gosto do caramba... smiley11.gif)

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E pra quem tiver afim de se esbaldar com mais material sobre Silent Hill, tá aí o link pro "making of" do filme (nem é preciso dizer que contém alguns SPOILERS): http://media.putfile.com/On-The-Set-Of-Silent-Hill


Obs.: pra galera que tem discada e mesmo assim tá afim de assistir ao vídeo, tenham paciência, porque depois de carregar (o que deve demorar MUUUITO, mas enfim... Sacaneando ), o vídeo fica no cache e dá pra assistir sem as malditas travadas.

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Silent Hill vai ser o FILME!' date=' ele vai estreiar junto com Todo Mundo em Pânico 4, ams acho que Sielnt Hill que vai ficar em 1° lugar ans bilheterias, Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 pareçe bem ruizinho.


Má notícia para os fãs de Silent Hill. Ruim ou não, acho que Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 irá ficar em primeiro lugar (ultimamente, os americanos andam com um mal-gosto do caramba... smiley11.gif)

Todo mundo em pânico 4 foi para dia 14 de abril!, ou seja ninguem segura Silent Hill!

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Silent Hill vai ser o FILME!' date=' ele vai estreiar junto com Todo Mundo em Pânico 4, ams acho que Sielnt Hill que vai ficar em 1° lugar ans bilheterias, Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 pareçe bem ruizinho.


[/quote'] Má notícia para os fãs de Silent Hill. Ruim ou não, acho que Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 irá ficar em primeiro lugar (ultimamente, os americanos andam com um mal-gosto do caramba... smiley11.gif)


Todo mundo em pânico 4 foi para dia 14 de abril!, ou seja ninguem segura Silent Hill!




Então blz, tomara que faça sucesso! Quero ver mais filmes da franquia no futuro (como podem ver, estou contando que esse vai ser bom...)

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Vou colocar aqui o link do Yahoo Movies! com os clipes do filme.

Tanya Allen , Laurie Holden and Radha Mitchell in TriStar Pictures' Silent Hill




'Silent Hill' Theatrical Trailer



"Be Careful What You Choose"  -- Rose (Radha Mitchell) meets a strange woman while fleeing to a church for safety.


"Trust Me On This"  -- Christopher (Sean Bean) attempts to keep Rose (Radha Mitchell) from taking Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) to Silent Hill.


"It's Just The Radio"  -- Rose (Radha Mitchell) and Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) encounter a series of strange occurrences while driving towards Silent Hill.


"We've All Lost Our Children"  -- Rose (Radha Mitchell) explains to Dahlia (Deborah Kara Unger) that she is looking for her daughter, Sharon (Jodelle Ferland).


"There's No Room 111"  -- Rose (Radha Mitchell) discovers a hidden room behind a painting.


"It's Happening Again"  -- Rose (Radha Mitchell) find herself in the dark while the surroundings decay around her.
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Movie Reviews: 'Silent Hill'





Silent Hill

, based on the popular video game, was not supposed to have been shown

to film critics. Apparently the word never got out to whoever showed it

to Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times.

Ebert rated it with a single star followed by a question mark. Here is

the opening paragraph of his review: "I had a nice conversation with

seven or eight people coming down on the escalator after we all saw Silent Hill.

They wanted me to explain it to them. I said I didn't have a clue. They

said, 'You're supposed to be a movie critic, aren't you?' I said,

'Supposed to be. But we work mostly with movies.' 'Yeah, ' said the

girl in the Harley t-shirt. 'I guess this was like a video game that

you like had to play in order to like understand the movie.' I guess."

The word apparently never got out to Canada, either, allowing Peter

Howell in the Toronto Star to remark after seeing it that it was "dumber than a bag of coffin nails. ... It doesn't make a lick of sense."




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A Critica do site especialista em filmes de terror fez sua critica foi positiva.

Silent Hill - 3,5/5

Have you ever had one of the most terrifying nightmares of your entire life, and then tried to explain it to your friend? You couldn’t could you? I wonder if someone asked writer Roger Avary, “How can we put a perpetual nightmare on the big screen?” It’s almost as if Avary had one of these nightmares and somehow was able to put his thoughts on paper – which is still impossible to translate onto the big screen.

