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July 13-15, 2012


Studio Estimates

Actuals to be reported Monday afternoon.


space.gif<<Last Weekend <Last Year View Index: By Year | By Weekend TW LW Title (click to view) Studio Weekend Gross % Change Theater Count / Change Average Total Gross Budget* Week # 1 N Ice Age: Continental Drift Fox $46,000,000 - 3,881 - $11,853 $46,000,000 - 1 2 1 The Amazing Spider-Man Sony $35,000,000 -43.6% 4,318 - $8,106 $200,900,000 $230 2 3 2 Ted Uni. $22,147,000 -31.2% 3,303 +47 $6,705 $158,993,000 $50 3 4 3 Brave BV $10,695,000 -45.5% 3,392 -499 $3,153 $195,596,000 $185 4 5 5 Magic Mike WB $9,030,000 -42.3% 3,090 -30 $2,922 $91,850,000 $7 3 6 4 Savages (2012) Uni. $8,735,000 -45.5% 2,635 +7 $3,315 $31,466,000 $45 2 7 6 Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection LGF $5,600,000 -45.0% 2,004 -157 $2,794 $55,628,000 $20 3 8 8 Katy Perry: Part of Me Par. $3,735,000 -47.7% 2,732 +2 $1,367 $18,588,000 $12 2 9 9 Moonrise Kingdom Focus $3,662,000 -19.0% 924 +40 $3,963 $32,427,000 $16 8 10 7 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted P/DW $3,500,000 -53.5% 2,285 -576 $1,532 $203,732,000 $145 6 11 10 To Rome with Love SPC $2,539,000 -18.4% 744 -62 $3,413 $8,658,000 - 4 12 12 Marvel's The Avengers BV $1,287,000 -40.6% 747 -378 $1,723 $613,548,000 $220 11 13 15 Snow White and the Huntsman Uni. $999,000 -43.5% 677 -475 $1,476 $151,607,000 $170 7 14 14 Prometheus Fox $940,000 -48.2% 559 -546 $1,682 $124,269,000 $130 6 15 16 MIB 3 Sony $875,000 -47.9% 497 -382 $1,761 $174,800,000 $225 8 16 21 Beasts of the Southern Wild FoxS $775,000 +107.2% 81 +62 $9,568 $1,677,000 - 3 17 11 People Like Us BV $761,000 -65.3% 961 -1,094 $792 $11,162,000 $16 3 18 13 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Fox $750,000 -61.4% 655 -1,002 $1,145 $35,898,000 $69 4 19 17 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel FoxS $600,000 -19.0% 342 -17 $1,754 $42,990,000 $10 11

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A tragédia influenciou negativamente a renda inicial de Batman. Projeções apontavam figuras entre 175 e 200 milhões; na sexta-feira mesmo, com base nos números das sessões da meia-noite projetavam 185 milhões - mas o site Deadline Hollywood, que recebe informações diretamente dos estúdios, publicou que abaixaram a estimativa para 163 milhões. TDK, em 2008, estreou com 158.

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Até ontem arrecadou somente 162 milhões, entre eua e canadá e o valor ficou abaixo dos 173 milhões de dólares projetados no sábado baseando-se nas receitas de sexta-feira.

Antes do incidente, as previsões para as bilheterias eram de vendas por volta de US$ 170 milhões a US$ 198 milhões de sexta-feira a domingo, pouco abaixo do recorde de US$ 207 milhões de dólares estabelecido pelo filme de super-heróis

Os Vingadores em maio.



diante disse parece que o cavaleiro negro vai ficar na 2ª base msm..::

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Os mercenários 2 estreia em primeiro no circuito

Filme com heróis de ação conquista a sétima melhor abertura do ano, com arrecadação de R$ 8,4 milhões e 704,9 mil espectadores. Os estreantes Intocáveis e Procura-se um amigo ficaram em quinto e oitavo, respectivamente.


n09top5.gif As maiores bilheterias do fim de semana

dias 31/1/2 - por renda filme renda (R$) 1 OS MERCENÁRIOS 2 8.442.829,00 2 O DITADOR 1.360.117,00 3 BATMAN - O CAVALEIRO DAS TREVAS RESSURGE 1.178.159,00 4 O VINGADOR DO FUTURO 1.056.155,00 5 INTOCÁVEIS 965.014,00

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007 - Operação Skyfall chega a US$ 800 milhões no mundo todo

Mas nos EUA, com inflação corrigida, é apenas o quarto filme da franquia em bilheteria.


Skyfall acaba de ultrapassar a marca de US$ 800 milhões no mundo todo e, sem correção histórica de inflação, já é o maior sucesso da franquia nas bilheterias, à frente de Cassino Royale, que fez US$ 600 milhões em 2006.


Oficialmente, pela soma do BoxOfficeMojo, o vigésimo-terceiro filme da série de James Bond acumula US$ 790 milhões, mas territórios onde Operação Skyfall é distribuído pela MGM ainda não divulgaram os números do fim de semana, apenas onde o filme é lançado pela Sony. Assim, a barreira dos US$ 800 milhões já está extra-oficialmente quebrada. Como Operação Skyfall ainda não estreou no Japão e na China, esses valores tendem a crescer.


