Members Jack Ryan Posted September 6, 2012 Members Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 Não, não criei um tópico em minha homenagem, hehehe. Acontece que o personagem mais célebre do escritor Tom Clancy vai ganhar uma nova versão para o cinema. Depois de ser interpretado por Alec Baldwin (Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho), Harrison Ford (Jogos Patrióticos e Perigo Real e Imediato) e Ben Affleck (A Soma de Todos os Medos), desta vez o personagem será levado às telas por Chris Pine (o capitão Kirk da nova versão de Jornada nas Estrelas). A sinopse no IMDb diz que Ryan, ainda um jovem analista da CIA, descobre um plano russo para desestabilizar a economia americana através de um ataque terrorista. Sua esposa Cathy será interpretada por Keira Knightley. Pelo que eu li, há um plano para englobar o universo de Jack Ryan, dando um reboot na franquia centrada no personagem e ao mesmo tempo explorando outra personalidade central das tramas de Tom Clancy, o super-espião John Clark. Eu sempre quis ver uma adaptação para o cinema de Sem Remorso, livro que trata do passado de Clark. Além disso, acho que uma cinessérie que já começasse tendo como objetivo de longo prazo contar a estória do livro Ordens do Executivo poderia render algo extremamente impactante. É um monte de material, difícil de adaptar, mas sonhar não custa nada, hehehe. Sobre este filme, gosto do estilo do Branagh. Gostei das atuações que vi do Chris Pine (em particular como Kirk), embora ainda não tenho tido nenhum momento de genialidade. Não é segredo que não gosto da Knightley. Enfim, deposito minhas esperanças de que Jack Ryan tenha finalmente um grande filme. CACO/CAMPOS 1 Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted September 6, 2012 Author Members Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 Primeiras imagens: Quote Link to comment
Members Tica Posted September 6, 2012 Members Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 Tá se promovendo que eu sei! Quote Link to comment
Members CACO/CAMPOS Posted September 6, 2012 Members Report Share Posted September 6, 2012 Eu acho muito bom os filmes realizados pelo Harrison Ford e Ben Afleck e um bom personagem que pode ser muito bem aproveitado no cinema atual já que a espionagem e sempr interessante, o Branagh vai entrar no gênero de ação o casting pra mim ta legal. Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted November 20, 2012 Author Members Report Share Posted November 20, 2012 First Official Image Of Kenneth Branagh’s Jack Ryan Villain 0 Posted September 13, 2012 by John Upton in News Feast your eyes on the first image of the rather dapper looking villain (and director) of upcoming Jack Ryanmovie, Kenneth Branagh. Though we saw a glimpse of the director/actor in yesterday’s photos, today we get our first official look. The new movie to feature Tom Clancy’s hero Jack Ryan will be called, in a move of creative genius, Jack Ryan. For those keeping score, the character has already been played by three separate actors. Ben Affleck portrayed him in The Sum of All Fears, Alec Baldwin in The Hunt for Red October and Harrison Ford in both Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger. Personally, I found all these films enjoyable action romps and would expect the same from the upcoming movie featuring Chris Pine as the titular hero, who has already proven his action credentials in Star Trekand Unstoppable. The film will be the first in the series not adapted from an existing novel and will also star Keira Knightly as a love interest, Kevin Costner as a mentor figure and James Earl Jones possibly reprising his previous role in the franchise. Branagh, who most recently was seen prancing around in a silly hat pretending to be Isambard Kingdom Brunel in the Olympic opening ceremony, has shown that he can handle directing action with Thor and so should be safe hands for the franchise. He is also a fantastic actor and so the villain role should be easy work. I’m not certain what his evil master plan is, but judging by the photo it may involve putting iconic tourist attractions into soft focus…the fiend. The film is currently shooting and will be in cinemas next December. So unfortunately, you still have a year before you can see Kenneth Branagh looking stern and talking on a phone up on the big screen. Are you looking forward to seeing a new take on Jack Ryan or would you rather have seen one of the old Ryans back in the field? Let us know in the comments. Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted January 14, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted January 14, 2013 ‘Jack Ryan’ Set Visit Preview: Cast Talks Re-Invention of Tom Clancy’s Character 6 days ago by Niall Browne Screen Rant visited the London set of Jack Ryan and spoke to stars Chris Pine and Kevin Costner, producers Mace Neufeld David Baron and Lorenzo di Bonaventura, as well as the film’s director (and co-star) Kenneth Branagh about bringing Tom Clancy’s literary hero to the screen. This is only a short preview of the set visit; we’ll have a much more in-depth piece later in the year, as the release date for Jack Ryan approaches. For now, this is just a taster to whet the appetite for what could be one of this year’s biggest hits. Titanic 100 100 years after the Titanic sank, learn the truth about what Ads by Google The previous Jack Ryan films (The Hunt For Red October, Patriot Games, Clear And Present Danger and The Sum of All Fears) were stylish thrillers that were critically acclaimed and very successful at the box office; the Ryan character has previously been portrayed on screen by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck. That’s a tough act to follow, but Paramount Pictures seems confident that it has a winning combination, scheduling the film for release on Christmas Day 2013 and castingStar Trek’s Chris Pine in the lead role. It looks like the film is coming together nicely and everyone seems happy with the work being done. Like the previous films in the series, it would appear that Jack Ryan will deliver a strong politically-driven story alongside the thrills – making it the ‘thinking person’s action franchise.’ Kenneth Branagh spoke about what attracted him to the film: The script arrived and was ‘unputdownable’. I knew the previous films, I’d read some of the books – simple as that. It came out of the blue, I was going to be making another movie, it went away and this one came to me and I read it and I responded very strongly to it. It’s the kind of film that I go to see. Lorenzo di Bonaventura discussed the success of the Jack Ryan Character: For me, what I see most of all is that’s he’s an everyman. ‘ Everyman’ is probably the wrong word because he’s living in a kind of extraordinary place, his education isn’t exactly everyman – but what I think I mean by that, is that when you’re watching a Jack Ryan movie you’d hope you’d do the same thing. He’s not Bourne. Kevin Costner on his character, William Harper: Some guys are born for management and some guys can straddle it and go back and forth, they’re more comfortable in the field, don’t mind being there. Some guys were never meant for the field. I think he’s a person who can straddle. Chris Pine on the challenges of playing Jack Ryan: With Bourne for instance, Bourne has his body. He’s physically adept at kicking ass. Bond looks great doing it, he’s kind of brooding and complicated but he wears a suit well and drives great cars. The challenge with Jack is how do you make dynamic his smarts? His weapon is his brain. He thinks and moves with his mind, faster than other people. In the Clancy plots, the lead is the story itself. In The Hunt For Red October , I thought the plot with Connery was even more fascinating that any one of the particular characters. I think with the Ryan character, the challenge is to excitingly move the plot forward. Maybe the challenge, I guess is to kind of … you can’t rely on anything in particular. You have to let the thinking do the work, I guess. That’s all for now – but Screen Rant will have a more in-depth report from the set of Jack Ryan later in the year, where we will hear more from Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Lorenzo di Bonaventura along with producers Mace Neufeld David Baron. Jack Ryan opens on December 25th, 2013. Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted April 11, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted April 11, 2013 Do ET Online (um pouco velhinha já, mas eu não tinha visto antes): Paramount New Pic: A Pivotal 'Jack Ryan' Moment By DAVID WEINER January 31, 2013 The new Jack Ryan reboot doesn't hit theaters this Christmas, but that hasn't stopped Paramount from teasing us with new pics from the movie starring Chris Pine in the title role. The pic, courtesy of USA Today, features Pine and co-star Kevin Costner, who plays a CIA vet who recruits Ryan, an injured Marine, to work as a high-level analyst, teaching him that his intellect is his most potent weapon. "It's always a bit overwhelming," Pine tells the newspaper of taking on yet another franchise character after Star Trek's Captain Kirk. "What I do know is my job is to do my best to bring whatever new colors I have to these franchises." The Jack Ryan storyline finds the