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Ford vs Ferrari (Christian Bale e Matt Damon)

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Baseada em fatos, a história de Ford vs Ferrari acompanha Carroll Shelby (Damon) e Kevin Miles (Bale), que lutaram contra a interferência corporativa, as leis da física e seus próprios demônios pessoais para criar um carro de corrida revolucionário para a Ford Motor Company competir com a Ferrari em um evento de corrida na França, em 1966.
A direção ficou por conta de James Mangold, de Logan.
Ford vs Ferrari estreia em 15 de novembro.


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On 8/31/2019 at 3:41 PM, SergioB. said:


Ford v Ferrari

First Reactions:

Kris Tapley: FORD V FERRARI is pure excellence. Classic, robust filmmaking. Emotional in hard-earned ways. I’ll watch it over and over again forever. It’s James Mangold’s finest hour and a hell of a way to start Telluride this year.

Erik Anderson: FORD v FERRARI is every bit as thrilling and suspenseful as you’d expect. Great performances all around too but Christian Bale wins this race.

Matt Neglia: FORD v FERRARI is a solid, roaring, muscle fueled film from James Mangold about setting aside ego & pushing each other beyond our limits. Long but entertaining. Bale has the flashier role than Damon but both turn in strong work.

Jasonosia: It doesn’t break any new ground, but I had a lot of fun here. Contains quite possibly the greatest racing footage ever shot. Also, mighty refreshing the one time Bale plays a character in his own ill-tempered skin just happens to be his career best performance.

Scott Mantz: A fascinating, gripping, visceral adrenaline rush, but also a rousing, heartfelt & moving film about passion, loyalty & friendship! Matt Damon & Christian Bale are sensational! It’s “The Right Stuff” on wheels

Priscilla Page: saw and loved Ford v Ferrari, a story I already knew well that still felt gripping and tense. visceral, poignant, beautiful to look at. Christian Bale’s performance is (unsurprisingly) exceptional. I don’t think I’ve ever seen racing look – or sound – so good in a movie before.

Mark Johnson: revs on all cylinders, with Christian Bale’s piston-pumping performance leading the film across the finish line. Editing, cinematography, and score are all top-notch achievements, but the sound work dominates the film. Could be a big contender below the line

Anne Thompson: a hard-driving percussive emotional story of brothers in arms that left me in tears. Matt Damon and Christian Bale kill it

Gregory Ellwood: Ford v Ferrari is an edge of your seat drama with great performances with Matt Damon and Christian Bale, among others. Yes, that sounds like a pull quote but I was actually on the edge of my seat

Quotando do tópico do Oscar....reações positivas ao filme...

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‘Ford Vs Ferrari’ ultrapassa a marca dos US$ 100 milhões nas bilheterias mundiais

Por Nefferson Taveira
Publicado em 24/11/2019 às 15:11
Em apenas dois finais de semana, o aclamado ‘Ford Vs Ferrari‘ conseguiu ultrapassar a marca dos US$ 100 milhões nas bilheterias mundiais.

Nos EUA, o longa acumula US$ 57.9 milhões. No mercado internacional, são US$ 45.8 milhões.

Ao total, a produção já arrecadou US$ 103.7 milhões mundialmente.

Vale destacar que o filme foi aclamado pelos críticos (92% de aprovação no Rotten Tomatoes) e conseguiu uma nota A+ dos espectadores, o que deve garantir uma boa estabilidade nas telonas e gerar ainda mais buzz para as principais premiações em 2020.



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