Segundo a inflação corrigida, Operação Skyfall é o quarto filme mais bem sucedido da série nos EUA. Com seus US$ 226,27 milhões feitos do país, fica atrás de três produções dos anos 1960: Com 007 Só Se Vive Duas Vezes (US$ 285 mi), 007 Contra Goldfinger (US$ 526 mi) e o campeão de bilheteria 007 Contra a Chantagem Atômica (US$ 593 mi).

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Do Box Office Mojo:



Which 2013 Movies Could Earn $1 Billion?

by Ray Subers

ironman3_IM307.jpg Iron Man 3  

March 13, 2013

At the beginning of 2008, only three movies—TitanicThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King andPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest—had earned over $1 billion worldwide. Flash forward five years to early 2013, and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journeyhas just recently become the 15th title to reach that illustrious milestone. 

With the addition of 3D ticket pricing and the rapid expansion of the foreign market in areas like China and Russia, reaching $1 billion definitely isn't all that it used to be. Still, it hasn't lost all its prestige, and hitting that mark remains an undeniable sign that a movie is a global sensation. 

Four 2012 movies reached that coveted level, though only one (Skyfall) was a major surprise. 2013, on the other hand, doesn't have as many obvious choices, and it's therefore unlikely we'll once again see four $1 billion titles. 

Excluding Jurassic Park—which will obviously pass $1 billion thanks to its 3D re-release—here's a look at the 2013 movies that could ultimately reach $1 billion, along with what we think the odds are of that happening.

Iron Man 3 (May)

Instead of viewing Iron Man 3 as a sequel to Iron Man 2($624 million), it's more beneficial to view it as a spin-off featuring the most-popular character from The Avengers(sorry, Hulk, but Tony Stark/Iron Man is still easily the most widely-liked member of the team). That movie ranks third all-time with over $1.5 billion worldwide; if Iron Man 3's drop from The Avengers is in line with that of recent spin-offs X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Puss in Boots, it will absolutely earn over $1 billion. Odds: 60% 

Star Trek Into Darkness (May)

Star Trek Into Darkness looks like a massive blockbuster, but it's coming off a 2009 predecessor that only managed to earn $128 million overseas. Into Darkness is clearly designed with a foreign audience in mind—director J.J. Abrams was mandated to make it 3D, and it appears like a large portion of the movie is set in futuristic London—and four years of positive word-of-mouth on the 2009 movie will significantly increase demand for this one. Still, it would need to get past $600 million overseas, which would be an unprecedented overseas jump.Odds: 5%

Fast & Furious 6 (May)

2011's Fast Five put the Fast & Furious franchise in a great position: not only was it by-far the highest-grossing entry yet with $626 million worldwide, but it was also a major crowd-pleaser that featured the kind of post-credits twist that has had fans chomping at the bit for the past two years. The previews for Fast & Furious 6 deliver all the car-related destruction these fans expect, while also presenting a new story and new location (London/Europe). Still, it's entirely possible that this series is nearing its ceiling, and a 60 percent increase worldwide is hard to fathom. Odds: 25%

Monsters University (June)

Monsters University is the third Disney/Pixar sequel in the past four Summers; the first one, Toy Story 3, is the highest-grossing animated movie ever with $1.06 billion, while Cars 2 underwhelmed a bit with $560 million.Monsters, Inc. is a very well-liked Pixar movie, but isn't put on quite the same pedestal as the first two Toy Storymovies. Also, instead of actually moving the story forward, Disney/Pixar opted to go the prequel route, which means the story itself won't be nearly as essential for audiences. If Monsters University turns out to be a return to greatness, then $1 billion is a possibility, but don't count on it. Odds: 15%

Despicable Me 2 (July)

In 2010, Despicable Me introduced audiences to the Minions and earned over $543 million worldwide. As well-liked as it is, though, history suggests it has no chance of reaching $1 billion: in fact, using other recent closely-timed animated sequels as comparable titles, it's unlikely that Despicable Me 2 makes it past $700 million. Odds: 10%

Thor: The Dark World (November)

Coming off The Avengers, the second Thor movie will clearly do better business than the first ($449 million). Still, the title character isn't nearly as popular as Iron Man, and so it's doubtful that it holds on to more than half of The Avengers's $1.5 billion. Odds: 20%

catchingfire_catchfire2_2.jpgThe Hunger Games: Catching Fire (November)

At the domestic box office, The Hunger Games earned an incredible $408 million, which is more than any of the Harry Potter or Twilight movies. Unfortunately, it was a modest overseas performer with $283.2 million. In much the same way as the Twilight franchise experienced a huge overseas bump from the first to second movie, though, so should The Hunger Games, and a foreign total for the sequel in the realm of $500 million wouldn't be surprising. That still makes $1 billion tough to reach, but if a non-3D movie is going to do it in 2013, it's going to be Catching FireOdds: 40%