In TriStar Pictures’ big screen adaptation of the popular video game, the eerie and deserted ghost town of Silent Hill draws a young mother desperate to find a cure for her only child's illness. Unable to accept the doctor's diagnosis that her daughter should be permanently institutionalized for psychiatric care, Rose (Radha Mitchell) flees with her child, heading for the abandoned town in search of answers -- and ignoring the protests of her husband (Sean Bean). It's soon clear this place is unlike anywhere she's ever been. It's smothered by fog, inhabited by a variety of strange beings and periodically overcome by a living Darkness that literally transforms everything it touches. As Rose searches for her little girl, she begins to learn the history of the strange town and realizes that her daughter is just a pawn in a larger game.

‘Silent Hill’ could easily have been the next GOOD ‘Hellraiser’ movie, as the film brings to life not only an uncomfortable tone, but numerous horrifying creatures and incoherent situations. Director Christophe Gans creates a film along the lines of a children’s fantasy such as ‘Dark Crystal’ or ‘The Neverending Story’ – only it truly is a horror pic.

There is absolutely nothing organic in the film, everything feels and appears to be fake. Even when Rose is walking through set pieces something tells us that this is not reality. Taking many notes from Carpenter’s classic ‘In the Mouth of Madness’, this tale of terror is frantic and completely fictitious, sometimes to be scared you need to believe that this is possible; you get none of that in ‘Silent Hill.’

What works for and against Gans’ vision is the linier line that the tale is told. Like many children’s fantasy films the creatures are placed in front of us one-by -one, and as the movie progresses we see cooler and cooler designs heightening the experience. The story is of no importance and all we care about is “what will we see this time!?” Rose starts at point A and is following laid out clues to get to point B, while all along trying to survive losing her mind in bizarre and deranged situations.

As she follows the trail, a siren sounds every 15-minutes or so and everything goes pitch black – that’s when the evil comes. Much like prior pics like ‘Blair Witch’ we become instructed to understand that when the siren sounds, sh-t is going to hit the fan, and when the lights come back on you can breathe easy. Nothing is a surprise in the film, everything is simply laid out and executed in a way that even a two-year-old could follow… that is until the end.

The end of the film features one of the most violent and insane slaughter sequences since ‘Hellraiser III’ when JP Monroe unleashes Pinhead in his night club. People have their flesh ripped right of their bodies, they’re torn apart limb from limb and even destroyed from the inside out! If you want a vision of hell, you’re going to get it.

Christophe Gans stops at nothing to ensure that horror fans get a visual feast of violence, brutality and gore. The FX work is astounding and really captures the atmosphere, the fantasy so-to-speak. The film looks gorgeous as it’s constantly snowing (I should note that it’s snowing ashes, not snow).

And as much as the film is incoherent, there is still a fantastic sub-story about the history of the town. The idea that there’s a town that you can’t go to because there are still fires burning beneath the ground is truly an exceptional idea. But what will hurt the film in the long run is that non-organic touch that will ensure that people don’t connect with the characters, the story or anything else for that matter. The funny thing is I would say this is the type of film that you’d stick in front of your child and then go cook dinner, but obviously that’s not what you'd do. I guess what I’m trying to say is if you can still appreciate a film from your childhood, then maybe you can keep your attention focused on this unorthodox horror pic.

A masterpiece? I don’t think so -- A cult classic? It just might become one.

Good or bad, I think that ‘Silent Hill’ will be one of the most talked about horror films in years.

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Eu vi um Spot de Tv da MTV Americana' date=' é apareçe um bicho totalmente bizarro, nunca vi anda igual!, olhem!



não sei se já é de conhecimento de vcs, mas se vcs quiserem baixar vídeos do youtube pra salvar no pc, usem essa página aqui


é só copiar o endereço da janela onde está sendo executado o vídeo pro campo que aparece bem no topo da página, na caixa ao lado seleciona a página de onde vem (no caso, you tube) e é so baixar... só que o arquivo de vídeo é .flv, então tem que converter pra outro tipo... eu uso esse programa aqui, muito bom.

http://www.erightsoft.com/SK1d1.html ( o download do programa tá beeeem no fim da página)

ps.: dica pra fãs que querem colecionar tuuudo hehe

to super empolgado pra assistir, adoro esse tipo de terror.

head's_bullet2006-4-21 19:50:37
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Ao que parece' date=' o filme terá uma história subjetiva, assim como os jogos. Não é todo mundo que vai entender, provavelmente o povão vai odiar. Ótimo.[/quote']eu vou adorar




Bem, eu não posso dar essa certeza. Mas tudo indica que vou gostar tbém.

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