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Oscar 2013: Previsões


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Espero que esse filme seja um desbunde, assim tira o Ang Lee da minha lista negra - Aconteceu em Woodstock, que vi semana retrasada, foi um balde de água fria para mim, que estava tentando desbravar a filmografia dele. :angry:

Pois é. Eu não gostei de Woodstock nem de Lust, Caution. Mas gosto bastante de Hulk...

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Ontem no Manhattan Connection, falaram de um filme que o Richard Gere faz um banqueiro (não lembro o nome). O comentarista lá gostou e falou que pode rolar uma indicação pro Gere, mas o Lucas Mendes fez questão de discordar.


Difícil imaginar o Gere sendo indicado (ele já foi, algumas vez?), mas agora depois de velho, o pessoal pode querer indicar por "consideração da carreira" ou algo assim... Sei lá.

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Tweets entusiásticos sobre As Aventuras de Pi:


Anne Thompson@akstanwyck

Ang Lee's transcendent Life of Pi reminds that film can heal and inspire. It will play for global critics, audiences and award givers.


Edward Douglas ‏@EDouglasWW

Life of Pi is equal parts Slumdog, Benjamin Button and Titanic, which means A.) it's a guaranteed BP nominee and B.) I absolute loved it!


david ehrlich ‏@davidehrlich

LIFE OF PI (B+): a clunky framing device reduces this from epic to allegory, but the stuff at sea is painterly, divine, and bracingly new.


Matt Patches ‏@misterpatches

Life of Pi: Thrilled there's so much heart and humanity behind Ang Lee's stunning visual feast. #NYFF


Nathan Donarum@nathandonarum

My feed was full of skeptics going into 'Life of Pi', including a tiny bit of Ang Lee-bashing. Coming out, there's absolutely none of that.


Pete Hammond ‏@DeadlinePete

Ang lee's Life of Pi is aa visual masterpiece and instant Oscar contender. Look for mutiple nomminations including best picture.


Sasha Stone ‏@AwardsDaily

It's hard for me to put into words how Life of Pi moved me - greatly, deeply. I'm an atheist so ...Ang Lee is a genius. And that is all.


Kristopher Tapley ‏@kristapley

Excuse me while I wipe my Life of Pi tears. It's clunky at times but overall quite affecting.


david ehrlich ‏@davidehrlich

LIFE OF PI: people say the cinema is dying, and yet films like this prove that it's *still* just being invented. #NYFF




Anne Thompson: http://blogs.indiewire.com/thompsono...e-of-pi-review


Tapley: http://www.hitfix.com/in-contention/...e-oscar-season


Variety: http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117948443/


Hollywood Reporter: http://www.indiewire.com/article/des...rouching-tiger


Indiewire [b+] : http://www.indiewire.com/article/des...rouching-tiger


David Poland: http://moviecitynews.com/2012/09/rev...he-life-of-pi/


Pete Hammond write-up: http://www.deadline.com/2012/09/earl...h-nyff-launch/


Village Voice mini-review: http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runnin...ily_revi_1.php


Cinemablend rave: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Revie...cle-33230.html


Indiewire-ThePlaylist [A-]: http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplayli...overy-20120928


Film.com [b+]: http://www.film.com/movies/review-life-of-pi-2012


Emanuel Levy [A-]



Spirituality and Practice [5/5]



Edward Douglas/Comingsoon.net [A rare [9.5/10]



A near-perfect film, one of the must-experience films of the year and destined to be a classic.



Hollywood.com [4/5]



Village Voice mini-review: http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runnin...ily_revi_1.php


Cinemablend rave: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Revie...cle-33230.html


Indiewire-ThePlaylist [A-]: http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplayli...overy-20120928


Film.com [b+]: http://www.film.com/movies/review-life-of-pi-2012

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Eu acho que está todo mundo surpreso com esta reação ao filme do Ang Lee. Seria ele uma espécia de Histórias cruzadas do ano? Terá um bom número de indicações, inclusive na categoria principal, e participará de quase todas as premiações, mesmo sendo no máximo razoável - ou totalmente detestável para certos usuários do fórum, hehe.

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