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (December)

Each Lord of the Rings movie earned more than its predecessor, and by that logic The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug should be able to top An Unexpected Journey $1.02 billion. No matter how vocal the fans are, though, it has become abundantly clear that An Unexpected Journey isn't as well-liked as the original movies. Therefore, it's going to take an impressive marketing effort to get Smaug to avoid the modest three percent dip that would put it below $1 billion. Odds: 50%

"Original" Movies

Only three "original" movies—as in, not sequels or prequels—have ever earned $1 billion worldwide. Two of those movies were made by James Cameron (Avatar and Titanic), and the third (Alice in Wonderland) owes at least a tiny amount of its box office to goodwill generated by Avatar a few months earlier. All of this is to say that the odds are extremely low that an "original" 2013 movie reaches $1 billion. 

Oz The Great and Powerful had a miniscule chance of performing similar to Alice in Wonderland, though any and all hope was squashed when it opened considerably lower than Alice on an overseas basis this past weekend (around 50 percent lower across major markets). 

With Zack Snyder's stylish direction, guidance from Christopher Nolan, and the addition of 3D pricing, June's Man of Steel has a lot going for it. Still, the movie would need to earn nearly three times as much as 2006's Superman Returns, which is a near impossibility. 

Johnny Depp has starred in three $1 billion movies (a record), and Lone Ranger's marketing has been pushing thePirates of the Caribbean connection. Unfortunately, its previews have been met with a lukewarm reception so far, and Westerns are a notoriously tough sell overseas.

Finally, with its skyscraper-sized robots going up against giant monsters, July's Pacific Rim is sure to do great business in Asia at least. The rest of the world, though, is another story, and coming anywhere close to $1 billion is a stretch.


O artigo aponta filmes que poderiam chegar a um bilhão de dólares em bilheteria mundial, e coloca como mais prováveis Homem de Ferro 3 (60% de chances), O Hobbit 2 (50%) e Jogos Vorazes 2 (40%). Dentre não-sequências diretas, diz que é difícil que filmes assim atinjam a barreira do bilhão (só Titanic, Avatar e Alice no País das Maravilhas conseguiram), mas aponta como filmes que podem ter um pouco de esperança Lone Ranger, Pacific Rim e Superman: O Homem de Aço, embora não atribua muita ênfase a nenhum dos três.

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Os maiores fracassos do cinema em 2015
Johnny Depp, Chris Hemsworth e Sean Penn estrelam filmes do ranking.



A revista Forbes elegeu os maiores fracassos do cinema em 2015. O primeiro colocado foi Rock the Kasbah, comédia que tem no elenco Bill Murray, Bruce Willis e Zooey Deschanel.

O longa custou US$ 15 milhões e arrecadou US$ 2,9 milhões no mundo inteiro. O Franco-Atirador, com Sean Penn, e Hacker, de Michael Mann e com o Thor, Chris Hemsworth, completaram o pódio dos três primeiros - eles arrecadaram 10 e 19 milhões de dólares, respectivamente.

Abaixo, confira o ranking com as dez primeiras posições divulgadas pela revista, ordenados pela rentabilidade que obtiveram na relação orçamento/arrecadação:

1 – Rock the Kasbah - Custou US$ 15 milhões e rendeu US$ 2,9 milhões – Rentabilidade = 19%
2 – O Franco-Atirador - Custou US$ 40 milhões e rendeu US$ 10,7 milhões – Rentabilidade = 27%
3 – Hacker - Custou US$ 70 milhões e rendeu US$ 19,4 milhões – Rentabilidade = 28%
4 – Negócios Fora de Controle - Custou US$ 35 milhões e rendeu US$ 14,4 milhões – Rentabilidade = 41%
5 – Jem e as Hologramas - Custou US$ 5 milhões e rendeu US$ 2,3 milhões – Rentabilidade = 46%
6 – Self/Less - Custou US$ 26 milhões e rendeu US$ 12,3 milhões – Rentabilidade = 47%
7 – American Ultra: Armados e Alucinados - Custou US$ 28 milhões e rendeu US$ 15,4 milhões – Rentabilidade = 55%
8 – Música, Amigos e Festa - Custou US$ 6 milhões e rendeu US$ 3,6 milhões – Rentabilidade = 60%
9 – Sob o Mesmo Céu - Custou S$ 37 milhões e rendeu US$ 26,3 milhões – Rentabilidade = 71%
10 – Mortdecai - Custou US$ 60 milhões e rendeu US$ 47,3 milhões – Rentabilidade = 79%[/media]

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Twisters fez uma excelente estréia..então vc olha pra trás e vê que o filme "O Dublê" foi mal na bilheteria e saem análises e mais análises diendo que o cinema morreu..ele não morreu.....O Dublê é que é ruim, vi ontem. Fraco, sem ritmo e sem inspiração é um "wanna be cool movie" só que não é.....


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