Moscow-based Ryan discovering a terrorist plot to collapse America's economy, putting his love (played by Keira Knightley) in jeopardy. Kenneth Branagh plays the film's villain and also directs. The origin story from screenwriter David Koepp will be the first Jack Ryan film not based on a previous Tom Clancy book. "We take the fundamentals of the myth of Jack Ryan and do an original film that was never a book," says Pine. "We're making our own story in a modern-day 2013." The CIA analyst character has been portrayed by three actors in the past: Alec Baldwin in 1984's The Hunt for Red October, Harrison Ford in 1987's Patriot Games and 1989's Clear and Present Dangerand Ben Affleck in 1991's The Sum of All Fears. "He doesn't drive great cars, he doesn't know five different martial arts," says Pine. "He works in the CIA, but he's a normal guy with a normal wife thrown into these extraordinary circumstances." Jack Ryan hits theaters December 25. Quote Link to comment
Members Jack Ryan Posted July 31, 2013 Author Members Report Share Posted July 31, 2013 O IMDb indica que Jack Ryan estreia no Brasil no mesmo dia dos EUA: 25 de dezembro. Quote Link to comment
Members Cremildo Posted October 2, 2013 Members Report Share Posted October 2, 2013 Quote Link to comment
Members Jailcante Posted October 2, 2013 Members Report Share Posted October 2, 2013 02/10/2013 11h34 - Atualizado em 02/10/2013 13h40 Escritor best-seller Tom Clancy morre aos 66 anos Autor faleceu em um hospital de Baltimore, EUA, nesta terça (1º).Ele é conhecido por 'A caçada ao outubro vermelho' e 'Jogos patrióticos'. Do G1, em São Paulo O escritor best-seller Tom Clancy em foto tirada em 1998 (Foto: REUTERS/Eric Miller/Files) O escritor best-seller Tom Clancy morreu aos 66 anos, segundo seu editor confirmou ao jornal "The New York Times". Ele faleceu em um hospital de Baltimore, nos Estados Unidos, na noite desta terça-feira (1º). A causa da morte não foi divulgada. O autor norte-americano é conhecido por livros como "A caçada ao outubro vermelho", "A soma de todos os medos" e "Os dentes do tigre". "Ele era incrível de se trabalhar", declarou ao "NYT" Ivan Held, presidente do G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Suas obras ganharam versões cinematográficas como, por exemplo, "Caçada ao outubro vermelho" (1990), dirigido por John McTiernan e estrelado por Sean Connery; "Jogos patrióticos" (1992) e "Perigo real e imediato" (1994), ambos protagonizados por Harrison Ford. Mais de 40 jogos baseados nas histórias e teorias de Tom Clancy foram lançados. Nos games, Clancy ficou conhecido por ter títulos baseados em seus livros e por ter sido consultor em séries famosas como “Splinter Cell”, “Rainbow Six”, “Ghost Recon”, “EndWar” e “The Division", que será lançado para os videogames de nova geração, o PlayStation 4 e o Xbox One. Clancy foi fundador do estúdio de games Red Storn Entertainment em 1996, que produziu os primeiros jogos baseados nas histórias do autor. A produtora Ubisoftx comprou o estúdio em 2000. O último jogo com o nome de Clancy foi “Splinter Cell: Blacklist”, lançado em agosto. No game de espionagem o jogador controla Sam Fisher, um superespião norte-americano que deve lutar contra o terrorismo. Seu último livro, intitulado “Command Authority", tem lançamento previsto para 3 de dezembro nos Estados Unidos. Quote Link to comment
Members Jailcante Posted November 29, 2013 Members Report Share Posted November 29, 2013 Operação Sombra: Jack Ryan | Veja o novo pôster do filme com Chris Pine e Keira KnightleyKevin Costner também estrela o longa dirigido por Kenneth BranaghNatália Bridi28 de Novembro de 2013 Operação Sombra: Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit), filme da Paramount que contará a origem do personagem de Tom Clancy, ganhou um novo cartaz, divulgado com exclusividade pelo Omelete: Na premissa de Jack Ryan, o agente (Chris Pine) é mandado a Moscou para trabalhar como consultor financeiro de um bilionário. O empregador, na verdade, arma para que Ryan leve a culpa por um ataque terrorista ao sistema financeiro dos EUA. O herói precisa, então, correr para limpar seu nome e salvar sua esposa, que foi pega como refém do bilionário. Kenneth Branaghfaz o vilão russo, Keira Knightley vive a mocinha destemida e Kevin Costner encarna o mentor de Jack Ryan.David Koepp (Indiana Jones e o Reino da Caveira de Cristal, Homens de Preto 3) é o autor da versão mais recente do roteiro. Além de atuar, Kenneth Branagh também dirige o longa. Operação Sombra: Jack Ryan estreia em 17 de janeiro nos EUA e em 24 de janeiro no Brasil. Quote Link to comment
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